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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. sure is. the very same stage featuring one of the best musics in video game history. mm2 is indeed relatively easy (especially compared to 1) and one of the main reasons for that is this OP fella: - hyper economical. - fires in 8 directions. - effective against multiple robot masters (including the ability to even one-shot himself). - even his stage is one of the easiest so starting with him is a no brainer. ... the platforming is rather mild, too imo. thanks to this thread i got inspired to finally check out out 9 and 10 via emulator. both very nice indeed (figured 10 is kinda underrated) and decidedly harder than the classics (or my skills just got rusty). but the music doesn't hold a candle to the first 4 titles imo, those are nothing less than works for the ages.
  2. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    Wow, this is like the elyc6 0nset of bullshit. seconded. bit forced.
  3. pretty much this, although i do realize it's kind of an unfair comparison considering the vastly differing scales, but tac alone pretty much beats anything on exai for me in terms of "wow". yeah i know it's practically another chapter of exai but with a good half a year between release dates to me they totally feel like singular entities with their own personal histories of reception etc. the consistency also not only applies to the releases as a whole but singular tracks as well: to me some exai tracks could be excellent but suffer from just minor details here n there that rub me in a not-so-perfect way, mostly concerning tunefulness. whatever, like i said nevertheless awesome (but in regard to their overall oevre not neccessarily "envelope pushing") release, still feel things have only been ramping up since then.
  4. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    Yeah, pretty happy with it, don't regret buying it although I did take a long time to decide. A release of this quality needs showcasing on the walls. Just scouring amazon for a descent 70x50 clip frame to put it in. Wonder what frames the others ended ended up in, or if anyone just stuck some blue tack on and postered it. What's that 86-16 at the bottom? arrrglmpfglrx....... on the brink of caving in before they're gone... kinda surpised they're actually going that fast considering tdr's apparently still sitting on aevstdr14 prints. would you mind posting maybe just one more pic for an impression of the scale to push me over the edge? :3
  5. exai<l-event<ae_live=elseq imo, still great album. second half of fleure is some of the best they ever done. 11is, nodezh, spl9 winners, too. irlite was an aquired taste for me, another stand-out by now.
  6. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    /thread /music /mankind /likesrsly /etc.
  7. gesualdo is proper sick yo, specially 5th and 6th books of madrigals! dude is like the varg virkernes of mannerism, killed his wife n shit... Yeah crazy music and dude!I would add the 4th book to that list.Check the La Venexiana recording.Probably my favorite classical record ever. Amazing beyond belief.Their recording of Io Tacero is the single most heart wrenching thing ive ever heard.! If you can get it,please do you wont regret it! With the 4th you see the remorse and madness is starting to get to his brain but still havent do absolute damage. Its more melancholic than pure darkness like the 5th and 6th. Gesualdo is a genius in my opinion(mad genius that is)!Most intense vocal music ever written!It cuts your soul into pieces. I have not cry more to any other composer or musician/music than Gesualdo madrigals. Io Tacero,O dolorosa gioia and Moro Lasso are some of the most amazing music ever written. But i think to fully get him,you have to have experienced, or being experiencing extremely intense psychological pain yourself.If you are doing quite well,you will just think its weird music. But if you are suicidal,in depression or mentally ill the music will hit you like a ton of brick, because his music is like the perfect musical equivalent of these feelings.Anyway its how i feel. I have not find the La Venexiana recording of Io Tacero,all the recording there is on youtube are 10 times less intense than their version but this one is ok: Here La Venexiana recording of O dolorosa gioia,most beautiful singing i know of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvBFxefFlHk Nice dramatic recording of Moro Lasso,the second part of the madrigal is pure pain: cheers for the recommendation dude... yeah it's been a while with the gesualdo, around 2008 after learning about him while visiting donaueschinger musiktage i checked out as much as i could find and 5th and 6th just stood the most, probably because they're the most in-your-face effed up. will give 4th a relisten and look out for that particular recording :) edit: moro lasso=hit!
  8. Wow that crucifixus is magnificent!Goosebumps in the beginning!Beautiful! true. ^ knows is shit.
  9. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    what's in a name? -- marvin owdigger
  10. in the light of current events: moar white spirit! (-> 3:38) teasing, deceiving telling your lies cheetah... pretending If i know i’ll kill you!! ugh!
  11. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    actually scratch that: krakow 54:30, first signs.
  12. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    @AJW: in fact it's in every set brussels (53:35) onwards.
  13. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    aye, fair enough. anyway, "this is supposed to be a happy thread, let's not bicker and argue about who embarrassed who". —i think it's safe to say by now that this release henceforth completes my "no1 ae" list to a holy trinity (lp5,draft, elseq). impeccable.
  14. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    * has flashback of ae live track-naming* *shudders* would you mind explaining why those (admittedly somewhat arbitrarily) made up referencing systems rub you in a way of being so pathetic? as i see it it was just a little game to get away from abstruse time specifications "41.45 min so cool", but whatevs. das because they're on different records, durr! wat you mean? nothing rly, sry.
  15. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    k i do feel kinda bad now :I ... but fascistic "trve"-fanboiism and the fact the guy is still a kid aside: watch it. it is a bad review, in form and content. (imo.) das because they're on different records, durr!
  16. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    You come off as if you are just upset that he said something you disagree with, so you say he should never express his opinions online. That sounds pretty bad. Conflicting opinions lead to truth. It's fine if you disagree with him, but if you do, you should maybe actually explain why you do and on what points like the posts beneath you did. Is your issue with the fact that he released a review after only having listened to it once? I guess that's somewhat valid, but the fact that these are just first impressions don't make his opinions worthless. yeah sorry i know it's a free world, i just don't get why just because you are free to express yourself you always should, especially in such a format if everything you have to say comes down to "yeh so i like melody, this track has some, next less so, hoo boy it's a long ass release". such impressions and analyses are rather easily attained yourself just by listening to some dang snippets and reading release notes. i just don't understand the narcissistic reflexes behind this "so yeah i made some completely trivial observations let's upload shit on the tubes". whatever. while i do feel his opinions are completely worthless it's not like i'm commenting on his video to hurt his feelings. goodspeed to him and you alike. (of course i agree about your conflicting opinions point, but tbh that's not what my criticism was about at all)
  17. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    dafuq is that leek and who does he think he is to feel the need to damp the webs with his frivolous opinions gilded with some endlessly ruminated info as "review"? i mean srsly what is it with kids nowadays having to publicize every fucking poop that crosses their minds online?! and others even upvoting it?! ... i feel like a grumpy asshole poking fun at the little guy but he's asking for it so very much :(... but i digress... so he listened to the thing ONCE in one sitting and then went on to inform the world of his impressions? i'm just lost here :/.
  18. haha yeah... the biggest asshole however was the probably unchangeable jumping trajectory... those fuckign stages man D: urgh ..... also doppelganger randomly spawning within you... cool game. once i figured you gain your partner's lives for killing him in mode B i was able to beat it :).
  19. the fucker! his brother bolo would always throw me out of the heli in part 2: :(
  20. fuuuuck that game was the death of me and my fingers! ... and some t-shirts, too, which i used to tighten around the tips of my thumb and trigger finger then rub dat shit on the A button to gain speed... it's weird to explain but worked well for me, less so for the cloth. problem was the thing was a present from a cousin who was fed up with it and noone had the manual so on some events i just had no fucking clue what to do like fucking high diving and horizontal bar eww... only 20 odd years later i managed to complete the olympic campaign for the first time with an emulator... not in my wildest dreams would i have imagined somehting like THIS was lurking inside the game: how freaking cool is that? and i even had a light gun D: ... also fondly remember being totally impressed by synthesised voices... like the grunts during arm wrestling lol, fucking hilarious: ah the memories. thanks!
  21. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    on tracks like feed1, c7, eastre, TBM and pendulu c mayyybe... the rest? don't think so, no way in hell. i mean c'mon 13x0 is a fucking opera in itself... You could say the same thing about a huge chunk of AE_LIVE but that didn't stop them from doing it on the spot in front of an audience, no? well, the live set was incredibly detailed and ever morphing alright but pretty much "everything all of the time". elseq tracks feature intricate buildups, sidesteps, "drama", sequences of high density clashing with monolithic passages, tiny singular events vs. seemingly established patterns, sometimes the whole organism just breaks apart and reassembles (those infamous dropouts), in the intro of 13x0 step there's the echo of a rave riff escalating which hardly returns in the rest of the track, only in tiny fractures... sometimes it's actually the restraint that makes the release feel so very carefully laid out to me compared to the live set. could be wrong but that's just how it sounds to me. and like i already said: if you are right and the "actual" album / major release / whatever is in fact yet to come we're all winners anyway so whatevs i'm the happiest fanboi right now :3 edit: wait a sec that wasn't you right? lel XP anyway u are of the jammy faction U MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!
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