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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Some retired academic has a new theory on where MH370 may have entered the ocean. You can read his paper here. I read it and while I am certainly no expert in Doppler shifts and burst frequency offsets, it seems he makes a decent case. However, he comes off to me like a bit of a weirdo (the academic loner weirdo is a strange but not unfamiliar type to those who regularly read academic literature in any field). Seems to me in my somewhat naive analysis of his paper that he puts a lot of weight on assumptions that the pilot chose the "PL hole" deliberately as an extremely difficult-to-search resting place. While that does fit the narrative of the widely-accepted theory that Zaharie was responsible and had deftly evaded detection to the best of his ability, it's something that simply cannot ever be proven. It's unclear whether or not this dude's paper will undergo peer-review and be published, but we'll see. For anyone interested, here's a nice, fairly objective article from 3.5 years ago on the consensus at the time.
  2. A neutral network of my brain would produce this instead Is anyone actually asking for this kind of shit or will these dumbass techbro companies keep sucking up venture capital to generate useless crap?
  3. Not a joke: https://electrek.co/2024/08/28/tesla-cybertruck-caught-fire-hitting-fire-hydrant-bizarre-crash/ but the headline is misleading. Looks like the hydrant ripped open the undercarriage and battery casing and damaged some cells, hence the fire.
  4. When someone at a Silver Mt. Zion show shouted out, "bring back Godspeed!", during the GYBE hiatus, Efrim replied, "you bring back Godspeed; all you need is 4 chords and a loooong runway".
  5. https://cstrecords.com/products/cst183 https://godspeedyoublackemperor.bandcamp.com/album/no-title-as-of-13-february-2024-28340-dead https://godspeedyoublackemperor.bandcamp.com/track/grey-rubble-green-shoots
  6. These things are always a gamble, and if one has billions of dollars, one can gamble on Musk (he depends on this for his livelihood). Hopefully this has butthurt enough rich people that Musk will be left in the cold the next time he has to go around holding the donation bin for some dumbass idea.
  7. My household has had 5 EVs since 2017 (2 currently), none of them Teslas. Sure, in 2015, 2016 there were few options for good EVs except the Model S and X, but now there are tons of options in almost every vehicle category, nearly all of which are better than Tesla in pretty much every way except for the fast-charging network (which will soon be open to everyone). At this point in time, anyone who gets a Tesla that is not a disciple of Elon is either severely ignorant, a sheep, or still thinks it serves as some sort of a status symbol.
  8. Wow, that's gross. OK I can fire back with another business idea. Someone needs to make a company that makes & sells comfortable and subtle facial prosthetics or glasses or whatever that disguises your face and confuses this AI bullshit.
  9. This won't happen until shit gets bad enough where public outcry outweighs the pipeline of $$$ that oil & gas is pumping into the gov't. That balance has a long way to go.
  10. We don't necessarily need to teach science but rather critical thinking, or better yet the scientific method. If you approach any situation with an open mind and the scientific method, it's hard for lies and misinfo to get through regardless of your knowledge on a given subject. Part of that is also saying, "I don't know and I'm going to reserve judgement until I have more info..." if you're still not sure. But that seems like a very tall order in today's media and social media ecosystem.
  11. This is why every chance I get I scream at people to by god do your research and VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES, at every level. Almost none of the candidates I vote for in the primaries make it onto the ballot because people are generally lazy and vote for the name they've heard the most, which in primary races is usually the "establishment" candidate whose campaign spent the most money. Not to mention that voter turnout in primaries is probably abysmal at best. IMO, if we want to bring about meaningful change, primary elections are much more important than general elections.
  12. My guess is that it would be similar to 2020. They'd all ride the slow-motion "big steal" rollercoaster saying it was stolen, fabricating "fraud" incidents and filing a bunch of court cases that go nowhere. They'd be threatening judges, elected officials, etc., but I don't see outright violence straight away. Let's be honest, most of his die-hards are the crazy, lazy, troglodyte type.
  13. Totally believe this, but it will take at least two complete cycles of dumbass business leaders to actually listen instead of trying to sell it to the C-suite.
  14. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4788663-andy-ogles-impeachment-articles-kamala-harris/amp/ Well, that didn't take long.
  15. My parents bought records for me and my brothers like the Ghostbusters soundtrack and superman music, stuff like that, when we were really little but the first record I bought for myself was probably Black Moth Super Rainbow. I got into vinyl later in life. First CD was the down in it single by NIN, first cassettes were Boyz 2 Men "Cooleyhighharmony" and Rage Against the Machine s/t.
  16. Agree, but hopefully this movement would peter out eventually with no candidates to vote for. These people may be motivated but when things aren't easy, I'm guessing they're not the most resourceful bunch.
  17. If they lose, there's absolutely nothing that could've been done to prevent them from claiming fraud. This again goes back to my theory that a large chunk of Trump's base (and the chuds they have subsequently elected) did not by-and-large participate much in the political system in the past because they don't trust the system. For someone who doesn't trust the system, they'll stay mum if they win of course but if they lose, well, the system is rigged again. You can't win against these people, even with a bandolier full of easy-to-verify facts. "Rigged" is their default setting. The only way to get things somewhat back to normal is for these people to have no candidates to support, then hopefully they'll crawl back into their lairs and just mutter to their spouses / family / neighbors about how much the system is rigged instead of going out and voting that sentiment. Sure, these people have always existed, but it seems that they've grown in number in the past few decades and I really wonder why. I'm sure the widening wealth gap is a major contributing factor. It's easy for not-so-bright normies working hard day in and day out, seeing their savings and purchasing power stagnate while the rich get richer, to postulate that the whole system is rigged.
  18. I don't care about cloudy / sunny skies and rainy weather. I'm pale af and also grew up in one of the cloudiest places in the US (northeast Ohio). I much prefer cloudy/drizzly and mild to 35 C in the summer and -15 C in the winter. Right now here we're at about 90% of days in the past month being over 32 C / 90 F high temps.
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