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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Turned in a literature review, a book review and gave an hour long presentation on the Japanese bubble and crisis from 1985 to 1998. Last day of classes this term. 3 more papers to get done by the 19th/20th.
  2. you're within spitting distance from here! did you go to Banff to go boarding or just stopping there on the way to cowtown? Went there to meet up with family - just a quick weekend trip. Now it's back to more FWPs - another analysis of the Japanese financial crisis for my comparative political economy seminar. Complete with literature review and presentation due on Wednesday morning.
  3. It's -1000 here in Banff so no snowboarding. :(
  4. I'll trade you intelligence for money;) A/D did a fine jerb on the avatar :woot: Lol a drink of coffee!!
  5. If I were smart i would have gotten an MBA years ago, become upper management by this age (39) and been snorting gigantic lines of the purest cocaine off of one of my many mistress's (who are only with me for the money, but that's ok, i'm only with them for the sex) asses. Instead I'll be lucky to crack 12,000 gross this year and still another 6 months of school left before the MA is mine. Smetty - shoot for crack-addled madman - you could become the Zizek of historical analysis!
  6. chenGOD


    Nobody shoved anything anywhere. It's not exactly a paywall, if you register for free you get a certain number of articles for free/month. And FP is usually pretty good.
  7. chenGOD


    Are there any watmmrs who have more than 800 bitcoins? Also a little more substance on the China angle http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/12/05/china_cracks_down_on_bitcoin
  8. I don't know about smetty, but I love doing this kind of work. If I could get paid to do it I would be over the moon.
  9. Yes! I have 2 book reviews and a presentation next week and 3 term papers due by the 19th.fuck it, we'll do it live
  10. Fucking union guys at the hotel I'm currently assigned to are so fucking anal about making sure no one does anyone else's duties.
  11. I don't have an avatar. someone make one for me. And also I'm too old to apply for a parliamentary internship position. Can I sue for discrimination?
  12. chenGOD


    Has anyone here used vault of satoshi? I'm thinking about investing in ltc... Edit: never mind answered my own question about arbitrage. Who was coding up a bot on here? any luck with that?
  13. Listening to track 4 on Pop over and over...and over and over...blisssssss
  14. Oh Zlatan: "One thing is for sure, a World Cup without me is nothing to watch so it is not worthwhile to wait for the World Cup,"
  15. Mouth breather sitting next to me on the bus.
  16. chenGOD


    It holds value, sure, but again that's artificially driven and additionally you can't use it as a currency (try walking into your local 7-11 with some gold leaf and buying something)... I think I've made the argument on here before, but gold has value only because people believe it does. Also what interest rates? You think low interest rates are a problem? why? you are not forced to buy whole coins. I'm talking about mining. yeah but that was the purpose of mining all along no? The purpose of mining was to make it harder to mine so that a decentralized currency could become centralized?
  17. chenGOD


    why? you are not forced to buy whole coins. I'm talking about mining.
  18. chenGOD


    This demand is driven by artificial scarcity (and a healthy dose of stupidity if you ask me). The really sad thing is, bitcoin has been driven away from their original purpose of becoming an alternative, decentralized currency. As the process of mining bitcoins becomes more and more capital intensive, the currency becomes more and more centralized (as the barrier to entry becomes higher) and thus you end up with a currency much like any other - run by a select few elites. And with the price of bitcoin driven so high by currency speculators, it makes little sense to purchase them to use as currency. but don't mind me, i'm just an old fuddy-duddy who doesn't even see the supposed intrinsic value in gold
  19. chenGOD


    Remember, they're only worth that if someone actually buys them off you for that price.
  20. chenGOD


    WATMM bitcoin investment fund?
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