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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Apologies for coming off as condescending - I know you're an intelligent dude. And I don't think the TPP will do much to help the economy - I'm not arguing in favour of it. I'm just saying that a) the TPP is not a secret negotiation, and b) it will have little effect on your actual life. Now I'm off to my own FWP - grad school
  2. Knowledge of the TPP has been available for years. The exact details might not have been known, but the process has been pretty public since the beginning of negotiations. As I stated, the exact details were not known until now, but did you really think that governments negotiating huge trade deals would go backward on "Intellectual Property"? In April of this year the US government trade website explicitly stated they would strengthen IP protection and enforcement: http://www.ustr.gov/about-us/press-office/fact-sheets/2013/april/non-tariff-measures-consultations-japan This is still a draft resolution and is hardly concluded. Besides - if China doesn't hop on board, the TPP is useless, as they are the ones who are being targeted with various provisions. Additionally, the rules on "IP" shouldn't be the ones to worry you - it should be the removal of nation's ability to restrict capital flows. So it's hardly what I would call secret. The NSA wire-tapping program, that was secret. Just because the general public can't be bothered to read about it, doesn't mean it's a secret.
  3. Sign me up for the Joey barton fanclub [swoon]
  4. Is a despairing, soul-crushing sense of uselessness and futility a FWP?
  5. How the fuck are you supposed to write papers without smoking?
  6. Ashley Young is a fucking embarrassment. One signing I wish Fergie had never made. Also fucking lol at Allardyce laughing at el-Chico-Flores..
  7. chenGOD


    I didn't listen to the report, just read the article.
  8. chenGOD


    lol the RT guy is dumb as fuck How so? I'm just astonished at the difference in the buy/sell rate. "As of Tuesday morning, Bitcoiniacs said it was buying bitcoins for CAN$183.21 a piece and selling them for $207.37 to $211.32, according to CBC." That's between a $24-$29 difference!!
  9. chenGOD


    First bitcoin ATM opened in Vancouver yesterday. http://rt.com/news/first-bitcoin-atm-canada-932/
  10. Worked too much. I'm a fetus.. Flol also lol hah hahh fucking portland.
  11. You should tell that squirrel that although your need for a car is simply a byproduct of the social constructs that make up your reality, you would very much appreciate it if the squirrel doesn't....ah fuck it, burn the squirrel down.
  12. I think last time I had that problem I simply ran my truck thru a car wash and it did the trick. But there might be some cheaper options discussed here: http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/23231-how-safely-remove-dried-bird-dropping.html Unfortunately, last time I tried going through a car wash, it didn't completely remove the bird shit. That method looks interesting, but seriously it's a lot. Plus I don't have any auto detailing spray. lol. the FWPs just keep building.
  13. Stupidly parked my car under a tree before I left to Japan for two weeks. Came back to a car covered in fallen leaves and bird shit. Best way to remove bird shit?
  14. I quite like the Lana Del Rey song from "The Great Gatsby".
  15. People all over the world rely on who they know. As for the question, yes with no hesitation. Japan or Korea, maybe somewhere in Europe. My korean friends always asked me if I missed my family and I always said "not really". A phone call or email plus occasional visits gives enough contact for me.
  16. I too am saving for lasik. I've got a screening appointment next week. I've worn glasses since I was 9 or something, been wearing contacts for the last few years. I'd just like to wake up in the morning and be able to see clearly without needing either, I don't like the dependency. Exactly. People who don't need glasses/contacts don't realize what a pain in the ass they are. Side note: woke up one morning after a night of heavy drinking with perfect vision in my left eye. thought I had been miraculously cured but alas I had merely forgotten to take out my contact lens in that eye before passing out. :)FML
  17. I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them. Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery. Non-glasses-related FWP: writing mock policy briefs is boring as hell.
  18. I'm slow on the draw like a horse named mcgraw, but finally got around to buying this - loving it. I can see this becoming one of my favorite autechre releases.
  19. None of the YouTube links in threads here work on my phone. Fucking what the fuck.
  20. Flol quoted for some goddamned truth. The man who cures baldness is the newest mega billionaire Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  21. ありがとう!My spelling is awful, I'm sloppy with it.
  22. わたしも日本語をべんきょします。ちょっとむすかし、でもきょみぶかいです!
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