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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. Chelsea vs. Arsenal last week was a LOL


    How's that? I mean besides the missed header by the Arsenal defender and Anelka missing a sitter, i thought the match was really good (as a neutral, though I was hoping for a draw). Certainly miles better than our shite effort against Sunderland, good lord.



    if battles is considered math rock, then surely helmet must be as well?

    Based on what, having shared a drummer? :wacko:



    Based on helmet using irregular time sigs and quite "angular" (whatever the fuck that means) chord progressions/harmonies. Even their big hits like "in the meantime" had these characteristics.


    So whys it called math rock then ?

    timing changes and key changes and whatnot. not exactly a great genre name, but neither is idm so ya knooooow.


    Sounds to me as this is close to progressive rock.


    Apparently prog rock is considered a big influence, but math rock has a harder edge than prog.


    lol at mathcore.

  3. Mascherano to Barcelona for 17 million pounds? Jesus fuck, no way is Mascherano worth that much to that club. Where the fuck is that hack going to get a match in the Barca side?





    Liverpool also received a bid from Inter Milan, now coached by Hodgson's predecessor Rafael Benitez.


    But former Fulham boss Hodgson dismissed the offer from the Italian side saying: "We received a fax about Mascherano [from Inter], but it was a joke fax."


    Edit: If Mascherano got the most cards in the Premiership last season, what the fuck is he going to do in La Liga?

  4. Thanks, robert moses. I'll try and pick that up for some good fiction.


    Current reading:

    The Lexus and the Olive Tree (it's funny reading it with 10 years hindsight to see how overhyped the internet was).

    The Political Economy of Japan

  5. just finishing..




    How does that compare with Eco's other works? I've read "The Name of the Rose" and "Foucault's Pendulum" (i think I preferred "Foucault's Pendulum, but it's a tough choice...).


    Currently reading for the chen:


    Barrington Moore: "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World"

  6. Yeah and then go up to mean looking lesbian and call her a fat dyke cunt, then go up to a nazi and call him a faggoty nigger-kyke, also document it so i can keep living under the approval of people who can threaten me with physical violence

    who said anything about physical violence? could just be a heated confrontation followed by a severe verbal dressing-down. in fact, most of the similar situations i've seen have ended like that. you'd be surprised what shame does to people.


    No one, but it's assumed these days that a black guy will rough you over for sayin such things in his presence, and was essentially what chengod was getting at (can you hear him already preparing his contrarian post?), and it irritates me that people will censor themselves for fear of offending those who can hurt them. It's one thing to hold your tongue out of politeness, respect, but another to refrain because of some linguistic territorial bullshit.



    that is in fact exactly what i meant - and the point was not to censor out of fear, rather to show that the word still causes offense to black people - I'll let Murs illustrate it for me:


    Any white boy who thinks he knows my struggle

    Cause he listens to Pac and his adrenaline doubles

    Now I ain't got problems with you being yourself

    But when you front and use the N word, it just don't help

    I might not trip, and your friends'll laugh at you

    But I know some real niggaz that'll straight up slap you

    Now you could be down, but let's act growed up

    Cause we ain't the same color when police show up

  7. god damn i just finished typing this whole thing out then accidentally hit the back button...fuck here goes again:


    about a week ago my brother said the n word in the presence of me, my white friend, and his black gf. it was directed towards me ("what's up, nig?") and he didn't realize that there was a black person in the room at the time. my brother is 16 years old and thinks it is hilarious to shout things like "niggerpussy" at other players on the xbox. so when he realized what had happened, he didn't apologize, only laughed. i don't think he realizes that most (am i correct here?) people still find the n word offensive (i still do). well they were understandably upset but didn't say anything, just left the house and i was extremely embarrassed.


    the next morning i made that little fucker call her and apologize, and i apologized as well. she and i are still fairly close friends. but her boyfriend is still upset with me and not my brother, which i cannot explain. i tried calling him about 6 or 7 times, and he never picked up the phone. when i saw him in person two nights ago and asked to speak with him in private, his response was in essence: "i can't talk to you in private because i can't be alone with a gay person" (i'm bisexual)


    i know he's joking but i still take offense at shit like that..i can remember him telling me after i hooked up with a friend "you gotta get that taste off your breath".


    maybe i won't get sympathy here but thought i'd put it out there


    yeah, see, your buddy is a hypocrite and an asshole. he says comments like that in order to make you feel ashamed about the way you were born. your little brother is just immature. his use of the word nigger was not to marginalize, it was slang. who's really the bad person in this bunch? who is really the bigot here? it's really not fair.



    Words have meaning - if they didn't they would be useless. This word has a particular meaning, which implies that the person it is directed toward is sub-human. Ignorance of the meaning of the word is acceptable - once. To be frank, it's pretty hard to see how a person in America cold not know of the meaning of this word.



    I think you're stereotyping. I really don't think all people find "the ni word" offensive. 50CENT and his ballers have made this word totally acceptable, as long as its being used as casually as "dude," because then there's no like "omg" energy behind it.



    Do you live in the US? Then go up to any black guy and say "What's up nigger." Please youtube for extra lulz.





    # Yaya Toure has revealed why he snubbed Manchester United - because he has a better chance of success at arch-rivals City.


    # Martin O'Neill's woes at Aston Villa are mounting as Tottenham want to lure away Ashley Young.


    # Liverpool's Javier Mascherano is set to join Inter Milan.


    # Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp is facing a battle to get his top transfer target Craig Bellamy because of his age and injury record.


    # Argentine striker Milton Caraglio is due in England on Monday to finalise a £5million move to West Ham from Rosario Central.


    # Blackburn boss Sam Allardyce is ready to swoop for Emile Heskey.




    # Nemanja Vidic has agreed a whopping £18million deal to stay at Manchester United.


    # Manchester City new boy Yaya Toure rejected a switch to rivals United.


    # West Ham chiefs fear they are losing the battle to cling to midfielder Scott Parker.


    # Sven Goran Eriksson is back in the frame to take over as Fulham boss.




    # Chelsea and Manchester City are locked in a two-way battle to sign £25million Benfica defender David Luiz.


    # Alex McLeish is set to tie himself to Birmingham for the next three years.


    # West Ham are set to do battle with Wigan for free agent Mikael Silvestre.


    # Arsenal are ready to launch a £10million bid for Per Mertesacker - if Everton refuse to budge on Phil Jagielka.




    # Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich is preparing to land a significant blow in his transfer battle with Manchester City by sanctioning a £27million raid on Benfica for defender David Luiz.


    # Mark Hughes has re-emerged as a candidate to replace Roy Hodgson as Fulham manager.


    # Ipswich target Michael Chopra has launched a staggering attack on Cardiff's owners and now looks ready to quit the club.




    # Yaya Toure revealed he snubbed Sir Alex Ferguson before signing for Manchester City in a clear indication Eastlands money is shifting the balance of power in Manchester.


    # Cesc Fabregas willnot be bullied by Barcelona into handing in a written transfer request to Arsenal.




    # Martin O'Neill will attempt to make his peace with James Milner on Monday after the furore that broke out over the Aston Villa manager's handling of the player's projected move to Manchester City.




    # Manchester United have ended the uncertainty surrounding Nemanja Vidic's future by reaching agreement with the Serbia international over a lucrative contract extension.




    # Manchester City have gained the upper hand in their attempt to sign James Milner from Aston Villa.


    # Sven-Goran Eriksson is still interested in replacing Roy Hodgson as Fulham manager, after a deal for Martin Jol fell through, according to the Swede's agent.

  9. babar - what you describe is commonly referred to as ethnic violence or ethnic discrimination. prior to the idea of ethnicity (which is a modern concept itself) I suppose the difference would be based on tribal/religious affiliation.

  10. the word nigger comes from niger which I don't think makes a value judgment...?


    Being French is not a race. if being French were a race, you wouldn't have issues between french people with black skin and white skin.

    When i say racism, I mean racism, not xenophobia. Just to be clear we understand each other - Xenophobia means fear of something foreign to your social group - that can be of people of the same race, but from outside your social group. racism refers to the 4 classical "races" (African, Asian, Caucasian, Indian) (is that right? I feel as if I'm missing a race).

  11. What? I don't think gaarg is a racist.

    i do think your understanding of what racism actually is needs to be looked at strongly. Racism is not just another way of distinguishing things: it is the belief that "races" have certain characteristics which can be applied universally, and that because of the universal characteristics one can rank the "races".


    if you say "most drug dealers in france are arabic" then i would assume you have some statistical evidence. if you couldn't produce any, then I would have to assume that you are prejudiced.


    I still have a hard time dealing with the fact that so many people here think the word is acceptable to use, and that it doesn't have any social meaning.

  12. just remember - George Bush Hates Black People


    George Bush is a Cunt. (i'll be dead this time tomorrow)



    hey now hey now....don't besmirch the cunt by conflating that evil blood sucker with it. Cunts are beautiful.

  13. Context is important of course. Here's some context - ricky's little bro has never had the word "nigger" thrown at him as a epitaph insinuating that he is a worthless piece of crack-smoking shit. He's never been denied a job cause he's a nigger. He's never been spat on cause he's a nigger.

    people are always on about how "oh them darkies should just man up and forgive and forget". Fine. How about we stop reminding of it then?

  14. god damn i just finished typing this whole thing out then accidentally hit the back button...fuck here goes again:


    about a week ago my brother said the n word in the presence of me, my white friend, and his black gf. it was directed towards me ("what's up, nig?") and he didn't realize that there was a black person in the room at the time. my brother is 16 years old and thinks it is hilarious to shout things like "niggerpussy" at other players on the xbox. so when he realized what had happened, he didn't apologize, only laughed. i don't think he realizes that most (am i correct here?) people still find the n word offensive (i still do). well they were understandably upset but didn't say anything, just left the house and i was extremely embarrassed.


    the next morning i made that little fucker call her and apologize, and i apologized as well. she and i are still fairly close friends. but her boyfriend is still upset with me and not my brother, which i cannot explain. i tried calling him about 6 or 7 times, and he never picked up the phone. when i saw him in person two nights ago and asked to speak with him in private, his response was in essence: "i can't talk to you in private because i can't be alone with a gay person" (i'm bisexual)


    i know he's joking but i still take offense at shit like that..i can remember him telling me after i hooked up with a friend "you gotta get that taste off your breath".


    maybe i won't get sympathy here but thought i'd put it out there


    yeah, see, your buddy is a hypocrite and an asshole. he says comments like that in order to make you feel ashamed about the way you were born. your little brother is just immature. his use of the word nigger was not to marginalize, it was slang. who's really the bad person in this bunch? who is really the bigot here? it's really not fair.



    Words have meaning - if they didn't they would be useless. This word has a particular meaning, which implies that the person it is directed toward is sub-human. Ignorance of the meaning of the word is acceptable - once. To be frank, it's pretty hard to see how a person in America cold not know of the meaning of this word.

  15. so much fail.


    and yet:

    Thicker lips, ability to walk very smoothly, dark skin, a lot are said to have great athletic capabilities and I believe they sound a bit different from white folks. Best stand up comedians ever too. I only know black people from tv, since there are only a few in Slovenia.

    So much win.

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