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Posts posted by chenGOD



    I don't care what Keith says, Octagon is still by far the best thing he's done IMO. I've heard some of his other stuff and to me it just never hits the same spot.


    The first record Dr. Octagonecologyst is fucking on point, untouchable really. The second one hardly counts as Dr.Octagon release.

    Kool Keith - Black Elvis almost as good.

    Dr. Dooom both albums are fucking solid, great shit.

    I gotta give it lsightly to Dr. Dooom but Blue Flowers and Girl Let Me Touch You There are probably my two favorite tracks...

  2. Buffalo Bill's


    who used to

    ride a watersmooth-silver


    and break onetwothreefourfive pigeons justlikethat


    he was a handsome man

    and what I want to know is

    how do you like your blue-eyed boy

    Mister Death


    ee cummings


    The board formatting fucked that....just link to this:




    If anyone liked house ofleaves, you'll love e.e. cummings...


    Also MF DOOM muthafuck yes.



    Tripping off the beat kinda, dripping off the meat grinder

    Heat niner, pimping, stripping, soft street minor

    China was a neat signer, trouble with the script digits

    Double dip/bubble lips, sorrow less midget

    Borderline schizoid, sort of fine tits tho

    Pour the wine hold the grind, quarter to nine, lets go

    Ever since ten eleven, glad she met a brethren

    Then his last style seven alligator, seven at the gates of heaven

    Knocking, no answer, slow dancer, hopeless romancer, dopest flow stanzas

    Yes, no Villain, Metal Face the death stroke

    Guest shows, still incredible in escrow

    Just say hoe, I will taste the yayo, Wild West style fest, y'all best to

    lay low

    Hey bro, Day Glo, set the bet, pay dough

    Before the cheddar get away, you best to get Maaco

    The worst haters God on perpetrated are favors

    Demonstrated in the perforated Rod Lavers

    ... In all quad flavors, large savers

    Still back in the game like Jack Lalanne

    think you know the name, don't rack your brain

    on a fast track to half insane

    Either in a slow beat or that of speed or wrath of Kane

    Laughter, pain

    Doom's songs lit, in the booth, with the best host

    Doing bong hits, on the roof, in the west coast

    He's at it again

    Mad at the pen

    Glad that we win a tad fat in a bad hat for men

    Grind the cinnamon, Manhattan warmongers

    You can find the Villain in satin congas

    The vans screeches

    The old man preaches

    About the gold sand beaches

    The cold hand reaches

    For the old tan ellesse's

    ... Jesus

  3. T.S. Eliot - The Wasteland, The Hollow Men, The Love SOng of Alfred J. Prufrock, The Journey of the Magi, and Four Quartets

    e.e. cummings - he wrote a lot of poems (around 2,900 according to wikipedia) so just grab a collection and dig in.

    Ezra Pound - The Cantos will blow your mind

    William Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Milton and Visions of the Daughters of Albion (and then you should read his prophetic books)

  4. Here's one I can't figure out - apparently, if you save this image to a folder (in Windows XP), the image (if displayed as Thumbnails) will show a robot woman reclining!


    Did somebody manually edit the thumbnail image in the file? I always though Windows generated those on the fly...




    Hmmm interesting. It also works in OS X.

  5. we isolated them .. created 'their own little world' ... their situation reflects our policies ... it would be a very different country now .. if not for this ...





    tons of official Soviet documents were released from Stalin's era where both him and Mao wanted the DPRK on a permanent war economy basis...the Korean peninsula was meant to be a communist base within reach of Japan and nothing else...so to say it was only the Western world that encouraged the regime to grow is complete nonsense.


    a change in our policies would be completely ineffective at this point anyway, its a lose-lose situation. all of the resources we send to the country are relocated by Kim Jong-Il's cadre to the top .05% of the population as a reward for their loyalty, and anything they claim to do for the benefit of the North Korean public is a complete joke of mismanagement and corruption (such as the over fertilization of river soils in 2000-2002 which led to runoff destroying what little crops the village communities had)


    the removal or action against Kim Jong-Il would only result in a gigantic power vacuum which would almost definitely lead to an even more radical and corrupt military junta....china doesn't like the situation ( but its not about to send a task force against its ally and one of the largest standing armies in the world.)


    my point is, the situation would have been fucked either way you look at it.....if we had let the Koreans fight it out themselves, the North Koreans would have surely won and to assume it would have been a socialist paradise contradicts most of the sino-soviet diplomacy from 1940s-present.


    The only problem is...you have to go back a little bit further. Just a few years. Try 1948 (official date of split) or even actually 1945 (when the US and the Soviet UNion decided to say "hey, Korea doesn't matter, we can ignore the pre-japanese colonization boundaries and just split it in half.OK Comrade?")

    In actual fact you can go back to when the US turned its back on Korea in 1905 and allowed Japan to declare it under Japanese provisional rule (after signing an agreement with Korea that it would protect it).

  6. THe Bryson book is good. That one and the one about the english language are his good ones. The walk in the woods one is bullshit, he never walked the whole trail, just parts of it.

    He gets some things wrong in his science book as well as the language book, but stilla good writer for the most part.


    Currently reading: STephen Jay Gould - Leonardo's MOuntain of Clams and the Diet of Worms.


    Also: russian literature is the tits.

    Italo Calvino is god, but slightly overrated as a magical realist.

  7. Pork Soda is their best album, easily.


    Holy Mackerel is my favorite solo deal from Les.


    Primus after the Brown album (which was OK, but not really anything special) has been pretty mediocre....


  8. i bomb atomically

    socrates' philosophies and hypotheses

    can't define how i be dropping these mockeries

    lyrically perform armed robbery

    flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me...





    yes! i would quote the whole thing but i'm lazy


    That's the best verse Deck ever did spit.

  9. mom, i've kept a razor under my tongue

    since i was a small toddler with a tight belt.

    i haven't been able to kiss a woman with an open mouth my friend

    'cause i'm afraid that i'd split her lip.

    is that sick?






    Pffft RZA show 'em how it's done...


    When I was young, I slept with a battery on my tongue

    So when I spit, the impact with the sting of a stun gun

    At full blast, rock your cradle, fatal razorblades graze you

    Split you open, stitch you back wit a staple

  10. In '93, Wu-Tang Clan dropped their first LP

    We went platinum, *whoo-peesh*, yeah we flatten 'em

    Pockets got fat and um, went and got Cap and 'em

    Staten's on the map and um, Brooklyn Zu is bombin' 'em

    All around the world, Killa Beez start swarmin' 'em

    You can't stop us, you can't block us

    Rock us or mock us, knock us or top us

    Better sit back and watch us...


    your panties are wet

    take it easy, don't sweat

    you want some birth control

    you could smoke a cigarette


    Defecate on your best line

    Spit three verses in the cup and get busy

    A wack ass comin this way

    Must be cross eyed and dizzy

    You don't listen enough, see me pissin enough

    Leave ya yellow spots around your bed area

    Defecate around your head area

    Precise when I meet that ass

    And greet that ass, the brain or what

    Defecate on your apartment on Poinsettia

  11. Just finished:

    Salman Rushdie - Fury

    Umberto Eco - The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loanna


    now reading:

    Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer. When I finish that I've got Huckleberry Finn to move onto.

  12. some james bond books


    edit: pretentious twats


    I've already read all of the James Bond books.



    which i spose would reaffirm that you are indeed, a pretentious twat.?


    I guess. Dick Francis books are also awesome.

  13. Just finished reading "Galapagos" by Kurt Vonnegut.


    was my first vonnegut book and got me hooked. just started re-reading it myself.


    In the odd free moment on the subway when I don't have a book, I am reading the collected works of Shakespeare on my iPod.


    just as he would have wanted

    I do all my reading on the subway (90% at least). I don't see a problem with it really. Reading on the iPod is not the best, but at least I don't have to carry around the printed versions of the complete shakespeare...(I have those back in Canada).

  14. Just finished reading "Galapagos" by Kurt Vonnegut.

    Next up is "Fury" by Salman Rushdie.

    In the odd free moment on the subway when I don't have a book, I am reading the collected works of Shakespeare on my iPod.

  15. About to start Chuck Palahniuk's 'Rant' now that it's finally out in paperback.


    i saw this the other day, but i dont know if i have it in me to read another palahniuk book, im not 17 anymore




    why be a dick and make that equation? As if reading his books as an adult is somehow embarassing. fuck off.


    palahniuk is a hack. deal with it.


    but at least he's a fun hack to read.

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