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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 1 hour ago, zero said:

    good idea, except when they get too big and become a major PITA to lug around. I've just been through that recently and am tired of moving stuff in and out due to our just barely freezing winters we get here. it'll be in the high 60's one day, then down to the upper 20s at night the next, which is usually enough to kill potted stuff. I dragged a bunch of large potted plants into our kitchen, then got yelled at by the wife for the bugs starting to crawl out of the dirt. yeah I could keep them in the garage, but that's a lot more work and it'll usually only be a few days when I have to bring them in. oh the trials and tribulations of gardening...

    His is a dwarf though, so I think can get away with a 10 gallon pot, just need to make sure you trim the plant (branches and roots) once a year or so once it's hit full size for the pot.

    Our winters here are brutal, I'm really worried about our fig tree (not a dwarf) once we put it in the ground in the spring.

  2. 11 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    I planted a young black mission fig tree 2 years ago in direct sun and it lasted about a year but got nuked in a horrible heat wave. Luckily I got 2 rounds of figs before it died but it was a tragic loss. 
    I finally got a new fig tree (Violette de Bordeaux… dwarf fig tree) to replace it but was wondering if I should plant it in a shadier spot (between our house and the neighbor’s). I’ve read they need full sun but the new spot is a gamble. Thoughts, anyone??

    Have you considered potting it? That way it is technically movable to more suitable climate during heat waves (i.e. you can move indoors).

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  3. 39 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    centrists calling socialism extremist

    Socialism isn't extremist. The attempted silencing of other voices on the other hand....


    32 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    the enclosures

    I wrote a stupid paper about enclosures. While I do agree there was resistance to the enclosures, there was also a variety of responses. As well, enclosures led to urbanization - which has been done poorly in North America in particular, but the only way we are supporting life on this planet without totally fucking the environment is through urbanization and increased population density.

    Change always brings resistance. Is that resistance always right?

    The Tenant Farmer and his Economic Environs.pdf

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  4. 3 hours ago, Brisbot said:

    This makes me wish there was an IDM/Braindance/etc Historian and/or historian website that showcases the music in both a historical and analytical context.

    This may lack the analytical context you're seeking, but DJ Food's collection of some of his mixes on mixcloud is fucking brilliant and spans a huge range of IDM, electronic, and weirdness. You have to subscribe to access it all, but it's 2.99 a month - you can definitely listen to everything in a month ?

    He also produced this excellent piece on cut-ups which has some analytical context:

    He also did this mix in the immediate aftermath of the first wave of the aphex soundcloud dump, and mixed in a bunch of old aphex interviews (where RDJ does some excellent trolling):


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  5. 5 minutes ago, usagi said:

    alright then, that's that one case. as I said, without knowing more specific details I wasn't coming down on one side or the other in that specific case, I was just expressing a concern about the patients (i.e. the purpose of the work, what is important to society) in the spat between employee and employer. if no lives are lost in the shuffle, I'm not bothered that the workers left and the injunction was dismissed.

    but do you get what I am driving at behind all this? the problem is much bigger than anything that is currently being addressed or proposed. work is fundamental to the functioning of society, and the purpose of it, what it serves for society, should not be trampled on in a rush for shortsighted changes.

    I think the sensationalist antiwork posts suck a lot of air out of the room, so if you only go there from r/all you (not you specifically) can miss a lot of the other less egregious ones which are along the lines of "left for a different job that offers decent pay/benefits/work-life balance etc." Or posts like this one that show what a decent company should be offering.

    Not disagreeing with you that work is fundamental to our society (until we live in a post-scarcity model where everything is fuelled from pure renewables and nanobots will build whatever we need out of the appropriate nano-material), but I don't think there's a whole lot of trampling going on - r/antiwork may be very vocal, but they have 1.7M subscribers. Even if we don't assume half of those are bots, a third of those remaining are foreign actors conducting interference, another third are edgy teenagers who have never had a job, 1.7M people is a tiny percentage of the US labour force. The "great resignation" saw on average slightly higher than normal quitting rates (I suspect that many of those were people who were near enough to retirement already, I haven't looked at the demographics that closely), but in the service industry (food and retail) the resignation rates were significantly higher - which should come as no surprise to anyone with the slightest familiarity with the service industry in the US.


  6. 7 minutes ago, usagi said:

    this is just like the student debt cancellation argument to me btw. a problem which I want to see fixed at its roots but which I take issue with people's shortsightedness on, and with their dumb online herd-driven fixation on low-hanging fruit which doesn't actually solve anything long-term.

    The US can certainly do both though. Biden's administration is on the path to at least begin that: https://www.savingforcollege.com/article/whats-the-current-state-of-student-loan-forgiveness (pausing interest payments is huge - the interest payments on those student loans are ridiculous).

    Remains to be seen what the policy will be on publicly-funded post-secondary in terms of fees moving forward.

  7. 1 minute ago, usagi said:

    yes, you can't have it both ways. as in, you can't rely on the free market argument to amorally justify leaving your position without care for the patients who might suffer as a consequence, while at the same time decrying the free market for how it exploits labour. which is the whole point of this 'movement' or whatever we're calling it. there's a fundamental hole in that argument right there.

    either side fully with the free market and don't complain when you get shit wages and shit working conditions as a natural consequence of that unregulated free market, OR demand something better than which  aims to have good pay/working conditions, good employee/employer relations and a healthy/balanced sense of responsibility for one's work (particularly in a healthcare context where people's lives are at stake) all into the bargain. I'm all for fixing the power imbalance in favour of workers but people need to aim higher. these antiwork types are just massively reducing all the complex parts of that problem down to just "I don't like my job" or "I don't like working".

    also, you know that 7 workers in a squeezed healthcare environment is a huge difference, not inconsequential. I'd like to hear someone make this argument in a clinic hit hard by covid in a poorer quarter of the world.

    I mean the clinic had the chance to respond by offering the 7 workers the same deal (they knew about the employment offers on December 21) but instead chose profits over patients. Apparently the 7 workers are going to a clinic that offers the same level of care and is about 10km away. So it's not like they're moving to a different state.

    That's what these workers did - they asked for better working conditions and all that, and the company refused. Pretty hard to feel sorry for the original clinic.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    anarcho-bidenists is a joke meaning liberals who larp as anarchists.  anyway they should serve their community by actually educating them with proper class consciousness and suggesting solutions more intelligent than this bullshit "antiwork" mentality.  socialism and communism requires work.  life requires work.  life IS work.  we are working machines, working to live. 

    Isn't that what r/communism, r/Marxism, and r/socialism are for? Given your hilarious joke, why would you expect that particular subreddit to educate people about communism?

  9. 2 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    Laura Linney’s character is pretty insufferable in this season. 

    Don't read this until you finish the season:


    The way she acts is 100% unreasonably cruel towards her family, but then you remember all the fucked up shit people do in the real world and you go - oh yeah, that actually does seem believable. The scene that took me out of the show a bit was when she picks the lock on a dresser to get access to some of Jonah's passcodes.


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  10. 20 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    the anarcho-bidenists who run the sub should go fuck themselves for absolutely failing to serve their community of workers in the sub

    Sigh, I know I'm going to regret this, but how do you think the "anarcho-bidenists" who "run" /rantiwork should serve their community of workers in the subreddit?

  11. 2 hours ago, hayhook said:

    They fit the “album narrative”. Like a movie’s “orchestral opening theme”… but, yeah stylistically a bit of a non-fit from the rest of the album. 

    I guess so, but the sound choices were pretty gash I thought (those super gated strings) and the melodic lines were like some low budget SyFy series theme.

    Really enjoy the rest of the album though. Fortunately it's only those two tracks that are only in the cheese realm.

  12. Am re-reading the books (well the first three) cause it has been ages since I read them, and it does make me hope that there will be a super long director’s cut that goes into the politics more. 

    Also apparently Villeneuve is going to do Rendezvous with Rama. I’m excited but apprehensive because the Rama books are some of my fav SF ever, and there is so much character driven material that it would be easy to fuck it up, even for someone as talented as Villeneuve. 

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