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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Man i used to love Mitch Hedburg. i still do, but I used to, too.
  2. You're not wrong there. ?
  3. I always pay for donuts with exposure bucks. I have 92 followers on one of my twitter accounts!
  4. Like I said, I'm an idiot, so I don't always express myself clearly.
  5. Theoretically yes, but it takes more than what's been presented to do so.
  6. I think I explained myself in my response above this one. Reprehensible actors and actions exist in the world, so we have to try and address them while not violating human rights.
  7. I'm not defending them, I'm explaining what the letter of the law says. I'm also wary of granting more leeway to law enforcement to abuse the power they have, because dollars to donuts, you grant them this power to go after right-wing nuts, they will use it to go after left-wing organizers and POC, especially in the US.
  8. The right-wing orgs in the US and Canada are classified as terrorist organizations. So it would be one and the same.
  9. Agreed - are we (general we, not the secret elite mod team at WATMM) powerless to change that though?
  10. He was arrested because he admitted to it: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20210106-who-exactly-is-enrique-tarrio-leader-of-the-us-s-far-right-proud-boys-organisation That's the violation of human rights I'm talking about - you can't prevent them from traveling until they commit a crime. The hooligans in Europe have all committed actual offences, hence they are not allowed to travel (and that ban is easy to get around as well from all my observations of hooligans still traveling to "support" their team).
  11. If you want to erode judicial standards, go ahead. But it should be difficult to prove criminality beyond a reasonable doubt. Actus rea is easy to prove here, but proving mens rea in advance is much more difficult.
  12. My position is logically consistent, there is no straw man. We are discussing symbolism. I'm not accusing sweepstakes of hypocrisy, I'm asking him if he would want the same process applied to those people, and I'm not arguing against the person, I'm arguing the relevant point of law. So no, it is not whataboutism. The thing about ducks is: they're not actually ducks until they quack and walk - so posing in shirts saying MAGA:CIVIL WAR sure could lead to some inquiry, but until they start marching into the capitol building they haven't committed any criminal activity.
  13. I am an idiot, and fully admit it. I'm well aware of what went on beforehand with parler and thedonald. I'm telling you that none of that shit is illegal. I'm also telling you that getting to the legal burden of proof to prove criminality before hand is harder than it appears.
  14. It's nothing like whataboutism: it's presenting an opposite hypothetical scenario where the law could be applied. Che Guevara led a literal fucking revolution, not some fantasy movie, and people in communist outfits wear his shirts all the time. Again, if you had communist organizers wearing a shirt saying Viva La Revolucion, with a date on them, with a picture of Che, would you want them investigated for sedition? Were these guys successful, even with police presence denied to combat them?
  15. Your edit presents hearsay, not evidence. I know how posting like this makes me look, and I want to see these fuckwads brought to justice as well, but I don't want people to throw away the idea of due process and proper criminal investigations conducted through legal measures. So just posting that kind of material in a public forum is not illegal in and of itself, and if there were nothing further, law enforcement can not arrest these individuals.
  16. What if they were investigated and the FBI (or whoever) didn't find evidence to meet the burden of proof required by the courts (you know, the same courts that rightly required evidence by Trump's legal team on their claims of election fraud)? Flip the script: what if these guys were wearing "FUCK CAPITALISM - VIVA LA REVOLUCION" shirts with a date on them. Would you want them investigated?
  17. There is no evidence presented in the article. The links are all to other NY Times articles that discuss the events of the day.
  18. Apparently it's one of those ones that has been appropriated, but I don't think historically it had those white supremacist origins.
  19. Also, this is an interesting thread on twitter about cops "letting people in" Now of course they should have been more prepared, but even when the Maryland Governonr called for back-up, he was denied by Acting Chief of DoD Christopher Miller (installed by Trump weeks before the assault on the Capitol): https://theweek.com/speedreads/959671/maryland-governor-said-repeatedly-denied-authorization-send-national-guard-dc How is that evidence they were going to storm the Capitol building? Everyone knew there were going to be protests for sure. Storming the Capitol building and looking for hostages (the guys with the zip-tie handcuffs)? I don't think so.
  20. I've actually never thought about giving them. Probably - want to fly me to Germany?
  21. You knew that they were going to storm the Capitol building?
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