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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 1 minute ago, zero said:

    I don't understand all the push back toward masks and lockdowns. I mean I'm willing to sacrifice my individual beliefs for the sake of those around me. most people in the US/Europe aren't used to putting their community ahead of themselves, as opposed to in Asian countries

    Sounds like you understand it pretty well, even if you can't directly relate to it.

    This virus is like Thinking Collectively 101, and for the most part, we Westerners are failing hard. Very unfortunate since mitigating climate change is going to require the same collective mindset, but to a much more advanced degree.

    • Like 5
  2. 18 minutes ago, sheatheman said:

    That’s not even what I mean baby!

    I mean, you left a lot up to interpretation. I guess the perspective is a lot different from wayyyy high up on that there horse, pardner?

    • Burger 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, milkface said:

    quite the contrast, voting is like brushing your teeth except instead of toothpaste you can choose between shit, vomit or cum, i'd rather not.

    Very clever! So to extend this analogy a bit, when everyone else brushed for you, it turned out they spat out your least favorite of the three, all over not only the sink but the floor, the walls, and the hallway. Somehow it even wound up in other houses and neighborhoods!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Upset man said:

    Man trump is gonna get another term. I just have this horrible feeling.

    Well it sure isn't a time to be complacent. Or despair, for that matter. 

    Man, if we can vote his ugly ass out, I'm sure not going to miss these meandering strings of superlatives. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    biden is doing fine. holding his own even looking 'strong' and making sense and not stumbling too much. he's making good points within the context of the debate. 

    Yeah when Biden gets stern, I actually want to listen to him. Donnie's still coming across like a petty baby, just less insane demeanor-wise.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    It’s p amazing to see trump floundering so badly in this debate. Like it’s not even close.

    And what’s up with his damn accordion hands as he talks? Is this a meme already?

    I think he's doing better, but yeah. He just seems frustrated and weak. 

  7. I actually only listened to this once. I really liked it, but it's very much not something to leave on in the background, and I haven't made the time to sit with it again with undivided attention. It's kind of nice dreaming about listening to it again, though. I've never had this relationship with an Autechre album before. Very odd.

  8. 55 minutes ago, Nebraska said:



    covid goes thru masks, making masks pointless. so no need for mask mandate.

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk


    All these anti-mask Trumpbots are a very consistent combination of:

    - Stupid

    - Arrogant

    - On a meanness spectrum from petty to cruel

    - Ugly

    I am pretty sure at this point it's not a coincidence.

    • Haha 1
  9. On 10/5/2020 at 11:40 PM, hijexx said:

    RIP commercial movie theaters

    Wonder if there will be any industry to release this to next year?

    I had a bad feeling about movie theaters surviving pandemic.

    Honestly, I feel like the high-budget movie (and airline, by the way) industry really had this hearty kick in the balls coming. It's a shame that so many people are out of work, but the shoveling out of endless sequels and remakes, executive-guided/focus-group-driven/internationalization-ready cinematic decisions, and ridiculous ticket and concession prices (and it's not clear where the fault lies there) really makes it hard for me to be sad for them. I do hope they recover, but with humility and hopefully an increased focus on raisons d'etre that aren't so wholly in service of the almighty dollar.

    I'm more concerned about the smaller independent/arthouse theatres, what's left of them anyway. The ones owned by actual human beings who are part of communities.

    Although Dune clearly goes in the "remake" category I'm excited to see it... wherever that ends up being. This story/universe leaves a lot to the implementers'  interpretation and I'm a fan of the director's other work.

    • Like 5
  10. 33 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

    rude boi giuliani has more evidence today. this time "degenerate crack addict" hunter biden's HDD (not shown) and lots of insight into the inner workings of the biden crime family (print outs he made himself). he says the actual evidence can only be discussed in private due to how graphic it is, but he gives us glimpses into the evil


    "Welcome to Rudy Giuliani's common sense."

    And just like that I was done with this video.

  11. 1 hour ago, user said:

    Thanks for the response.

    The noise might disappear but that wouldn't necessarily mean that that ic is the direct cause of the noise. The delay chip is noisy by design but not this noisy...

    The build document did say to keep the wires on the switches as short as possible (the switches can be implemented in different ways, that's why they're not board mounted, I think) but I can't really go much shorter than this. Maybe I should try using shielded wire. Although shielding the whole thing didn't make any difference and other builds I've seen all seemed to be using unshielded wire. 

    To me the noise sounds like clock whine from the delay chip but I triple checked the resistor that's supposed to dampen it and it's the right value.   

    Yeah, I agree with your impression on the noise, it definitely gives me those vibes. I wonder if you got a dud chip, or somehow fried it? Ugh. Debugging electronics can be so damn frustrating. I don't think the switches are a problem, honestly, but if it was me I would start removing any variables I could, i.e. isolate things as much as possible.

    Are there static voltages you can check at any particular spots? That's given me some clues a few times too.

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