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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 5 minutes ago, hijexx said:

    For all the people who say stuff like (paraphrasing) "Anyone who votes for Trump is a (racist|xenophobe|sexist|transphobe|misogynist|...)" etc...

    No. It doesn't work like that, sorry. Take a look around if you live in the US and realize that it truly is not that black and white. It's way more complex than Orange Man Bad.

    No you're right, it's about pwning the libs and how Sleepy Joe is a socialist boogeyman. Also fetuses and guns.

  2. Just now, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Is there an “IDM nerd in Bristol” polling results page someone in here is referencing? ?

    I may have missed it lol

    Lol I think it was a reference to the "feels" earlier in the thread. Which, shit, it's 2020, who knows.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

    the fact that the race is this close is a sign of a pretty big problem as it reflects the differences within the country. kinda reminds me of the painting in goodfellas  

    "One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?'

    Sure, but that's pretty common knowledge. At least if Biden is elected he's not going to forcefully make that division worse like a barbarian king.

  4. Where are you guys seeing that Biden is doomed? I mean we're not out of the woods for sure but from what I've seen, he's still somewhat ahead and as mentioned there are still fucktons of ballots to count.

  5. 6 minutes ago, sheatheman said:

    the delays on superberry, specifically delay B, is my new favorite effect. it's a very uncanny sound that i've heard in lots of early 2000s electronica and i'm wondering if any of the heads can shed some light on that type of smudged delay and some possible options in the dsp realm. it's kind of like a shimmery sound also, but you can't achieve it using a reverb with the lows cut out of the diffusion network. i'm stumped. usually i'm good at replicating effects with stock ableton plugin combinations.

    i attached a file that has the sound in it.

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag.

    what is this reverb delay sound.mp3 899.49 kB · 4 downloads


    Reverbs tend to be assembled from networks of all-pass and comb filters, with feedforward and feedback respectively. The former can create that smudging effect. You can experiment with rolling your own using M4L (or PD or SC, etc.) It's not super difficult to create hybrids of reverb and delay, though I haven't played with it in a while.

  6. 14 minutes ago, zero said:

    if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.

    Who knows, these people are sore winners. Do y'all remember late 2016 / early 2017? Swastikas and racial slurs spraypainted on houses, typo-ridden racist flyers, probably random acts of violence, just use your imagination. 

  7. I live near a pretty busy street in a pretty liberal neighborhood. While I was doing yardwork today, a bunch of F-150s with giant Trump 2020 / Blue Line flags flew down that street, horns tooting, and one of them had a loudspeaker saying something like "welcome home your future president!" I think they were doing a loop to stuff the proverbial socks in their pants because I swear I saw the same trucks twice.

    I guess this is fairly harmless and is honestly a lot less annoying than the loudspeaker vans I heard during Japanese election season, but it felt like "pwn the libs" trolling I guess just due to it being in my neighborhood. Anyway, minor wrinkle in an otherwise beautiful fall day.

  8. I like SIGN but I feel like I don't completely get it yet. Some of it is legit brilliant, a couple things I disliked, and most of it passed right through me. 

    PLUS I've listened through once, and I disliked it. I'm guessing it'll grow on me, though. 

  9. 6 hours ago, ignatius said:

    a bunch of conservative assholes want to move borders to make a mega super conservative state. all because they're sick of democratic politics.  



    What a joke. Might get some steam if there's enough butthurt MAGAbots after the election, though. Just keep Spokane the fuck out of it, please.

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, Bubba69 said:

    8. If you want more than the 64 step loop I finally took the time to learn pattern chaining (dead simple, hold down the pattern button and press the patterns you want to chain.). Just think of 1+2 as one pattern, 3+4 as another. 

    Also per-track length and scale can be handy for this. Beat-per-step is very intuitive in many situations, and microtiming can compensate for the reduced resolution. 

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