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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 2 hours ago, Brisbot said:

    I knew the US would get bored of the virus, and then pretend it didn't exist as newer more interesting things became newsworthy. But there was another thought that held out hope that that wouldn't happen. Yet again the USA thinks the same logic that applies everywhere else doesn't apply to us because "we're special" I guess.

    This moment really is the nexus of American foot-gunning, isn't it? Decades of exceptionalist Hollywood propaganda, neoliberalism, privatized health care, 24-hour news cycle, Overton window right-ratcheting, religious magical thinking, gutting public education, economic disparity.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:


    How about that? It's almost like epidemiologists knew what they were talking about when they said this exact thing could happen if people didn't fucking take this seriously.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
    • Farnsworth 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Candiru said:

    Amy McGrath is ahead in her Kentucky primary so far, which is good because we're trying to get Mitch removed from Kentucky. I'm not really trusting any super progressive candidates right now, to be honest. Getting rid of Mitch is way more important. 

    This 110%. Get Mitch the fuck out, end of. That turd has needed a flush for years.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

    while the trolling is hilarious, its still somewhat troubling since it points to the fact that the low attendance is not because of decline in support. in fact, the trolling could be seen by his supporters as further proof that Trump is being sabotaged and make them more fervent.

    But it sure is satisfying seeing those sad empty bleachers.

    • Like 3
  5. 7 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Yes, that’s the kind of attitude that comes with modular.

    I've actually had this for a while. SuperCollider really enabled it. Of course it (along with Autechre) also taught me that it's quite satisfying to morph between noise/drone and more musical stuff.

  6. One of the modules I ordered was DOA but the seller was cool about it. Kind of a bummer that I have to return it (I was most excited about that one) but that could have been a real nightmare story. Honestly it might have been better that way because I realized I was kind of building my case around it.

    Anyway, HOLY FUCKING DRONE, Batman. Does every modular noob go through a drone phase? Because I kind of don't care, that shit is MIGHTY. Fuck making real music!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, cwmbrancity said:


    Approx 100-110 billion humans have existed. They get prioritised in all after-life activities - dinner reservations, union representation, appointments with the gods & balk at social distancing practices. Ouija boards & seances are just chatlines to their prankster brigades. Know your ghosts.

    Yeah this checks out


    Sorry for flinging bullshit, I've been real sloppy as of late

  8. 6 hours ago, rhmilo said:



    (but, yeah, for me, only analog in my rack as well (except for Braids, because that was my first module). use it for its strengths, not as a clumsier reaktor)

    Yeah that was quite the silly post on my part, phew. Especially since I learned that it may not fit my case, and there's several other decent-looking analog noise/S&H for cheaper. Derp. I think the time for me to stfu about it has arrived lol.

    There are some amazing-looking digital modules but there's so many. Braids seems great - it's probably my favorite thing in VCVRack.

    • Haha 1
  9. On 6/5/2020 at 7:07 PM, sweepstakes said:

    Speaking of eurorack, I'm up to 8 modules now... heh. I think I've got enough in there to have fun and explore for now, so I'm going to wait to expand until I get a chance to play with these goodies.


    Felt like I could use a dedicated analog noise source, and, what the hell, another S&H and LFO, so I added a Polivoks Modulator to this. Everything has arrived except that, the dual xFade, and... the fucking CASE. There was an inventory mixup at the retailer, but they resolved it, and now I just have to wait a little longer.

    I'm digging the analog purism I have going at the moment, and it's a nice anti-GAS limiting factor until I get my sea-legs. Glorious farts are on the horizon.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, luke viia said:

    yeah, I should have written "article" with qualifiers, lol. stumbled upon it thru my google news feed. absolute 200% trash. The comments are horrible, people encouraging the murder and brutalizing of technowarrior old man antifa, enemy of the people. I read this kind of crap from time to time to see what the right hand imbibes, often we (yeah, us too) act as parrots bc we trust what our sources tell us, esp if we walked into it with an I Want To Believe mindset

    America is one big ugh

    I was laughing my way through the article, but yeah, the fact that people take this seriously this is truly depressing.

    I honestly try consciously to not be partisan most of the time, but when I read shit like this it's so hard to not just see "conservatives" as basically either total dribbling idiots or wealthy tax dodgers who vote only with their wallet.

  11. 15 hours ago, luke viia said:

    lmao I'm not gonna bother with the comments. What the fuck is this rag? How huge of a dipshit do you have to be to stomach this trash on the regular?

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Gocab said:

    Also, he's starting rallies again... Maybe next week!

    Got to love how putting a question mark after your outlandish conspiracy theory doesn't hold you accountable for what you're typing.

    Even the die-hard apologists are distancing themselves from this one. He's turning radioactive.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, xox said:

    wow crazy! imo with this release they jumped right into the stratosphere of modern electronic music where they've been living for the last 21 yrs

    Yeah, I used to think of it as a less emotional LP5, but really this was a pretty big technical leap.

    • Like 1
  14. 54 minutes ago, kakapo said:

    Everything is voltage.  When you connect one module to another with a cable, regardless of what those 2 modules are, you are sending voltage


    I find the strength of modular is that it aids both serendipity and intention. 


    So I have an idea, some understanding, but not complete understanding of what's going on, and something useful may or may not come out of it.  

    Thanks for this. This is just the kind of thing I'm hoping modular can be for me. I've approached this sort of thing (i.e. building a mental model of components, cooking up ideas, exploring the effects of parameters) with Elektrons and to some degree with the computer with varying success. Having a physical, tactile, immediate interface seems to greatly enhance this type of interaction, especially the serendipity part.

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