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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 1 hour ago, Polytrix said:

    I see that Maths is like a mainstay in eurorack stuff. What exactly does that do. Genuinely intrigued.

    What @TubularCorporation and @psn said.. but for me I'm really excited to use something that's so freaking flexible but is also physical. I love the idea of developing a muscle memory with something like that. It's much different from the other synths I've used. I want to be able to make freaky noises (and yes horrible bleeps and bloops and farts) in a way that doesn't involve menu diving or mouse clicking. Maths, after a long time considering it, is one of the big things that's drawn me to eurorack.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, psn said:

    Where did you order it?

    I preordered from Perfect Circuit the 2nd week of May. I missed the first batch of preorders and wasn't expecting to receive it until July but I got a notification a week ago that it was en route.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    Curiouser and curiouser ? 


    By the way, although I have been researching modules for like a year now, I barely know what I'm doing, so it's very possible this setup is completely nonsensical. I knew I wanted every module in there except the Sampling Modulator, which I discovered this week and it ticked a few boxes for me.

    0-Ctrl is supposed to come today and I'm going to fart around with my near-useless Bitranger on that until the real fun things arrive :)

    By the way, thanks for looking at it! Suggestions and more questions welcome :D

  4. 2 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    Interesting set of modules. What are you going to be using as a sound source?

    Either the Sisters or the Sampling Modulator (which can be a square-wave-like VCO). I also have an 0-Coast coming but the COVID supply chain disruption has pushed out the shipment of that an indeterminate number of weeks.

  5. 1 minute ago, Nil said:

    Picking a guitar and being intuitively expressive with it requires at least equally as much learning, practice and understanding of both music and the instrument itself as using a synth in a satisfying way, don't you think ?

    I for one am incapable of playing a guitar (or most "traditional" instruments) while I can dabble with a synth ?

    Absolutely, I just picked guitar up after not playing for many years, and it's a completely different mindset. Deeply satisfying, though, and connecting me to music in ways I never expected.

    • Like 2
  6. 12 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

    His "random bunker inspection" excuse a few days ago reminded me of that Costa Concordia cruise liner captain who claimed he accidentally fell into a lifeboat when the Italian coast guard started chewing him out

    It'd be a real shame if he was seriously injured during a random inspection, especially if involved a ruptured testicle, or say his Twitter thumb was somehow broken

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, auxien said:



    this fucking doofus just loves the attention, doesn't even realize what's happening. 'oh you're talking excitedly at me! you're interested in what i'm doing! yay!' as dumb as a dog.

    True, but you might also notice that unlike many of the cops, he's not being a belligerent asshole. Speak softly, smile like a doofus, and carry a military issue automatic weapon. He probably enlisted for the tuition benefit and is from a town 1,000 miles away.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, auxien said:

    i've been thinking about the boat thought experiment (called the Ship of Theseus thought experiment actually which i dont think i knew it was called until i just googled about it) regarding the economic future...

      Reveal hidden contents

    slowly replacing the welfare services clusterfuck with just pure cash (which in my understanding all the data shows as better all around) and also slowly replacing the totally fucked stock market from the edges inward (will admit that 'replacing the stock market' isn't possible, but the fringe stuff could be sniped i think), slowly reforming the tax codes, slowly upping the minimum wage, slowly moving towards socializing/utilitizing various services like healthcare, internet access, etc., creating permanent volunteer-style 'jobs' programs for those in transitionary periods, schools, homeless, etc., all sorts of stuff but by slowly adding and replacing all these things would the US economy really stay the US economy? that circles back to what i was saying before about 'would America still be America' sorta thinking, and i think that's sorta the only possible course of righting the ship (came back to the initial metaphor)...slowly replacing it bit by bit. big 'Obamacare' type pushes maybe cause too much conflict and end up terribly weak in practice, but smaller chipping away might be much much much better for strategy....and of course that's basically how America is designed to work, slow, incremental changes at local and then larger levels, laws slightly amended here and there, etc., but approaching it like this as a long term strategy could be better in practice. Warren was talking about this iirc with her healthcare plan....transitioning over ten+ years to universal healthcare. but i think maybe the messaging is wrong there: instead of announcing 'we want free universal healthcare to take down all private businesses in that sector permanently' instead just saying, here's the 5 year plan (which of course leads towards that) and then glossing over the result and skirting around that...so the conversation and the focus stays on making changes now to reigning in the healthcare companies, slowly regulating and normalizing their practices one by one until 5 years from now going 'see, this worked well, we learned some things, and now the plan is to remove private healthcare since they're all basically the same anyway' ....part of me of course doesn't like hiding the goal but i'm starting to think that may be the only way to sneak some of this shit through. prove it works in the small ways then you can slowly ramp up your sales pitch to the public. 

    thinking out loud here. feel free to ignore everyone ?

    Wow, thanks for mentioning that. I had not heard of this thought experiment before, but apparently this is the origin of the "different man, different river" proverb? I really like this idea.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, auxien said:

    agreed 100% of course that more data is great. i'm just more realistic about things and would say to take that data and look for the points of hope, the points we can lean into and bend the country towards. (and the article you linked is interesting actually now that i've read it, there is definitely a place for that in the economic areas, interesting stuff!) ...i think there's opportunity there to change some minds: when you can back up anecdotes and experiences with some hard data, i think there are some who will be swayed, at least partly. i say that because now we're seeing a fair amount of people who not being able to deny issues like unfair treatment of POC by police, obviously with more video evidence constantly (sadly) being poured out onto the web...and now that journalists and academia is starting to more seriously try and quantify some of these issues, there is more data stacking up, slowly. 

    despite how i might sound sometimes in moments i don't think the country is fucked. i realize that the country as a whole, in general, is better for basically everyone right now than at any time in its past. obviously it is not on par on many points with other countries now or even in their pasts perhaps, but in America 2020 is better for the most part than it was in 2000, and it was better than 1980, and so forth. things are generally trending towards more fairness and acceptance. we're pushing harder at the edges tho, and the edges are starting to get to a tipping point where little changes won't really do a damned thing...big changes must happen in order for anything to change now. you can't just fire a couple of cops...everyone realizes that isn't going to stop anything. you fire one cop here, and another kills another black person in some other city for no reason. it's systemic. you have to reform the entire approach to policing in order to fix the problem, and no one can deny that anymore (even if they are on Facebook or when they talk to their families, more and more they know this shit is wrong in their hearts...they just don't care/want it stay that way. because they're racist assholes who fear a world where they and their children are not privileged just by their whiteness). 

    sorry for the tangent there. was gonna delete it but it's just a wall of text most people won't read anyway so :watmm:

    Deep down, I don't think we are fucked either. It looks really shitty right now, but hopefully we're just in a "worse before it gets better" phase. I think the last 4 years have been really eye-opening.

    I'm not gonna lie, though, I get really disheartened when I go to fivethirtyeight and see that approval rating - it's trending downward now, but way slower than it should. Of course you can't reduce the fuckedness of the country to a number.

    I've been thinking a lot (along with, like, everyone else) over the last, well, 10+ years, about how badly American capitalism has been failing the vast majority of the population. I've started to see things like crowd-funding as a form of sort of "socialist emulation" - building a more equitable system within the existing horribly broken one, or alongside it (sorry, I know that is kind of cheesy and naive but I hope you see what I'm getting at). I agree that big changes must happen - will happen, it's just a matter of how long the status quo charade is allowed to sustain. But the think that's abundantly clear now is that those changes are not going to come from our purported leaders, or at least that they are going to put them off as long as they possibly can. So we have to find a way to incrementally build something better until the parts that are irreperably broken are no longer an existential threat or a chilling effect. But I really have no idea what this looks like, only my own privileged daydreams, really.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, auxien said:

    ^hyper-regulation and objectively serving the greater good is not the goal tho. at least according to most people’s thinking, and of course the entire country’s history. personal freedoms and personal enrichment (monetarily and otherwise) has always been the target. those things generally if not almost always come at the cost of greater burdens on others. there has to be a lower class for America to be America. i honestly cannot imagine any future where America is recognizable or even vaguely similar to the same nation where there are truly no large swathes of poor and suffering classes/communities.

    You're not wrong about any of that. I just think by having this data we can say, hey, look, if we keep doing what we're doing, it suuuure looks like we're fucked. And if that gets ignored, you can point back to that and say, welp, you could have listened. Hopefully before it's too late.

    TL;DR you're totally right and I'm in the "bargaining" stage of grief over how fucked we are.

    • Like 1
  11. 33 minutes ago, zero said:

    makes you wonder if there was ever a point in the entirety of civilization that we really nailed it when it comes to governing ourselves. either we have one guy running the show, or we try and make it more fair (i.e. democratic). but either way, things always end up going to shit. 

    and as for what do we do, well, my half joking/half serious response would be that we continue building faster and smarter machines that will one day take governance off our plates. let the machines conduct complex analysis on what decisions would be best. we totally suck at decision making. sure we'd be enslaved in the process, but we've had thousands of years to work at it and still can't get it right, so maybe we deserve it...

    I've legit come to this conclusion. I told my friend about it a year or so ago and he was like, "you and I work with software systems and we both know how bug-riddled and fucked they are".

    But this article made me think that this is actually on the right track, the key being simulation and not actually executing policy:
    https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/05/05/1001142/ai-reinforcement-learning-simulate-economy-fairer-tax-policy-income-inequality-recession-pandemic/#:~:text=Scientists at the US business,policies for a simulated economy.

    Human beings just can't handle the responsibility of not being selfish assholes and objectively serving the greater good, especially now. Having the ability to run numbers, making these systems transparent and reviewable (and, in my opinion, they should be accessible to literally anyone with a computer), and holding policy makers/auditors accountable to how their decisions tally against what's been demonstrated - I can't think of a better way forward from where we are.

  12. Just now, rhmilo said:

    Welcome to the club.

    The dumb losers club.

    The dumb losers of money club.

    Also, if you’re interested in Maths but think it’s a bit expensive, check out the Doepfer A-171-2. In a way it’s like half of a Maths. It definitely is very versatile. AND it has a bit of a Serge sound to it because, well, it’s a Serge design:


    Thank you thank you :cisfor:

    Nice, I like how much less HP it is - I wonder how it compares to the MN Function? I really, really like how Maths can be like 8+ different things (including a mixer, constant voltage, and offset), which makes it seem reasonably priced to me, but I'm open to other options. Also the Befaco Rampage looks tempting but I have the impression that it doesn't go into audio rate like Maths does? At any rate, I do hope to get some Doepfer in this case - in particular their sequential switch, switchable mults, and dual S&H look good.

    I've already set aside more money for this thing than I expect I can fill up my first case with, unless I go for Cwejman or an ER-301 or something silly like that.

    Side note: yay, I snagged a Three Sisters whose price wasn't totally gouged. First module! Filters sorted. For now ;)

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

    As far as sample based stuff, they're not cheap but the Bitbox modules look really cool.

    Those seem very full-featured. I know I'm being a real princess saying this, but I want to avoid getting a module without a screen if I can help it, at least for now. That said I can see a Disting and/or a Pam's in my near future, I'd just like to focus on more touchy feely (and somewhat blinky) UIs for a bit.

  14. 11 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

    The US military is a skewed and lopsided microcosm of US society structured in a rank-and-file and bureaucratic manner that has, often jokingly, been acknowledged as one of the most bureaucratic entities in the world. Even more ironically until the 90s and 00s it was one of the most socialized - a society unto itself with medical, housing, and communal support manned by fellow service personnel.

    My dad was in the military when I was a kid. I have happy childhood memories of living on base and its comforting sense of community and shared resources that is much rarer in civilian life. We argued about politics a lot in the last few years before he passed away, and he was truly baffled the one time I pointed out how the military (during his time in the service, at least) was one of the most perfect examples of socialism to be found in American life. It's weird what people take for granted.

    • Like 2
  15. 11 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:


    It was only a matter of time!

    I'm going through that stupid beginner indecision and urge to fill it up that everyone talks about. The weird thing for me is that I'm super attracted to utility modules like Maths, Cold Mac, Happy Nerding's mixers, Stages, etc., but I'm not finding many oscillators that are interesting to me - it seems like most noobs start out the other way around. I might just go for one of those sampler/tape modules like the Morphagene, W/, Disting, or that new-ish Instruo one because I can do some sound-on-sound and delay-type stuff as well.

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  16. Finally bought my first eurorack case last night. Kind of a dumb move because still I'm not 100% sure what modules I want, but it felt like I was going to hem and haw forever unless I just picked one. At least I got one that's nice and deep so it shouldn't be an issue. Wish me luck...

    • Like 4
  17. 30 minutes ago, zero said:

    so glad we're past the doom & gloom phase and can post stupid comedic shit in this thread again.

    just to recap, the thread started as funny pictures of people in China wearing plastic jugs on their heads when it was still called the Wuhan virus. moved from there to toilet paper jokes. then the waves of doom & gloom rolled in and it seemed like we were all gonna die. serious posts for dozens of pages. now we're back to comedy, as we're all stuck in an uncertain limbo of "are we back to normal yet?"... 

    We're still fucked. The virus is just less depressing than the other shit right now.

    • Like 1
  18. 17 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

    ^^ but trump had to observe the curfew. if there was no curfew you can be sure he'd have been out there addressing those thugs to their face. 

    2A patriots are on the ready to come out of vacation mode too. they're just waiting for orders


    What a dipshit. He clearly hasn't reality-checked his action movie fantasies against the instances where protestors were threatened with weapons and responded by beating the shit out of the antagonists. It's not just the right-wingers that have guns, either. Also someone relaxing the couch after work is a lot less scary than someone who's justifiably enraged at being abandoned by the social contract.

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