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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 14 minutes ago, President Squidward said:

    Any rarities he's released that I'm unaware of?

    Yeah, probably :)

    I've been revisiting this a lot this summer:

    I think there's something really special between his mixing, sound design, and harmonies. He'll do some crunchy drums that could pass for industrial or lo-fi house or hip hop; a liquidy, hollowed-out but funky bass that somehow sounds "military" to me; haunting pads or chord stabs that for me clearly evoke a chilly arctic sky. Then another layer of pad or lead, usually a bit detuned, depending what the track calls for. And this is all processed with kind of bubbly, trippy (but tasteful) psy-trance effects, but mixed down to have this weirdly alien but timeless, floating quality. I don't think it's changed a whole throughout his oeuvre, but it's great. I even hear this in his old tracker (i.e. straight samples w/ no processing) stuff.

    I've lost hope in ever hearing new Lassi again so I think I'm just going to roll up my sleeves and try to reverse-engineer his tricks.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, very honest said:

    Herman Cain on the post-civil rights struggle - CBS News

    Herman Cain, GOP candidate for president in 2012, died from COVID-19, today. He came down with the virus after attending Trump's indoor Tulsa rally, which took place at a time while the coronavirus was prevalent in that area, and which was at odds with public health recommendations


    10 minutes ago, goDel said:

    He wont. He's black...

    Holy fuck, the layers of irony are breaking my brain.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Squee said:

    Most presidents usually look like they've been hit by a car and aged 900 years after their presidency. Trump pretty much just looks the same as 4 years ago, right?

    I was just thinking the other day he looks even more haggard. I mean, don't get me wrong, he looked like shit before all this.

  4. Totally agree on the hooman-brain-too-tiny aspect of environmental problems, but just actively trying to do something about it, even if it's just research, would be a big improvement over literally working against it by doing things like dismantling the EPA and promoting Big Coal like it's 1970s. I could be a bit misguided on this but I think in the long term, clean energy is cheap energy, so hopefully the market can help there.

    As far as education - yes, the loan crisis is huge. Also, a large portion of my IRL friends and family work for state (as in, not national, but the S in USA) universities and they are all dealing with budget cuts (especially to non-STEM departments), layoffs, top-heavy administration, and increasing prices of student services. On top of that, I think young people weighing their post-high-school options are starting to lose faith in the "go to college to get a better job" narrative that my generation's Boomer parents drilled into us, and with classes being online now, the quality difference between commercial or even free online courses is a bit questionable. It's not necessarily the government's sole responsibility to solve those problems, but it sure sucks, individually and for the economy, to leave a bunch of formerly government-employed teachers out of work.

    • Like 1
  5. Honestly, at this point, if he does well on these points, I'm pretty stoked:

    • Environmental regulations, protections, and incentives - this should really be top priority, ahead (a ways) of COVID imo. We are going to get fucked HARD (starvation, bad air & water quality, violence, mass death, flooding, extinction of thousands of species) if we don't take action STAT.
    • Managing public health (COVID, health care funding, prescription prices) properly and not being a gigantic politicking douche about it
    • Fixing the public education system which Betsy DeVos and the right have been eviscerating for 2+ decades
    • Reducing military funding so we can have nice things
    • Closing loopholes, tax breaks for megacorps so we can have nice things
    • Listening to and implementing policies based on expert advice (i.e. what god damn nearly every other president in history has done)
    • Bonus points if he can bat his eyelashes at things like UBI in a way that doesn't turn repubs into screaming gorillas. See also: IP/copyright/patent trolling (i.e. chilling effects), privacy, other things that help small businesses

    But yeah the foreign policy stuff too which I'm honestly a bit stupid about.

    I realize much of these decisions are more congressional, but having a president that can enable them or just get the fuck out of the way and let them do their job would be huge.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, zero said:

    China's begun its attack on America with...seeds


    so no planting, no throwing away, just wait for USDA agents to show up at your door to collect them. I can see this going very, very well... 

    Uhh, what would be the net gain from this, i.e. why the fuck would they do this? This seems like an obvious attempt to stoke xenophobia.

  7. 1 hour ago, user said:

    I’m sorry, shared a bunch of meals with young Asians heavily into karaokebars over the last few months, must have left a mark. ; D 

    Hehe, all good - yeah, I had a bit of a karaoke phase about 5 years ago, and 

    22 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

    good intentions and misdirected passion/frustration

    are basically my exact psychological GPS coordinates.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, thumbass said:

    I don't get why there's always so much hating on him. Late registration, college dropout, MBDTF, yeezus, the life of Pablo l, Ye, Kids See Ghosts and even the damn Yandhi bootlegs are top shelf hip hop imo

    Yeah honestly he's super obnoxious as a person but he can still cash those checks when it comes to what he's good at.

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