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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 3 hours ago, sheatheman said:

    fuck elektron man. did reload pattern and it erased my saved pattern with whatever was in the project buffer and now my first really good pattern is gone. FUCK

    Ah, the old built-in Octatrack hazing routine! I slapped myself in the face with this a good dozen or so times before I developed an anti-Pavlovian muscle response on this one.

  2. 13 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    when big things like protests and riots happen they drag every fat ass out from behind a desk and put them in riot gear. years ago i went to a union march in miami FTAA... protesting trade agreements and there were literal 300lb cops out there sweating slime like jabba... about to die in the sun and heat of mid day miami. 

    Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a rioter like a staredown with Paul Blart Mall Cop

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  3. 6 minutes ago, timbre monke said:

    Any Native American would tell him that his (our) "anaesters" were the ones who came here "ileagely".

    Also my browser won't let me play those Twitter vids for some reason. Dunno why. Do I have to be logged into my dormant Twitter acct first I wonder?

    Open in new tab (middle click, or right click and select from context menu)

    • Thanks 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, cloud capture said:

    well, this old guy is fucked.  He came equipped with a bow & arrow, looks like he got an arrow off before he probably got absolutely pummeled.  Reading comments, looks like the cops stood by and watched everyone burn his car afterwards.  This is beyond surreal.  Here I am eating my dinner browsing the apocalypse, or revolution, or just another weekend in 2020.

    I... cannot begin to understand what this man was thinking

    • Burger 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, auxien said:

    to be fair tho what happened before that video started. somebody jumps on my car unprovoked (IF that's the case, possible, idk!) i'd probably try and run them over too.

    fucking insane. asshole cops could've just...ya know....gone backwards. not engaged. hope they're charged with attempted murder.

    Yeah, tension is high and people do stupid, terrible things in the heat of the moment.

    Those cops probably just wanted to get the fuck out of there, but yeah... jfc what a fucking mess

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, auxien said:

    hopefully. maybe. but honestly probably not, it’s all so deeply ingrained i doubt this time will be any different. really hope i’m wrong. 

    My feelings as well. I think @ignatius's Dugin reference is probably more accurate. It is refreshing that (many or most) kids these days are smart enough to point that out and not get swept up in the chaos.

    • Like 2
  7. Since my last post I made another little track with the MPC. The track itself was nothing special, but as I was making it, I was really shocked how little it was getting in my way. Select track, choose program, bang on pads to find good sounds, record that, repeat until the pattern is done. Copy the pattern, empty out some of the tracks, record some new stuff into them. It doesn't get much simpler.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, thawkins said:

    Had a dream about MPC1000 tonight, it was weird and had soft pads on it's sides but I guess I am cursed now. Thanks @sweepstakes.

    I used to have MPC dreams all the time, both before and after getting one. It's got a real je ne sais quoi to it, maybe that even though it's simple, it's also limitless in a way. And the pads are the egg for the Betty Crocker mix.

    Partly because of this thread I've been using mine again lately and it's been satisfying, it's a real workhorse. IMO the 1000 is the most reasonable choice of the MPC line besides the stuff that came out in the last few years. There's less myth associated with its converters or swing or whatever, the UI is mostly a breeze, it has solid timing, and JJOS is excellent. And it's heavy but it doesn't get in the way (but isn't too cramped either).

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, thawkins said:

    You know it would make sense to get one now, not few years later when they're all going for 2k€... or when they go for peanuts because Uli released the clones.

    Yuck! I actually don't think they could pull off a proper clone... so much of what makes the MPCs good is the "feel", and by that I don't mean anything magical, just the quality pads, buttons, and the lean, restrained, efficient OS.

  10. 5 minutes ago, thawkins said:

    They were around 500-600 bucks last year (or year before that) when I went through the same phase, but never ended up getting it then either. As I said, it's a seasonal thing. ?

    lol, I know how this goes. I go through this with the modular stuff too. I think I had the same thing for a couple years with the MPC before I finally got one - I would even have dreams about it and stuff! It really is a beautiful workflow, though - the magic of it is that there's no magic to it, it's total garbage-in-garbage-out.

  11. 32 minutes ago, thawkins said:

    I like the idea of the MPC. I used to do some of my first tracks on the built in sequencer in Yamaha MO6 (that is gathering dust in a faraway country now), and for some reason I felt that need to try this way of working too. I never got too good at it, though.

    Cheers, thanks! I actually found one where you can see the live looping-overdubbing in action, but the guy keeps stopping and editing different settings so not sure if and what is possible while the sequencer is running on the background.


    The prices are bonkers yes. The cheapest I could find was around 750eur and it's starting to get out of impulse buy territory.

    Yeah, you can just smack that Overdub button when it's running and you're rolling. Those 5 buttons on the bottom-right are so easy to develop muscle memory for, and you quickly get a feel for how they work together. When I was playing with mine over the weekend, though, I couldn't remember how to turn off the metronome - will have to flip through the manual to find that again.

    That's nuts about the prices. I just remember them being $400-$600 USD since like 2008 when I got mine, real middle-of-the-road, Goldilocks tier gear. I think I paid $550 and that was a little high even then.

  12. 4 hours ago, thawkins said:

    Thanks for the info! Do you know if there are any guides/tutorials/video/whatever that go over this stuff? Anything that comes to mind? 


    One thing that puts me off with Elektrons is that they also do synthesis and sound on their own. Which actually is not a bad thing because it is nice to have some bread and butter effects like delay and reverb. Octatrack seems to be a good piece of gear for this. Then I look at the prices and ehhh.

    Now I have looked at some Pyramid videos I got to agree, it seems deep as fuck.

    Launchpad is ehh.. I had the original v1 Launchpad and some Novation keyboard back in ancient times so not really looking to get one again. I should first learn Push better to know if I like this style of control or not. Still not too comfortable with janitoring sequences with the Push in a complex live set where whops you were in note more and pushed the down arrow = stop my amazing euclidean polyrhythm clip that I will never be able to correctly sync again.

    I actually have quite a bit of muscle memory with the MPC1000 from when my setup was basically that and a Shruthi-1. Overdub is definitely a thing. The MPC is one of the most intuitive sequencers I've ever used.

    • Like 2
  13. On 5/12/2020 at 11:14 AM, Soloman Tump said:

    I like the look of the new 0-coast controller, the 0-ctrl, but that would mean I need to buy an 0-coast as well...... I guess its compatible with any other CV controllable stuff though.



    On 5/13/2020 at 1:39 AM, auxien said:

    remember thinking heavily about getting the 0-coast and if that controller helps open it up more, could see that being a really interesting combo. need to look at just cause i'm curious what the controller does now

    I ended up ordering both - my first proper semi-modular and my first Make Noise. I've had major GAS before, but never like this, like a fucking command hallucination. This is a really cringey thing to say about gear, but something about the 0-Ctrl speaks to me in a deep, almost primal way. I never was into Make Noise, in fact while I have been ogling modular fairly seriously for about a year now, I've made extra effort to avoid their gear. But obviously I feel differently now.

    Background info nobody gives a shit about: I've been a MIDI guy for 20 years. I've only started making the slightest flirtations with analog in the last 5 or so. However, unquantized time and pitch on a step sequencer is something I've been thinking about for a while. I made a pretty crude implementation of this in the Nord Micro Modular years back (which was still quantized to 7-bit values). I remember thinking it had potential but I didn't have a great way to control it so I mothballed it. Recently I've been getting into SuperCollider a decent amount, and while I love the precision, again it's becoming clear to me that controlling that stuff with MIDI just fucking sucks. I've come to the conclusion CV is where it's at for having both that kind of precision, but also a visceral poop-and-guts kind of immediacy, freedom, and just fucking fun. I've been hemming and hawing about how to get started, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't either too janky or too expensive, and I'm still a total noob to CV so the options are pretty overwhelming.

    Then this fucking thing shows up on YouTube after 7 weeks of quarantine. Tony Rolando may as well have whispered "pool's open" in my ear. Time to dive in.

    Possibly setting myself for major disappointment. With logistics all fucked up it'll be a while before they arrive anyway. Something to look forward to (or maybe dread, we'll see).

    • Like 3
    • Facepalm 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    All you need to do is look across to South Korea to see what happened when they relaxed things a little. 


    Thing is, the US is full of morons who think this won't happen here because Jesus or something. You may as well tell them about a nightclub outbreak on Mars. We are gonna individual rights ourselves out of existence.

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  15. That's disappointing. That's kind of what I'm seeing over here, too, though. Is there a way to shock or disgust people into looking after their own interests? I hate to take a cue from this guy, but there was an obnoxious pro-life protester who used to come to my college's campus with giant photos of aborted fetuses. Then again, all it really did was gross people out and piss them off. Hm.

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