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Posts posted by sweepstakes



    I did take some time this Winter to learn some basics in PD for exactly that purpose since I have an unused Raspberry Pi. I looked into some drum synth patches out there to try out, but nothing grabbed me and sounded very CR8000/606/808 which would be redundant for me. For some reason PD patch builders love plonky sounding retro drums the most. One of my goals was to learn PD and build something I liked, but that's a lot of time to invest in between other things. I'm still learning the maths for building oscillators.


    I also looked into Reaktor 5 since I had bought a copy years ago and did little with it. Again, none of the patches I was trying out interested me (more retro plonky drums!) and I didn't want to learn a different architecture when I was already getting versed in PD.


    At this point I'm teetering over continuing to learn PD, a beneficial pursuit for many fields, or going to the more immediate lazy route and buying a RYTM. :psyduck:

    Yeah I have had mixed results with software modulars myself, but I'm giving Supercollider a try. It's slow going so far, but I consistently like what I hear out of it, and all signs point to it being the path forward for me.


    I always end up frustrated with tools, hardware or software, so I'm trying to build something from the ground up that I can customize to suit my tastes. If I'm not skilled enough to make some part myself, and I can't find something I can customize, at least I can keep that part separate from the core, and I'll control how it integrates with the rest of the system instead of having to work around the frustrating limits of someone else's workstation design.

  2. If you don't need the fancy sequencer features and can tolerate a little button-pushing in place of knob-per-function, the Nord Drum 2 is great-sounding, versatile and quite tweakable, and can easily be used as a (percussive) melodic synth as well, plus it has great MIDI spec. Not sure what the RYTM runs, but I think I got my ND2 for 450 USD. You might have to watch the used market like a hawk for a while before you can snag one, though.


    Also that new volca is looking pretty good but it might be a little cheap-sounding for your tastes.


    Alternately get a cheap computer (used Thinkpads run ~$150 or even just run a Raspberry Pi headless), set up some patches in SuperCollider or PD, and pretend it's a hardware synth.



    Edit: 444 tho... i mean c'mon!

    Newp. In fact that's my least favorite track on there. It sounds like a reject from Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (which I also don't care for)


    Sorry... like I said, it's not Incunabula, it's me! While the tracks don't pop for me anymore I do still love those sun-baked pawn shop Juno/EPS/RSD-10/606/R8 textures :)
  4. Edit: 444 tho... i mean c'mon!

    Newp. In fact that's my least favorite track on there. It sounds like a reject from Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (which I also don't care for)


    Friendly reminder that you are talking to WATMM's most biggest Oversteps-hater and Quaristice-lover... my tastes are by no means representative of AE fandom.

    • Like 1

    I think Incunabula is weak too. I can only listen to Kalpol Introl, Bike, and Lowride anymore. Even then it's about 2 or 3 times a year, at the end of winter.


    Now, Legofeet? That's still the shit.


    Doctrine tho?


    Lego Feet is indeed still the shit.

    Yeah sorry. I'm sure it's not Doctrine, it's me.


    I need to find my Legofeet digitals... hot damn that sounds tasty today.

  6. The second half is still pretty fucking great imo. Particularly Piezo and Yulquen. Overall Incunabula wins tho (everything from Tri Rep up is another era entirely in my book).

    I think Incunabula is weak too. I can only listen to Kalpol Introl, Bike, and Lowride anymore. Even then it's about 2 or 3 times a year, at the end of winter.


    Now, Legofeet? That's still the shit.


    I could veer into a ramble here (on jamminess, timelessness, and reissues) but I'll refrain for the moment.

  7. Digging Yulquen but I think in general Amber hasn't aged that well, very mid-'90s Warp sound. Might be a good thing also fwiw. For me Amber and Incunabula are probably too loaded with memories to listen to them without recalling them and affecting my judgment.


    Chiastic Slide is kind of the turning point for me when Autechre starts to feel "timeless".

    Agree. I've worn Amber so thin now that Yulquen is the only track left with any life in it for me.
  8. 2 episodes into Dragon Pilot. I don't watch much anime (mostly cause it's hard to find stuff I like) but this is lovely so far. Animation is both unique and skillful, dialog is actually funny and relatable, I actually give a shit about the characters so far, and the premise, if a bit silly, is fun and seems like a good vehicle for the nascent themes. It's got heart, but it's nimble. Hopefully it keeps up because, a few standard anime tropes aside, it seems like a real gem.

  9. Was someone here recommending Kiian Frequency? Or maybe it was a podcast and the Netflix show is a totally different thing? Because holy shit the latter is bad. It looks like a mid-aughts Flash animation and the writing and music are cringey as fuck. I was watching while folding laundry and when it got to the witches turning the kids into rats, I had to shut that shit down.


    Season 2 of Atlanta was good. Especially the Barbershop episode.


    Safe was alright but had one of the dumbest theme songs I've ever heard.


    I wanna rewatch Aeon Flux, mostly because of auxien's avatar.




    What's with conservative political art personifying the shape of state borders? It's so fucking ugly, at least take some pride in your work people.

    I call BS on the talks about another civil war. It was just an excuse to post the picture and make Republicans feel good about themselves The only thing I ever hear about is Texas wanting to secede.


    Also I'm sure democratic states have tons of guns.

    I've seen at least one more of these. I'm not saying they're serious calls for civil war. I mean look at where the lines would be drawn, it's a mess. Just that the folks making these are doing a shitty job making them look like anything but rejected 80s magazine ads.

    Anyone read Annihilation? Saw the movie and a friend gifted me the book, haven't read it yet. Curious how different it is to the movie, was intrigued by concept of the other lifeform

    Reading the Southern Reach trilogy was genuinely one of the highlights of last year for me. Get involved.
    Same. Might reread soonish.
  12. Well, for what it's worth, my VLZ1202 is on its last wheels but it's 1) a VLZ 2) more than 20 years old, so not very helpful for you. Also I want to replace it, but some folks on here suggested I steer clear of the Soundcraft MTK series (I think just because it's an integrated interface & mixer), which still appeals to me more than anything else I've found.

  13. Thank fuck I'm finally done with Mona Lisa Overdrive. Neat ending, I guess, but I'm glad to be done with this universe. Time for something completely different.


    It finally dawned on me that I don't enjoy binging authors, with few exceptions. I'm going to consciously avoid trilogies for a while.

  14. Volca beats is dope as hell if it’s your first hardware unit.


    If you you’re seasoned and pragmatic, it still has a few good sounds. Very solid kick on a sound system. PCM sounds pitched low are awesome as well. That cymbal is so dark.

    Agreed... also the clap pitched down sounds like a bazooka. I don't like how sludgy they get though. The SK1 had a mod where you could snip the anti-aliasing filter to brighten it up, and the beats could really use that.


    The interplay between the 2 toms is my favorite thing about it.


    after collapse

    Abundance, Joy and Happiness:)


    :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:

    Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

    I definitely thought of you when I first heard this. You and the user whose avatar is a pencil-drawn Richard with crooked eyes.
  16. The main thing that's shit about the volca beats is the control of the voice levels. Pretty much everything about it sucks, which is pretty hobbling for a drum machine. The analog voices themselves aren't bad, the sequencer is fun, and the stutter effect is neat. Either sample it and normalize it, or control the levels with MIDI and warm up the output like a frozen White Castle burger.

  17. untilted is definitely the best ae record from a lyrical standpoint. augmatic disport makes me cry evrytiem

    The bit about the bowl of crisps really tugs at my heartstrings

  18. I keep getting gas for a nice digital delay like the space, timeline or oto bim but every time after a while I think "fuck it, I've got soundtoys there's plenty of nice delays there" and then it starts all over again. There must be a special layer in hell where you just have circular gas.

    Fuuuuck. I definitely get the circular GAS and I think it's with delays too.
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