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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. On 7/18/2019 at 12:38 PM, user said:

    You should definitely try a highpass or even bp filter sometime. Not being sarcastic but I used to be a basically lp only dude but the hp/bp has added a lot to my mixes and the way I position sounds.   

    Yeah resonant HPFs in particular are great. The usefulness of a key-following bass boost is pretty obvious. And yeah bandpasses are ok for thinning out pads and stuff.

  2. I do really like the aesthetic space he carves out on this. If he has to come up with his own artistic philosophy to achieve that, well, more power to him. It doesn't sound like anything else.

    I think the inconsistency comes from not having other parties involved in vetting stuff, or at least it seems that way to me. He seems very hermetic. Also weed.

  3. Cool ? Here's my latest semi-interesting thing. It's actually a modified example from the documents, but I can't remember which page now. Probably Select because everything else looks pretty standard? Anyway, it implements a faux phaser w/ additive synthesis. X position of mouse crossfades frequency values from harmonic series to collapsing into a single frequency. Y position is phaser depth.

    a = { | freq = 400 |
    	var coll = (1..32);
    	var x = Lag.kr(MouseX.kr(0, 1), 2);
    	var ix = 1 - x;
    	var freak = freq * ((coll * ix) + (x * 2)) / 2;
    	var y = Lag.kr(MouseY.kr(1, 9), 2);
    	var iy = 5 - y;
    	var harmies = Phasor.kr(0, SinOsc.kr(0.09, 0, 0.1, 0.1), 1, 32);
    	var coeff = 1/512;
    	var amp = coll.collect({|a|
    		Select.kr((a - harmies).abs <= y, [
    			(((a - harmies).abs/y))*coeff
    	Mix.ar(SinOsc.ar(freak, 0, amp)) ! 2;


    When I was taking a break from Tidal, I made a bunch of self-contained stuff like this (kind of like a poor man's "redfall"):

    SynthDef(\pendulum, { | note1=48, note2=51, trem=0.5, out=0 |
    	var env = Line.kr(1, 0, 8, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
    	var lfo = LFTri.kr(trem, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
    	var pan = IRand(0, 1) * 0.2 - 0.1;
    	var oscs = SinOscFB.ar([note1 - Rand(0, 0.1), note2 + Rand(0, 0.1)].midicps, 1.1, [lfo ** 1.3, (1 - lfo) ** 1.3]);
    	Out.ar(out, (( Pan2.ar(oscs[0], pan) + Pan2.ar(oscs[1], 0-pan)) ** 5.1 * env / 2));
    SynthDef(\sadbazz, { |note=55, out = 0 |
    	var env = Line.kr(1, 0, 4, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
    	var env2 = Line.kr(1, 0, 0.25, -1);
    	var osc = SinOscFB.ar([note + Rand(-0.02, 0.02), note + Rand(-0.02, 0.02)].midicps, (env + env2) ** 2.5 * 1.5, env ** 2 / 3);
    	Out.ar(out, [osc[0], osc[1]]);
    var note1s = [48, 46];
    var note2s = [51, 51, 55, 52];
    var durs = [5, 5, 2.5, 5, 3.75];
    var bassnotes = [36, 34, 37, 36, 34, 35, 32];
    var trems = [0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 0.25, 0.75];
    p = Pbind(
    	\instrument, \pendulum,
    	\note1, Pseq(note1s, inf),
    	\note2, Pseq(note2s, inf),
    	\dur, Pseq(durs, inf),
    	\trem, Prand(trems, inf),
    	\out, 0
    p = Pbind(
    	\instrument, \sadbazz,
    	\note, Pseq(bassnotes, inf),
    	\dur, Prand(durs, inf),
    	\out, 0



  4. 2 hours ago, zero said:

    And even worse, there's a strong chance that he'll get re-elected. 

    This... y'all don't forget when you vote (or if you dare think about not voting) in the primaries and the Presidential election. Remember that smug face, that colicky Twitter account, and all the greasy flies like Bannon, Cohen, Manafort, Epstein, and countless others who buzzed around the shitpile. Don't be a fussy little bitch, do your part to excrete this turd from office & bet on a horse that can win.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Yes, in fact in Max 6 I found a hack to import modules AMD-style (which is now the norm in Max 7+) and I wrote some modules based on the Novation LaunchPad for Max. I got pretty sidetracked though - I think the last thing I did was implementing a "paint" program for the LP where you could choose from 8 pixel colors and draw 8x8 icons. Silly, but fun.

    As far as I know, though, JS in Max is limited to control rate. gen~ is audio rate but it's pretty low-level, basically C. Which all makes for an environment that's good for prototyping, but a little awkward to work in longer-term because things are kind of uneven, disjointed, and strewn about. Or maybe that was down to my own lack of organization.

    SC is really nice because I can use the same syntax for both audio and control, and the level of abstraction of the UGens is at a real sweet spot, similar to a text version of Nord Modular. Also there's really nice syntactical sugar for arrays and the like, which makes it easy to build things like additive synths.

    Plus, while both have very good documentation (mostly excellent, actually, but both have a handful of sparse/confusing spots) I find SC's more discoverable: highlight UGen or method, press Ctrl+D, click the one you want, and boom, you're zeroed into the relevant paragraph and ready to get down to business. With Max it felt like I had to pore over the documentation for each object, read it carefully and internalize it like a koan, which is charming but less practical. I think that's down to the nature of visual programming - you're working with inlets and outlets instead of functions and methods. The latter, just by virtue of having names, are much easier to describe and remember.

  6. Anybody use both Max and SuperCollider?

    I use the latter almost exclusively these days. The text-based workflow and the freedom to run it on damn near any platform are great, but I often miss VSTs and occasionally the suggestion of tangents inherit in the visual patching interface. Plus there are lots of nice features in Max 8 that make it pleasant to use.

    I'm just way more comfortable and efficient with old-fashioned textual code than virtual patch cables and boxes.

  7. 13 hours ago, petsim said:

    I’ve read High Rise and Concrete Island - both excellent. I like this kind of “mundane” speculative fiction: making the commonplace or humdrum surreal/alienating.

    Yes that's exactly what I liked about High Rise. Sounds like Concrete Island is the next one I should check out.

  8. 13 hours ago, doorjamb said:

    One of many reasons I admire Ballard is that he does straightforward SF stories & fragmentary antinarrative pieces equally artfully. Also the fact that just hearing/reading his name instantly fills my mind's eye with glassy sand dunes & skeletal skyscrapers—the man painted with a truly magic palette of imagery.

    What would you recommend? I read High Rise a while back and really enjoyed it, but then I tried to read some of his short stories - I vaguely remember one about music therapy for plants - and was pretty bored.

  9. Finished Lem's Fiasco. The inundation with real and imaginary science was a bit much but otherwise it had some interesting ideas and imagery. 

    Now reading some PKD as a palate cleanser. 


  10. Well, I thought we were talking about semantics (as in, the current accepted interpretation of words) and public perception, not about character and about what makes a good leader for everyone. If you're talking about the latter, I agree. But in the American brand of democracy, the former is far more important for winning the race. And right now I'm much more of a pragmatist than an idealist.

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