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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. However we approach the next election cycle, I think the important thing is to focus on issues that matter in potential debates, especially climate change and health care. Attacking Trump won't work, and we can't afford to fuck this up, regardless of whatever goat-fuck of a "strategy" he comes up with.

    It doesn't feel good to say this, but I think this is quite misguided. It's a popularity contest. The situation calls for a beautiful whore with a heart of gold, which is exactly what nearly half the country sees when they look at Trump.
  2. TT-606 is pretty lush. Sequencer not as freaky as I expected but very smooth workflow (e.g. quickest track/song mode I've ever used) and the sounds are crispy and buttery like fried chicken. Surprisingly the toms did not sound good through the BAM, but they have their own nice pseudo-reverb which wasn't obvious in the YouTube demos. It's got a lot of bounce, even swing off, and it begs for a buddy - thinking about what to pair with it... monologue, nanoloop, MnM, hmmm...

  3. I'm due for new mixer, interface, and monitors, and I think I'll upgrade soon. At first I thought I wanted a mixer, but now I think I might go without because mixing/routing in software seems so much quicker and more flexible, and I don't like the idea of having a big mixer in my little room. I've always wanted parametric EQ and 3 or 4 sends per channel, though.

  4. oooh I'm eternally tempted to get a TT-606. The only thing stopping me is how ugly the new ones are :P

    I thought so at first too, but I came to actually like the look. Pretty much just the Cyclone logo is ugly, and I can cover that with a sticker. It's going to be nice to have something that's -just- a solid beatbox again. And the sequencer has tricks my Elektrons are gonna be jealous of.


    Most of all, though, those silky smooth hi hats, baby.

    When i think about a microfreak i think it would be cool, then i look at the youtube videos and this subsides

    Yea, so bad!! No wonder MI doesn't want to be associated with it!
  5. Yeah the Skulpt looks and sounds really great. If I didn't already have tons of other pocket sized instruments I'd definitely get one.

    My feeling as well, but I'm pretty dissatisfied with all of mine, so it might be time for me to clean house a bit and snag one.


    In other news, I just ordered a TT-606.

  6. Anyone fucked with that Modal Skulpt? The more I ogle it, the better it looks. It seems like what I initially always volcas to be: a small-ish, battery-powered synth with a half-decent built-in sequencer, capable of getting a bit weird but good for making sketches. To be fair, volcas have good sequencers, but they're more of the primitive and rough-and-ready variety (except maybe the Kick and Drum?).


    I hate the TE market. Talentless tech bros who instabuy anything they put out so they can make ambient stranger things music. Their high lonely wages drive up the price so that the poor artists can’t afford it anymore.

    I think you have us talentless tech bros to thank not just for TE but for pretty much the entire deluge of hardware that's around now. Cash strapped amateur artists and a handful of professionals aren't enough to keep Elektron, DSI and Korg afloat.


    So: you're welcome.



    Yep. Hardware is excellent now, to the point that there's very little reason to buy vintage gear unless you're a collector. And you have us, the sea of talentless douches who'll probably never broadcast beyond YouTube or Soundcloud, to thank for that.
  8. I hate the TE market. Talentless tech bros who instabuy anything they put out so they can make ambient stranger things music. Their high lonely wages drive up the price so that the poor artists can’t afford it anymore.

    I think you hate me lol.


    That said, I cringe at pretty much everything they do except the POs.

  9. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Comedy about a police department. It's ok. Meh. The humor is not my cup of tea at all. Don't like the Jake Peralta character. So that doesn't help. Reminded me a bit of The Thin Blue Line with Rowan Atkinson.


    Hulu keeps recommending this to me and I can't even look at its little poster picture without getting irritated. If it was a person I would have a strong urge to punch it in the face or kick or in the groin.
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