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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 1 minute ago, xox said:

    When you put it like that it’s even worse! ?

    Ps.. to me it’s obvious that gescom was primarily (last releases even solely) made by sambob. If it wasn’t that’d mean that someone else makes such a great music too and we’d probably heard about that person, righty?

    Sorry! I miss Gescom too but maybe they were just of another era. It's hard to imagine reconciling the project that yielded the world's first and most perfect Minidisc-oriented release with the Max/MSP epoch.

    There were some rumors/confirmations about others' involvement - Bola for sure (I think he did most or all of EP1), Rob Hall / Ad Vanz (Viral is probably my favorite Gescom btw), Russell Haswell (someone suggested he did a sizeable chunk of Minidisc) and there were a few guesses at who did A1-D1 - I want to say Mr. Oizo and Kouhei but neither of them quite fit the MO. As far as the rest, there are vestiges (even the exact same samples) of Envane, Chiastic Slide, Cichlisuite, and LP5 all over Key Nell, Minidisc, This and That. And much of the ISS:SA material was bouncing around in live sets from around 2000, although I guess that could be explained as DJing - the lines are always blurry.

    7 minutes ago, auxien said:

    gescom NTS residency when


    • Like 2
  2. don't call the fry sauce pink because

    it's not,


    pour one out for

    the last french fry


    salt crystal on your tongue

    rock in your shoe

    lint in your toe-web

    sunshine through the blinds

    tabs in the browser

    Time to (re)start that keto diet you fucking nerd.

  3. 7 hours ago, o00o said:

    Thanks for the heads up. Really interesting artist. He also did some Black Mirror soundtracks and his utopia release sounds a lot like plaid 

    Absolutely! He did one of the episodes of Amazon's PKD Electric Dreams, too, (the one w/ Steve Buscemi). Utopia is what got me into him, this piece in particular has become essential to me:


  4. Halfway through and I'm quite enjoying it. Thanks @ambergonk for reminding me about it. I have a feeling that the acoustic-type stuff is not going to age well to my ears; I've decided that Cristobal Tapia de Veer simply executes that same type of juxtaposition (which Plaid has done on basically all of their releases) much better for my tastes. Otherwise this is rather good and arrives right when I'm looking for some new tunes.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Nil said:

    It’ll work with anything Link compatible, super handy really.

    Check my sort of workaround using once and CCs otherwise to trigger play/stop from Tidal to manually sync transport between several MIDI devices (a few posts above) ? I actually combine both, works great.

    Hmm, it looks here like you are triggering start/stop of external sequencers from Tidal? I want to go the other way around - push a button on a controller and Tidal instantaneously starts at phase 0, beginning of the cycle, so I can easily sync by ear like with any other decent sequencer.

    Last time I chatted about this on Lurk, I recall there was a function for this, but that for some reason it was starting by default at halfway though the bar, and I could not get it to reliably do what I wanted. I think the prescribed workaround was something like (0.5 <~) which would not consistently play events at the very beginning of the cycle.

  6. On 5/28/2019 at 4:40 AM, rhmilo said:

    That, and the world, not least AI, is moving away from anything that can be verified at all: machine learning systems and neural networks are turning into black boxes that no one has any idea how they actually work (AlphaZero, for example). This is probably a fundamental issue - a system that can perform a truly complicated task may very well be too complex to be reasoned about.

    Yeah this bugs me on many levels... not least of which that it seems like the most boring possible way to create things, taking "history repeats itself" as a general strategy rather than a warning/adage.

    Also, model training can apparently be pretty harmful to the environment, much like bitcoin mining: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613630/training-a-single-ai-model-can-emit-as-much-carbon-as-five-cars-in-their-lifetimes/

  7. On 6/3/2019 at 3:27 PM, Joyrex said:

    Sorry everyone - something odd happened with the WATMM Classic theme, but I think I managed to sort things out. You can change your theme back via the link at the bottom of the page.

    Ahhhh, thank you, I was having a hard time figuring out how to change it.

  8. I went on a big detour over the last few months, trying to learn SC without Tidal involved. I dusted off the old TC sessions this evening and holy shit, I didn't know how much I missed this thing. At least I can roll my own synths now.

    Is that Caribiner thing only good for Live, or does it enable general on-the-fly start/stop? This was really the big thing that bugged me about TC: I just want big start/stop buttons like the Elektrons. Well, that and easy mixing with a controller, but now that I know some SC it's easy to imagine how I would set this up.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Candiru said:

    My co-worker's dad got shot earlier this week and died. I never met him, but I heard the tales. The death was completely senseless and I don't know what to say in these situations. 

    Happened to my uncle years back as well. Nobody knows what to say, including family. Checking in on your co-worker from time to time and just being there and listening is probably the most genuinely helpful thing you can do. The haunting weeks later are tougher than the initial shock.

    • Like 1
  10. Has anyone made or heard anything substantial with Orca? The music I've come across so far has this kind of chunky late-90s/early-00s sound with blocky rhythmic structures and kind of arbitrary-sounding melodies. It might just be a more general livecoding thing as it seems to require a different mindset to create emotionally engaging music out of these components. Compared to freeform noodling on keys & pads, what works is less clearly defined - there isn't great "algocomp music theory for beginners" as far as I know.

    Orca specifically seems limited and difficult to scale for the same reason it looks fun and interesting. You have this strictly bound, roguelike-esque map of automata and you can see the whole thing at a glance, but when it comes time to make things more interesting, you likely have to rearrange some furniture.

  11. 5 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

    Hmmm i really like the look of it and would love to have something like this that kinda bridged the H/S gap. Do you have a controller for it? If so, was it easy to map parameters?

    I'm using a Launchpad Mini. I've completely lost interest in traditional controllers because 1) I do not enjoy mapping parameters to controllers 2) I think knobs and faders are overrated anyway for a few reasons, and in lieu of those I plan to set up "inertial" controls (like tempo nudge on an Elektron). To be honest, I think it would be pretty annoying to map knobs with the built-in objects, although I can imagine how I would set up a learning object if I had to. For the Launchpad I just had to write a little code since every pad except the top row follows a very simple pattern of note numbers. My only gripe with it so far is no velocity sensitivity, but I don't miss it that much.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, MadellisTheSixth said:

    have you read Solaris? i’ve had it on my shelf for ages but haven’t started yet.

    Nope, this is actually my first Lem. I've been meaning to read some for ages myself. 

    • Like 1
  13. tiddly widget succinctly stink until roger flower goat node bread mandible nestled bauer empire flint cinnamon helix betwixt mages mire vascular nipple gram jade lean limburger archaeopteryx plum plump penguin butterer buffer

  14. chlorophyll orifice more important soar toward orange borne lore forward boing mons lapel ointment

    flowing no oi toy buoyant noise tuba succubus fluoride ointment

    omnibus filbert filibuster bosom rubber bin; hymnal repeat supper should scuba be aware? into inside incisors simply flu foobar flummoxed: beatrix seemly kind weasel gently cousin bebe tweet tea tete a tete nee easel seats fleeing me seen Dee easy.

  15. babaganouj ga ah-ah-ah-ah, ahhh-ah, ahhhhhhhhhhh-ah-ah ooh ooh uber

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  16. wham tam l'chaim jam caboodle wagon

    dan dan dan tan in on an en den sen am ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih bin

    fig fib ribiner tin crib limbic reticule

    flabbergasted splayed Lehmann labia deng heng meng seng

    jiminy click it or ticket slick spittle clip sent trick tip flip nit to wit zit spit slit

    glass globule knob tob wob naggin' texas toast wagon slag spam orangutan NaN NAND rand()


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