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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. Peeps like @ambergonk who are bored of their DAWs should definitely give this a spin. I mean, shit, it's free, fun, and pretty easy to get weird with, what's not to like? It hits that sweet spot of abstraction, more Nord than Max/PD/Reaktor.

    Personally, though, I've recently discovered I'm more of a TidalCycles/SuperCollider type of guy. They're not mutually exclusive, but when the bug bit, I knew that that's where my efforts are gonna go for the foreseeable.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    I can’t shake off the suspicion that there’s a moral in there somewhere - fat closed-minded Americans only caring about the world if they find out you can have food there.

    You're not wrong.

  3. 4 hours ago, Schlitze said:

    Save that for the anniversary thread..jesus christ, bourdain was not that big of a deal. This is a day to remember Dawgs wife.. rip in heaven you beautiful beeatch.. in the words of coolio I'll see you when I get there babes.. I'll do my best to keep dawg off the ice but you know how he is.. 

    Schlitze, I usually give you a pass cos I actually appreciate most of your trolling, but fuck off m8, you're out of your element. Bourdain was a big deal because he introduced millions of fat, closed-minded Americans to parts of the world they never knew existed, and that's just what 40% of us need direly right now.

    RIP boobs tho

    • Like 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    as for ae production methods the AAA is full of gems and basically answers what they're about when it comes to gear and process which seems to be "messing around w/an idea/thing/technique and making discoveries that turn into tracks".  throw everything and the kitchen sink into that.  the answers around Draft 7.30 are pretty revealing.  the bit about using the Akai z8 and DP + a midi interface w/great timing so they could do percussive stutter things and multiply the pattern length by 1.40953409736x or whatever it was so that it turned the sound into a pitched melodic thing.. i mean.. obviously their smart and creative and figure shit out then use that to make science hip hop beats.

    get a thing.. learn it inside out. make it do stuff not thought of by the manufacturer. exploit times 10.  squarepusher does this, aphex and others but apply sam/bob own style to it and ae music happens. 

    the squarepusher interview done by keith fullerton whitman has oodles of this kind of chatter in it. get to know a thing like back of hand so you can play w/it and freak it out. tear things apart. put them back together. 


  5. On 6/14/2019 at 4:33 PM, xox said:

    Nah you’re just complicating it to much! If anything is simple in music land it’s autechre

    If anything I thin what Nil is saying confirms this! My experience with TC so far has been really eye-opening - remove the friction imposed by traditional sequencing interfaces and throw down just a pinch of code and you're off to the races. That is, less complexity, not more - just expressed in code.

  6. On 6/19/2019 at 7:54 PM, StephenG said:

    It was incredible, met a ton of watmmers too - they were super nice considering I was the Canadian 24 year old version of a valley girl lol. Had a great time going around Vancouver and ending the night with my mind blown.



    You were a sweetheart. I had a great time.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/16/2019 at 6:49 AM, BCM said:

    yeah fucking wicked, deece kick drum that can get real boomy with decay - would be nice to have pitch control too tho. nice snappy snare and smooth hats.

    Awesome. TT-606 is similar but I've heard the 78 has a nicer kick. The other percussion bits on the 78 seem more interesting too but I do like the 606's clap.

  8. 11 hours ago, sheatheman said:

    I’m in San Francisco and went into Robotspeak yesterday. Very nice guy, let me use the bathroom after looking at me and saying “yeah, you look ok” 

    when I was in there, I heard him setting up some random synth arp. Come out and he is messing with a brand new dreadbox nyx v2. I started messing with it, and after about 20 minutes got some of the best synth sounds I’ve ever gotten out of anything. The onboard reverb is incredible if you know how to dial it in. He was book keeping but stopped and looked up and said, “dude, this is sounding awesome.”

    So now I’m the proud owner of a nyx v2. A robocall cut off my phone recording before I really had it dialed in, but I can’t wait to get home and dive in.

    Yeah, let's hear this!

  9. 15 minutes ago, Yaxu said:

    Yes start / stop still needs fixing since tidal 1.0 happened..

    OK, kind of a bummer but thanks for confirming.

    If I had the Haskell chops I would try to help fix this. Someday!

  10. 3 hours ago, ignatius said:

    i think there will be a longish period of people going bananas over all the fake stuff and getting whipped into frenzies and manipulated etc then people will just look at it all as entertainment and ignore it all including the real news. 

    perhaps there will remain one or two actual trustworthy news sources for the masses but the rest will be a swirling mess. i think the militaries and intelligence agencies of the world will spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to believe and go the route of finding out for themselves firsthand what's real and what isn't by using drones and actual spies to figure out the crucial intelligence.  but, i think a lot more damage is to be done. 

    ...or outlets will just get better at digitally vetting information for authenticity, and come up with new (standardized?) processes for doing so? Of course, with the info sec war perpetually heating up it's easy to imagine some nightmare scenarios like theft of journalists' private GPG keys, cloning drives from BIOS backdoors, etc. We certainly live in interesting times.

  11. 9 minutes ago, xox said:

    Yes yes i know and totally agree... still i believe that iss:sa, a1d1 and skull snap are solely ae. These releases are uber hiphop compared to normal ae stuff and in that regard it’s not that much of importance how fresh it is in sound design and in pushing some algorithmic craziness with going forward and further from last ae release but more of a finding freshness in transforming the known in general recognizable  hiphopian universe so imo isa:sa could be released today without sounding dated...

    ... if this makes any sense at all...

    Pls link me if you know any other music that can compete with this 3 releases.

    i have all releases from kouhei and he is good but still not that good imo

    No, I'm picking up what you're are putting down. That wildstyle, b-boy vibe, using sequencers and samplers like they were cutting records on turntables. Still off-kilter and trippy but funky and stylish in that muscular, angular way, blowing off pop sensibilities to indulge in labyrinths of rhythmic filigree.

    I wish I could think of something recent, but nothing is coming to mind. There's a lot of new stuff that flirts with aspects of that aesthetic (cut up samples or just general hip hop vibes) but none of it quite has that punch.

    Shit, do we have a thread at least for the old stuff?

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  12. 9 minutes ago, ambergonk said:

    So far Los stands out the most for me. It feels like a throwback to their early (late 90s) days, in a good way. Abla Eedio comes to mind for some reason, if only for the percussion aspect. But it's been ages since I last heard it.

    Yeah, it specifically reminds me of the Freemix version from the Nothing Changes comp:

    I like that kind of acid thing they did in Los. It's nice to hear that sound being used creatively again.

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