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Everything posted by Berk

  1. man that Mello Punchy tune has such an optimistic melody
  2. that live version of heliosphan is so fucking amazing
  3. 14 Floating∞ drums sound a bit like hangable auto bulb
  4. man this is amazing as if he was planning this all along to keep this stuff secret for 20+ years and then release it see what reaction it'd get or something, it wouldn't surprise me respect anyhow
  5. I just got from a reliable source that AFX isn't uploading old tunes he is making them live and recording them to soundcloud right away
  6. Sams Car is such a tease with the chord progression going on. I keep waiting for that "finished" chord progression bit love that though
  7. 18 With My Family the sound of that synth and the melody lmao about the guy sitting on this for 20+ years
  8. not edited by brouwer.niek IMGP5211 by brouwer.niek IMGP5221 by brouwer.niek moon twigs by brouwer.niek
  9. Richard is a hero heh btw if you like his 90's stuff, you should check out Rheji Burrell / Burrell Brothers 4 Ny Groove sounds a lot like those guys
  10. I want to go jogging with the soundcloud AFX tunes, but I'm afraid I will burst into tears to 28 organ
  11. it's probably even more unreal to have been sitting on all these tunes for so fucking long he probably didn't care much though lol
  12. those harmonies in Red Calx.... is this a dream??
  13. yeah listening to it right now. it's damn good. this stuff is all so much cooler than syro or the robot album dat talent
  14. love the story behind 20 Pink Floyd (he just borrowed the LP from his neighbour, sampled it, and never listened to the record)
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