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Everything posted by Berk

  1. My dad and I built a home made plate reverb years ago. It still needs some fine tuning, but the sound is beautiful. Just google DIY plate reverb and you'll find loads of info Spring reverbs can be had for cheap if you look at the right places. They are often built in in old mixers
  2. Berk


    ^word edit: I mean LemanRuss (sorry BCM)
  3. I actually love this oh noes.. does it stand for personal computer music?
  4. Berk


    I hope it simply sounds great. Don't care if he's pushing music forward. Pushing music forward might as well mean that it's gonna sound like shit so who would want that?
  5. Berk


    heh, it would be ace if he made that image that's on the website
  6. I can only play old ass games and stuff like that on my laptop from 2008. The only reason I'd buy a good gaming PC would be Skyrim I guess.
  7. Berk

    The Meters

    I love the tracks without the vocals the most
  8. love this shit, some good ol'upbeat funk
  9. I was unsure about the show after the uneven pilot/ character paralleling the characters from the movie etc.. Didn't think it would be any good. I was wrong. Sam Raimi & Bruce Campbell are working on adapting the Evil Dead into a TV show FYI. Campbell to reprise role. We'll see. Yeah gotta say you're right, it gets better later on the show gets stronger as it goes on. The last few episodes are beasts. There was one episode featuring the police handling a hostage situation, ep 4 or 5, that I didnt much care for, a lot of contrivances, (I know it's hyper reality,I get it). But all in all, I loved the ride. Can't wait for Season 2. Yeah, I loved it too.
  10. I was unsure about the show after the uneven pilot/ character paralleling the characters from the movie etc.. Didn't think it would be any good. I was wrong. Sam Raimi & Bruce Campbell are working on adapting the Evil Dead into a TV show FYI. Campbell to reprise role. We'll see. Yeah gotta say you're right, it gets better later on
  11. I finished S1 of True Detective a couple of weeks back, thought it was brilliant. And I'm quite picky when it comes to tv series. Going to give Fargo a try now
  12. Yeah, everybody knows this but it's hard to 'feel' this and put it into practice sometimes. Good post nonetheless.
  13. What the Atomic Bomb did to Kellogg - Kellogg has a dentist appointment on Monday, but it's also Mother's day. Trying to contact the dentist to arrange for another appointment proves to be a difficult task for Kellogg. Will he decide to go on Monday anyway, 'forgetting' that it is, in fact, Mother's day? Starring Jake Gyllenhaal
  14. Final Fantasy 7 Incredible amounts of old skool fun and cyberpunk
  15. Probably repost but fuck yeah anyways
  16. That sounds amazing with this music!
  17. Could we have cover photos for threads please?
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