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Everything posted by Berk

  1. not a youtube vid and hopefully no repost how do you embed these webm things really? https://8ch.net/v/src/1433178572363.webm
  2. yeah I quit FB like 5 months ago or something. been thinking about it for a long time and should;ve quit way sooner. the bullshit/no-bs ratio is just not worth it. I guess I sometimes miss the musician's pages I subscribed to, there's so much music I like that I forget about a great deal of artists really. I agree: there's a lot of 'noise' on these social media websites. I think I'm already cursed with a shitty attention span, I check WATMM every 15 mins so to speak when a computer is in reach - same with email, some websites etc. so I didn't need FB to make it worse. I just sent a PM including my email address on FB to some people that mattered to me when I was leaving. Turns out I still have contact with only 1 or 2 people, while I had 200+ 'friends' on there I think. it's such a croc of shit really lol I also don't get how politicians and other important people in the world make public statements mainly via Twitter etc. It just seems so bland. really hoping for social media to make a downfall somewhere in the near future. it's like mass psychosis
  3. ^brilliant. some amazing stuff here as always
  4. Can't sleep so I'm posting in this thread. Is there such a thing as nostalgic depression? I probably need a job badly. Some distraction
  5. Berk


    many lols but holy shit that gaming crib is so depressing lol
  6. lol so watmm i just bought sushi from the lidl (mall) but it tastes nasty
  7. Me building up my studio/mess
  8. Now this looks like a fun little nook. Quite a handsome tape recorder too. Do you ever run it or the MPC through the Microbrute's filter? yeah nice looking tape recorder 3 motors?
  9. Berk


    This is pretty cool
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e8PD7EtXUc
  11. https://soundcloud.com/kindred-spirits/cosmo-v-nightrider
  12. Cool pics osc! What kind of camera are you using if you don't mind me asking?
  13. It's so brilliant because a lot of the sounds on drukqs aren't synthy at all, they sound really accoustic and strange at the same time, it's hard to explain. The sounds in those tunes blend so well with the piano tracks. I think this is one of the reasons songs like vordhosbn give me goosebumps every single time fuck it. best album ever.
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