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Everything posted by baph

  1. 5,166 might not sound like much, but when you compare it to the number of sites out there (watmm is ranked 89,543 in the US for comparison Glenn Beck's numbers have been slipping - but he still commanded a hefty audience even toward the end of his tenure on television. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/glenn-beck-has-lowest-fox-ratings-of-the-night-among-viewers-25-54/ At his peak though, he was drawing 3 million viewers a night, a not inconsiderable number among the people who consume media. This wasn't a jab at Americans in general, it was directed toward the media consuming masses. tl;dr - don't be so goddamned sensitive. lol, I was mostly kidding, chen. Whatever AJ's origins, his audience and Beck's audience seem to have merged pretty closely at this point; both tend to appeal to pseudo-libertarian "patriot movement" (eg, teabagger, oathkeeper, etc) types at this point.
  2. [citation needed] I know all of two people who don't think Beck is a moron, and I think I've met maybe 6 people who actually know who Alex Jones is. But I know a few hundred Anglophone (ameri-centric) media consumers. I guess what I'm saying is, where can I pick up a superiority complex like yours? It looks fun.
  3. Alex Jones and Alex Grey persona merge successful.
  4. "I'm not Elisabet Vogler: you are Elisabet Vogler, lol!"
  5. baph

    Yep! Mine is a 2004 ed and still seems to have a few typos. And one offhand reference by Mary Catherine to the GOP when Cozzano's affiliation (up to this point) seems to have been otherwise left to the imagination. Not sure if intentional? About half way through now.

  6. baph

    holy poo poo, Interface is good.

  8. Not before you learn your safe words, anyway.
  9. That's a device for resuscitating horses. Look at the poor horse. This is sad. I'm going to cry a little.
  10. This thread contains the two most comprehensible, standard-English delet posts in human history and you want to ignore him now?
  11. Huck Dunt Id Kickarus Fife Lorce Bobble Bubble Pike Tyson's Munch Out Puper Sitfall Konkey Dong I'm claiming all of these for the hipster nostalgia cred and inevitable $$$ (that's three whole dollars!)
  12. baph

    Now Reading

    Michiko Kakutani didn't like Falling Man, so that means it's probably great.
  13. baph

    Now Reading

    Nice one congrats. Remember you wrestling with it last time I was in here which was ages ago. I finished White Noise in the meantime. The darkness is well disguised from the point of view of this cosy family dad and his family (seems like it's taken from the authors own family life) amazing little observations here and there. And then the gun comes into the picture.... Now halfway through Detailed yet concise chronicle beginning at around the mid 1600s. Well researched, very heavy on name and date dropping throughout. Think I'm gonna need to balance this out with some fiction reading. White Noise is still one of my favorites, despite Underworld being on a whole other plane of literary brilliance. Underworld wasn't a particularly tough read aside from the time commitment: despite being rather episodic and broken into digestible character-focused segments it works much better as a continuous read-through. And it goes fast when you commit to it. I read the first half in short order and then tried to catch up with it here and there for a few months, reading a couple pages before falling asleep, and that just wasn't cutting it.
  14. We had this exact thread maybe a year ago.
  15. baph

    Now Reading

    Finally caught a few hours with nothing much to do and I finished the last couple hundred pages of Underworld: 9.83/10 We're all gonna die!
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