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Everything posted by ManjuShri

  1. ManjuShri


    Baile phonk. https://soundcloud.com/hssnx/senta https://soundcloud.com/jacazzz/marola
  2. https://soundcloud.com/draedaskimask/thicc-happy-bday-dj-rashad
  3. A bit Jazz, but didn't find it when I ran a search.
  4. Uncle Dugs and Riko Dan Jungle show on Rinse 100.3FM 24/01/2005
  5. I don't think even hardcore idealists would deny the strong connection between body and consciousness, for example even just the tactile sense that arises in one's mind as the finger presses the key on the keyboard, nevermind the huge consciousness shift when the body enters sleep, psychoactive drugs ingested into the system, or a knockout blow to the temple etc. Saying that consciousness is wholly a physical epiphenomenon based on the physical effecting changes in consciousness whilst not taking into account the effects of conscious states on the physical body is somewhat remiss, and I don't believe we're beyond the agnostic stage objectively speaking in the situation at the moment, irrespective of subjective belief-cum-experience*. Consciousness affecting physical responses is definitely lacking with regards to research though; such as looking at the entire central and peripheral nervous system in the cases of wilful conscious states that then effect large physical changes such as meditation from before, during, and after in extremely precise instancing and detailing etc., but the technology isn't really up to it the moment to offer anything great unfortunately, nor is even our understanding of the brain w.r.t. consciousness, much other than 'this area lights up and the subject reports x'. It's definitely a fun subject though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_problem_of_consciousness http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Hard_problem_of_consciousness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_correlates_of_consciousness *Although that's all we'll ever have, ho-ho :P
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGpE2oXf0aE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QBFMmIZTVs
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