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Everything posted by ManjuShri

  1. Vinyl available: https://undergroundmusic.bandcamp.com/album/drop-this-higher
  2. ManjuShri


  3. Duploc's 30 best 2017 tracks https://soundcloud.com/duploc/sets/dubstep-awards-2017-best-release Upcoming Shadow People (Youngsta & Truth) album https://deepdarkdangerous.bandcamp.com/album/shadow-people-digital-album-pre-order-dddlp2
  4. Nice Channel 4 documentary on stop-motion legend Ray Harryhausen (Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, Sinbad).
  5. I was sure I had seen Jan Svankmajer's Food as a young kid and it messing with me. I remember it as being far more gory, with the two diners actually eating each other completely and being more cartoony in its animation, but I guess I invented that as time went on as a false memory. It would be strange having it air on Channel 4 on a weekend in the early morning for the children to see, but I rationalised it as being a carry-over from the early hour's uni and educational programming.
  6. Pretty damn dark. Playlist Jamakabi's Hot It Up was the breakout tune from the album (unsurprisingly since it's the clubbiest track on it).
  7. Got me down a hole. Also, 60fps 80's commercial.
  8. Any salmiak recommendations, brus? Only tried Djungelvrål and Fazer's Tyrkisk Peber so far. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/257-7818550-0384952?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=salmiak
  9. 1. https://my.mixtape.moe/ikijba.webm 2. https://my.mixtape.moe/qbbjjd.webm 3. https://my.mixtape.moe/kvvapv.webm 4. https://my.mixtape.moe/zsjowa.webm 5. https://my.mixtape.moe/gufbvn.webm (Loud) 6. https://my.mixtape.moe/qqqbew.webm 7. https://my.mixtape.moe/pugirf.webm
  10. ManjuShri


    More chill. https://soundcloud.com/menthalo666/stargate https://soundcloud.com/courage0/casio-cruise-ship
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