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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Looper - 5/10 Great concept, corny execution The Hunt 9/10 Intense and incredibly depressing
  2. Wow... Spurs fans have irony? Good on them.
  3. Bacary Sagna is Peter Pan
  4. It doesn't have n00b mode? (I actually kind of wanted that)
  5. Apparently I embarrassed myself drunk a couple of days ago. Not sure what I did, because can't remember anything. Fuck alcohol.
  6. *ze big fucking german
  7. Could somebody recommend me something similar to 'The Ape of Naples' from other artists?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OcuImvVCTk
  9. awful. did they catch the fuckers? Yes, they caught him in a different city. He was an mentally ill man who probably should have been locked up at an institution to begin with. This world is so fucked up sometimes.
  10. This probably don't belong in this thread, but.. I just learned that my teacher, probably one of the nicest people I've ever meet, was the husband to the woman who was stabbed down, outside her job at the jobcentre she worked at, in my local town. This is seriously depressing.
  11. Felix Magath is a psychopath, his training methods are ridiculously brutal. He's not a decent manager, just a dictator who will have short lived success at already established clubs, because of his psychopathic tendencies, and then the players will be completely worn out. A German Paolo Di Canio if you will. Just what a bunch of players with low-esteem needs right now (sarcasm) Fulham is guaranteed 100% to go down, now that he is charge.
  12. It's funny what prices can do to your enjoyment out of a game. I bought Dead Space 3 for next to nothing, a game I would probably normally have hated (I really didn't like the gameplay Dead Space 1) But I'm enjoying it, even though the gameplay is the practically identical. If I had given the normal price for it, I would probably have stopped playing it a long time ago.
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