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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. I tried to start a replay of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood But holy shit the missions in that game are monotonous and boring. ACII is still the only truely amazing AC game that has been made (yet to play Black Flag though)
  2. rAEd Izz $UCH an AmAzin TAlnt. Ne11 HOO quesShUNS ReaD'$ $KILlz, Iz Uhhh $traIghttt Uhpp CHuMP
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_j2BwbaJYI
  4. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/newcastle-transfer-news-joe-kinnear-2670971
  5. Have you ever considered "going back to the roots" for an album, and make it heavily inspired by your earlier works? (Incunabula, Amber, Tri Repetae etc.)
  6. I've been a whole lot better at using dental floss lately.
  7. Edgy and controversial status update that will force WATMM into an identitiy and existential crisis

    1. Friendly Foil
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Nonchalant response

    3. triachus


      Original text:


      "Edgy and controversial status update that will force WATMM into an identitiy and existential crisis"


      ...35 translations later, Bing gives us:


      "You only need to include in the energy crisis, the controversial Islamic studies."

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfFMJyA80-0
  9. I honestly think you would have to understand the whole "jantelov" mentality in order to properly understand it, goDel. But we probably shouldn't complain too much, because in the end we have a pretty good system. But if you go to, let's say Italy, I actually have a feeling they are a whole lot happier with their lives. They smile a lot more, and isn't that a pretty good indicator on how happy you are? And even (like I mentioned before) people in Britain seems a whole lot friendlier and less distant and cold. I was really suprised at how talkative and nice people seemed to be, the two times I've been in London.
  10. My drunk post ratio is a little too high right now
  11. I definitely have feeling that American media never portrays some of the shitty things here. Most Americans I've talked to, always thinks that Denmark is some kind of utopia. There are a lot shitty things here too. To give an example: a lot of Americans probably don't know that the gang violence in Copenhagen is crazy. Most Americans probably just associate Copenhagen with stuff like: bicycles, green energy and whatever.... good things. Another thing (And I'm definitely going to sound like an old grumpy man now, which is weird, since I'm only 23). But this new generation (mine included) are just some of the most entitled, spoiled and lazy little brats that have ever lived (that is probably a problem in most western countries nowadays though). But I think those are some of bad things that comes with the Danish welfare. But to give an example, I have just gone back to school to start another education, and think only about 60% of my classmates shows up everyday, and most of those who does show up, just spends their day playing stupid mobile games/facebook'ing on their tablets all day long, and never pays attention to anything in class. Anything that isn't entertainment to them, doesn't concern them. Maybe I have just ended up in a bad class, but jesus christ. Most of them just shows up to cash in on the education financial support (not quite what to call it in english, but it is called "SU" here). We are one of the few countries where you can take a education, without ending up with a huge debt afterwards, and yet people don't give a shit. According to 60minutes, Denmark fucking rocks. Basically you guys have low-zero expectations in life. So when things don't turn out as bad, you're super happy. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4181996n Again... We are satisfied Not necessarily happy. watch the video. I would love your take on it. 60 minutes is one of the media ballers in the US. I have seen it, and that 60 minutes show has been analyzed and heavily criticized many times. There is a well respected danish show called Detektor that basically has discredited it, I wish you could hear it (I don't assume you understand Danish). But it goes into some of the things I've mentioned a few posts back about happiness vs. the Danish meaning of happiness.
  12. I definitely have feeling that American media never portrays some of the shitty things here. Most Americans I've talked to, always thinks that Denmark is some kind of utopia. There are a lot shitty things here too. To give an example: a lot of Americans probably don't know that the gang violence in Copenhagen is crazy. Most Americans probably just associate Copenhagen with stuff like: bicycles, green energy and whatever.... good things. Another thing (And I'm definitely going to sound like an old grumpy man now, which is weird, since I'm only 23). But this new generation (mine included) are just some of the most entitled, spoiled and lazy little brats that have ever lived (that is probably a problem in most western countries nowadays though). But I think those are some of bad things that comes with the Danish welfare. But to give an example, I have just gone back to school to start another education, and think only about 60% of my classmates shows up everyday, and most of those who does show up, just spends their day playing stupid mobile games/facebook'ing on their tablets all day long, and never pays attention to anything in class. Anything that isn't entertainment to them, doesn't concern them. Maybe I have just ended up in a bad class, but jesus christ. Most of them just shows up to cash in on the education financial support (not quite what to call it in english, but it is called "SU" here). We are one of the few countries where you can take a education, without ending up with a huge debt afterwards, and yet people don't give a shit. According to 60minutes, Denmark fucking rocks. Basically you guys have low-zero expectations in life. So when things don't turn out as bad, you're super happy. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4181996n Again... We are satisfied Not necessarily happy.
  13. I'll stop all my annoying Scandinavia talk now, but this is pretty much Scandinavian life in a nutshell: Not sure this is 'happiness'
  14. I definitely have feeling that American media never portrays some of the shitty things here. Most Americans I've talked to, always thinks that Denmark is some kind of utopia. There are a lot shitty things here too. To give an example: a lot of Americans probably don't know that the gang violence in Copenhagen is crazy. Most Americans probably just associate Copenhagen with stuff like: bicycles, green energy and whatever.... good things. Another thing (And I'm definitely going to sound like an old grumpy man now, which is weird, since I'm only 23). But this new generation (mine included) are just some of the most entitled, spoiled and lazy little brats that have ever lived (that is probably a problem in most western countries nowadays though). But I think those are some of bad things that comes with the Danish welfare. But to give an example, I have just gone back to school to start another education, and think only about 60% of my classmates shows up everyday, and most of those who does show up, just spends their day playing stupid mobile games/facebook'ing on their tablets all day long, and never pays attention to anything in class. Anything that isn't entertainment to them, doesn't concern them. Most of them just shows up to cash in on the education financial support (not quite what to call it in english, but it is called "SU" here). We are one of the few countries where you can take a education, without ending up with a huge debt afterwards, and yet people don't give a shit. Again.. I probably sound like a grumpy old twat, but I just find that stuff so annoying. I am probably getting a little off-topic here. That also happens in countries with comparatively poor educational coverage, the funniest part is that what you hear there is "if we were as serious, responsible and dependable as Scandinavians this would be impossible". A close person to me, who is getting poor marks at university and facing what looks like rather severe psychological distress, had to endure twenty minutes of "useless people like you wouldn't exist in Sweden" at a family dinner, which was followed by a long rant against people who get unemployment benefits. Don't blame welfare for something unrelated - being a pennyless student really IS tough. Me, I've come to hate all provincial talk about the supposed superiority of Scandinavia to be quite honest. I wasn't trying to say we have it rough here in any way, but it is the fact that people don't seize their opportunities here, is what really bugs me. And I think part of that has to do with the security of welfare, which has made certain young people very lazy. If you've ever meet a Danish teenager, you would know that all that concerns them are partying and getting drunk (not that there is anything wrong with having fun, but it can't be all the fucking time). I don't want American conditions here, and I'm not fan of the liberal model in any way. It was more a comment on the mindstate of certain people here. And honestly the problem with "lazy teenagers" is really not that big a problem here (yet), it is just something I've been witnessing a lot lately, so I couldn't help but mentioning it. And yes, I'm also very sick of hearing about all that "superiority of Scandinavia" talk. That is why I am trying to say that Scandinavian countries are not some kind of utopia, like some people are led to believe, for some strange reason.
  15. I definitely have feeling that American media never portrays some of the shitty things here. Most Americans I've talked to, always thinks that Denmark is some kind of utopia. There are a lot shitty things here too. To give an example: a lot of Americans probably don't know that the gang violence in Copenhagen is crazy. Most Americans probably just associate Copenhagen with stuff like: bicycles, green energy and whatever.... good things. Another thing (And I'm definitely going to sound like an old grumpy man now, which is weird, since I'm only 23). But this new generation (mine included) are just some of the most entitled, spoiled and lazy little brats that have ever lived (that is probably a problem in most western countries nowadays though). But I think those are some of bad things that comes with the Danish welfare. But to give an example, I have just gone back to school to start another education, and think only about 60% of my classmates shows up everyday, and most of those who does show up, just spends their day playing stupid mobile games/facebook'ing on their tablets all day long, and never pays attention to anything in class. Anything that isn't entertainment to them, doesn't concern them. Maybe I have just ended up in a bad class, but jesus christ. Most of them just shows up to cash in on the education financial support (not quite what to call it in english, but it is called "SU" here). We are one of the few countries where you can take a education, without ending up with a huge debt afterwards, and yet people don't give a shit. Again.. I probably sound like a grumpy old twat, but I just find that stuff so annoying, and I am probably getting a little off-topic here.
  16. Absolutely. I know that Denmark/Scandinavian countries have been potrayed to be "the happiest place on earth" by some american media outlets, but that is simply just not true. I've read a lot of stuff on how those studies have shown to be flawed, because there is problem with the translation of the english word "happy" and the Danish version "glad", which the people asked in studies have been asked. Those two things doesn't means the same thing. Happy is kind of a state extreme happiness/ecstasy, while "glad" basically just means satisfied. So people in scandinavia are just the most satisfied people on earth, not the most happy, and living here I can confirm that people are not as happy as some might think. One out of ten suffers from depression and a lot of people have alcohol issues etc. Not that is some kind of grim country to grow up or live in or anything, the living standards are high, which is also the reason why we are so satisfied. But it annoys me when people think that everything is perfect in Denmark, that is just bullshit. People that move here in the belief they've found paradise, will be hugely disappointed. But on the other hand, the perfect country probably doesn't exist. Personally I would like to move to Britain, the few times I've been there, it seemed like people were just so much more friendlier there.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCgRKCJ0vU0&feature=youtu.be
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