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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Forgot how good this music video is
  2. Sorry, I hided my post, and made it into a thread instead.. You guys are too quick to respond, haha. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84265-the-sad-state-of-the-film-industry/ But yeah, it's probably just Hollywood it's wrong with.
  3. Not saying AC1 was bad, it's definitely a competent game. But considering how hyped it was, I don't think it fully lived up to expectations for a lot people, including myself. But I actually thought the story was pretty good in AC1 (considering the normal standards of video game stories), but that game also suffered from a bland protagonist. Actually... the more I think about it, AC1 and Watch Dogs has a lot in common. The open-world stuff/side activities are just not that interesting in both games.
  4. Apart from playing the Destiny beta, and loving it, I also started Watch_Dogs. It's alright, but it definitely has its problems. The main problem for me is vehicle handling/physics, which are both kinda shitty. That is huge problem since it's obviously a open world game, where you spend so much time driving around the city. It's kind of hard going back to these poor driving mechanics, when you've played something like GTAV. But it's probably Ubisoft's first open-world GTA style game of this scope (I think?), so I'm kinda forgivning about that... for now. Also.. The main character Aiden Pearce just has this annoying voice. Grizzled soccer-dad, I don't like him. But you can definitely see this series has a lot of potential going forward. I think it will be like when Ubisoft released the first Assassin's Creed, it was kind of a dissapointment to most people, but then they fixed a lot stuff for the sequel, and obviously AC2 ended up being a pretty amazing game (I thought at least). So Watch_Dogs 2 is probably going to be pretty great, that's my prediction.
  5. I was kind of skeptical of the Destiny beta to begin with, but after having played it for a while, I'm completely sold. Definitely the game I'm most excited for now. It is basically Halo The RPG, the combat is incredibly satisfying, it just takes some getting used too. My only concern is the story part of the game seem very minimal, but I hope that's just something they're holding back on in the beta (which seems likely/sensible).
  6. Here's a couple of Destiny beta codes for PS4, if any of you want (be quick): J3AR-5AN9-M4EM L7AG-MCNR-38DF
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV9LGyxR2aU
  8. My father is on the "get a job son" routine, up in my fucking business all the time. I actually don't even need a job, I have plenty to go around at the moment. So I just don't want to do shit this summer.
  9. Another chapter in the ridiculously overpriced British players saga: Fulham have signed Ross McCormack for £11m 27 years old and have never played above Championship or SPL level. He might be good player, capable of scoring goals, but there's no way he's worth that much.
  10. Seems that uncertainty is a natural feeling with the start of a new job. I'm having a similar FWP - I want a new job, but I don't know if I'm skilled or qualified enough to get one. Well, you grow each time you get a new assignment, so in the end a lot of people will be qualified for whatever job they want - more or less. This company is looking for a sound engineer for voice overs and I've barely ever worked with voice overs, but I told them I had... I dunno. I guess, I done gone fucked up. Most people slightly lie about or exaggerate their qualifications for a new job. I think everyone has done that at some point, so maybe I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unless you've told them you have a lot of experience with it, it might be a problem, then of course they should expect very little introduction/learning time for a new assignments. But if you've told them you just have some experience with it, you could maybe practice it this summer before starting? You probably have the time, right? I don't know if that is a shit advice, but that is probably what I would do.
  11. I don't agree with this, a track like Reach For The Dead is just an explosion of layers and depth towards the end, the same could be said for Jacquard Causeway and New Seeds. Sure there are some tracks that are very minimal: Collapse, Telepath and Uritual etc. But BOC has always had those short and simple interlude type tracks between the more fleshed out songs. It's nothing new. There is probably a argument to be made, that some of the tracks are slightly minimal. But that is not necessarily a complaint for me personally, on some tracks I actually think it is its strength, a minimalist approach doesn't have to be a bad thing if you ask me. But all that being said, I don't agree that TH lacks layers.
  12. Yeah, one the of the things I really love about it is the contrasts. The optimism and hopelessness on TH combined just makes for a unique listening experience. BOC has always been amazing at combining contrasts, Geogaddi mixed nostalgia and warmth with cultism and the disburbing, that kind of musical concept just creates an amazing atmosphere to me. It's what makes them stand out.
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