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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYOebDVB-SY
  2. The Harlem Shake meme, is really starting to get on my nerves. Gangnam Style all over again. Ugh...
  3. Fuck... that sucks squee! Hopefully it's nothing.
  4. Randy Pitchford's personal crusade to make sure shitty cancelled games are being released, is successful.
  5. It's probably the same people that think Dark Souls is "TEH BEST GAME EVAH", that likes it. 2hardcore4u
  6. I get some serious Garbage EP vibes, everytime I listen to bladelores. It also, for some reason, kind of reminds of the Skeng remix they did.
  7. I think Frank Ocean is the perfect example, that music review outlets are more concerned with the image of a artist, rather than the actual music, when they give album scores.
  8. You're a new school chre guy, and I'm a old school chre guy. Let's fight.
  9. I don't understand the dislike for Incunabula. Seems to be on everybody's bottom of the list. Is just because Sean or Rob said it was cheesy one time? Cheesy or not, I love that album. And maybe it's a bit premature to put Exai on a 5th place. But I can honestly say, I enjoy it way more than anything they've done in the last 5 years.
  10. Albums 1. Tri Repetae 2. Amber 3. LP5 4. Chiastic Slide 5. Exai 6. Incunabula 7. Draft 7.30 8. Oversteps 9. Untilted 10. Quaristice 11. Confield EP's 1. Garbage 2. Envane 3. Anvil Vapre ‎ 4. Anti EP 5. Cichlisuite 6. Peel Session 2 7. EP7 8 .Peel Session 9. Move Of Ten 10. Basscad EP 11. Gantz Graf
  11. I cleaned up two days ago, and the whole place already looks like a mess again. Thanks Obamacare.
  12. Gearbox games are so hit & miss. But this is sad. I really wanted a good Aliens game.
  13. I actually thought the Dead Space 3 demo was pretty entertaining. Even though I've never been a fan of the series. I could see myself buying it, when it gets cheaper. Not a day one buy though. More open environments, more enemy variety, and a deep weapon crafting system. And Dead Space has never been scary to begin with. So the co-op won't ruin anything.
  14. 'recks on' is the spiritual succesor to 'V-Proc' b-boy chre
  15. irlite (get 0) jatevee C bladelores cloudline recks on LUSH
  16. Just contact the Itunes support, and they will make it available for re-downloading.
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