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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. 1. Eggshell 2. Piezo 3. C/Pach 4. Cichli 5. Corc 6. Uviol 7. V-Proc 8. Pro Radii 9. Simmm 10. O=0 11. bladelores
  2. This might be right up Salvatorin's alley: http://www.facebook.com/timefly.exist?ref=stream (lol)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5GGky5_q1A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYHE4HtWgTM&list=FLFQJtWSc5jcgI2Gy08mrpvQ&index=2
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSpYDllt_L8
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5GGky5_q1A&list=FLFQJtWSc5jcgI2Gy08mrpvQ&index=67
  6. Still a fucking awful tattoo though...
  7. The fact that he started to speed up so close to a bunch of children, kind of bothers me. /watmm moralfag
  8. Exercise Meh. I eat healthy, so that should be enough. Running around for an hour each day won't change that, since I've never had this problem before. I used to think like that. But it actually makes a huge different... like it or not.
  9. Krib was the track that sold me on the 'chre.
  10. It is an extremely underrated game and the DLC/extra chapters are even better and more fucked up than what you get on the disc Yes, it's definitely underrated. The shooting feels incredible, and I really like that whole dodging mechanic. And it's absolutely gorgeous (apart from the facial animations). Still one of the best looking games this generation. Also the American Nightmare arcade game, is really underappreciated. I had a blast playing it. It don't have the same atmosphere as the retail game, but the gameplay is a bit more refined (as far as I remember).
  11. Django Unchained 9/10 - awesome/fun. Lincoln 7/10 - only watched it because of Daniel Day-Lewis, and it was pretty good. Bloody Sunday 8/10 - Don't know how historical accurate it is, but I really enjoyed it. Jagten (The Hunt) 8/10 - almost as good as Festen.
  12. I thought you needed less sleep the older you get.....
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIpJeVaKmXs
  14. It can enhance the game experience, but some games just goes overboard with that stuff. I wish all games would just use audio logs instead.
  15. ^I remember having that same issue with Deux Ex: HR. I felt like I had to read all those boring emails. But once I stopped, the game was immensely more fun.
  16. Started replaying Alan Wake. Dat atmosphere. Only complaint I have about it, is that the camera in the game, is really annoying at times.
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