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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMr2uF498sc
  2. In the process of re-ripping all my cds to FLAC. Not sure if it's worth it.
  3. Lost. Guess that goes for a guilty pleasure here. But I quite enjoy it. It's really silly at parts, but it's mostly in service of making it entertaining.. so.. Also watched a episode of TaleSpin for nostalgic reasons. Man I loved that cartoon as a kid.
  4. Thanks. I'm pretty new on the tea market. So I'm actually not sure.. Does all tea's have caffeine?
  5. I have to say I've gotten really bored with Dishonored. The AI is dumb as fuck, the story is totally throw away. I've heard it gets better further in, and I sure hope so. But all I seem to be doing is choking enemies. I think I might have to reconsider my non-lethal approach. I usually love stealth, but not so much in this one.
  6. Raspberry tea. I've stopped drinking coffee. My stomach can't handle that shit. Do anyone know a tea that has plenty of caffeine btw?
  7. El-B's Disclosure of Boiling http://soundcloud.com/el-b-ghost/disclosure-boiling-feat-sinead
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MIkzyYm3Pk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uYoUlaKOus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3xON2BapBY&list=FLFQJtWSc5jcgI2Gy08mrpvQ&index=2&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_QzZQCs7VE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PccPy_pTM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl9ayMEJ_94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeLplBWgt2A&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nApu4cv4jKc&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiqiDRcx0k0
  9. Dishonored. Only a couple of hours in. I love a good stealth game, and this seems to be very deep in terms of stealth ablities and so on. But the engine looks absolutely terrible (on console). Some of the textures looks like a last gen title. But the amazing art direction saves it.
  10. Some of you guys need to post what camera you're using I'm one the lookout for a good one.
  11. Do anyone know if there will be more Chain Reaction re-releases like this?
  12. I've spend way too much money on music, games and clothes lately, and it's soon December... It's gonna be rough. I have put alot of money aside this year. But I'm still spending too much money on stuff I don't desperately need.
  13. I really hope my new low-specs macbook 13'' will be able to run the new SimCity. I normally don't play PC games, but I really need to play that game when it comes out.
  14. DO IT. Probably my favorite game of the year along with ME3. Fuck. I can't decide if I should buy this game or wait till it gets cheaper. Q4 is raping my wallet again.
  15. What class are you? I played as the Commando. My turrent almost always managed to save me with 'second wind'. Maybe don't do the story missions before you are on the right level. I think there's a indicator in the menus that says what level is best for the quests.
  16. Got a gun called the Fibber. It's way too overpowered. It does 3000x damage or something, It actually kind of ruined the end of the game for me, because I beat the end boss in like 2 minutes with it.
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