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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. Pick internet. and download french maid themed porn for the whole ~week I picked the nice one with no internet, turns out it has internet, so it's a great success, but I've got better things to do. Havent gotten round to the maid themed porn yet, sorry!
  2. Seriously, fuck this shit. I wish they would make films based on actual scripts and not have a bunch of monkeys write what they think market wants.
  3. If it's a total reinvention doing everything fresh, why call it a blade runner sequel, or prequel, whatever it is once the script is finished in a boardroom meeting. What happened to making original movies?
  4. If there is one film that doesn't need a sequel it's blade runner. I don't mind him doing the Alien prequel, the sequels already fucked that universe up good and proper.
  5. Here's my find, I'm sorry about the shitty picture... I took it many moons ago, in a rush.
  6. Unable to decide which appartment to stay at in Paris, one is awesome but has no internet, one is a bit shit but has internet.
  7. Too much arty stuff that's not really bad taxidermy here, but it's still ok because the thread brings a million lols. I'm pretty sure I took a picture of a good one in Gothenburg in Sweden, I'll post it when I find it.
  8. This one isn't part of the roll, but I just have to say: Skrillex is such a rubbish name. Klipsnot
  9. Alvis Parsley is the first one I encountered in the world of IDM (or should that be drill n bass?)
  10. I organize all my stuff in a clusterfuck, when it's gotten out of hand it's moved to backup harddisk, never to be looked at again. Then I start building a new clusterfuck.
  11. haha, I felt miserable about my less than stellar setup, and then yours came along for relief. (untill you edited it). nevermind though, gear is mostly for fetishism these days, at least in my case, the software I use goes a long way and then some. I do have a glockenspiel, a harmonica, kazoo, old guitar, toy piano, pan pipe etc as well, but it's tucked away when I dont use it. esh.
  12. yeah, you're right. the only analog stuff I've got left are the two pedals, a monotron hiding in the back and the dw-8000, that's a hybrid though, but I'll let it slide. Thanks for liking the album
  13. Hi guys and girls, I'm posting my boring setup here. I wish I didn't sell my synths way back when. I miss them. So yeah, a bunch of midi controllers and some cheap gear.
  14. indeed, reminds me of an oberheim matrix 6R I used to own, but I doubt they're similar. Never heard about this one.
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