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luke viia

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by luke viia

  1. someone is still eating my fucking food out of the fridge apparently i have to lay the smack down tonight. food thievery is probably the oldest reason motherfuckers went to war
  2. norton internet security can suck eggs. i have to download shit to uninstall something i never installed in the first place? and i have to register an account with you nards to even download the uninstall manager? FWPs all day
  3. i live in washington (state). most everything is pretty expensive out here, and fruit is overpriced in most grocery stores, but there are produce stands/stores and asian markets where many things can be had for low low prices :sup:
  4. farmers market? fruit is way cheaper than snausages ime
  5. just had to tell my 40-something year old housemate that it's not OK to eat whatever food i bring home from the grocery store, especially before i even get a chance to open it. started the short lesson with "i really shouldn't have to say this, but" and got no response from him, he just walked away.
  6. that was a problem i had a lot last year -- i was beginning to convince myself i must have insomnia. then one night, i was chatting with glunk at 4am in chatmm, and she alerted me to the fact that i was wide awake because i was sitting in front of a bright screen, and that i ought to just go lay down in the dark. simplest solution to a schedule-wrecking habit i ever heard. thank you glunk.
  7. do you do anything for the anxiety or just hope it will go away? try exercising (if you don't already) and take 200mg of l-theanine erreday warning, i am not a doctor, please seek proper medical advice from a wolfed out professional
  8. NSFW http://spaceghetto.s...arlett-jo-naked hey thanks JR! never know if those soccer moms might forget to read the word "naked" in the URL!
  9. one of my professors instructed me to buy the wrong edition of a textbook, and there will be homework due every day out of the version i do not own. she also has the first day of class listed as "tuesday, september 29" ... which is a thursday. WTF hoe
  10. karakafka music? my problem: the cat wouldn't stop meowing while i was trying to do calculus
  11. hahaha, tell me about it. i don't even have enough money to afford the books I am using to teach my own class...that is fucking embarrassing... I was told you can get books for free by faculty but these seem to be from very hungry publishing companies. i dont have a single book that is less than 120 dollars new. it's a fucking racket. fucking basic math textbook - and i mean BASIC basic, i am terrible at math and thus have to take math 091 instead of 101 - is $170. the solutions manual is an extra 30. It seems to be the consensus for any subject to have at least one mad expensive POS texctbook....I mean, Im looking through it and its alright I spose, Though with math, biology, and sciences there doesn't seem to be any escape from the $300 book prices each semester. I work for an education publishing company and I can safely say that those books are expensive because we work fucking hard to get them out on time. I've been working on a digital version of a primary school maths book series for over a month and I'm not even half finished. And that's just the digital component - 10% of the final product. (this isn't a first world problem btw - I love my job, just thought I'd chime in with my two cents) Why is your company rewriting basic maths textbooks so frequently? What has changed? Why reprint them all? They're gigantic books, it's a waste. I don't mean to attack you directly, but rewriting books on basic maths more than once every five to ten years seems nonsensical to me and I hope you can shed some light on this. I get the exact same info from maths texts writtin in the 60s that I find in the school library as I do in the brand new texts with cute "relevant" problems about iPods, Priuses and Beyonce.
  12. I am fully ready to begin scamming and stealing from textbook publishers. These prices are indeed pure insanity. To make matters worse, my school's bookstore (owned by Barnes & Noble as of last year) lists the wrong books, wrong editions, or extra books damn near half the time. If I bought them new, my calculus textbook(s, they say) for Fall alone would amount to more than $500. Luckily I found a copy of the only math text I really need for $10.99 on Amazon.
  13. I have to move and I only got two weeks notice. Luckily I found a great place on my first day of hunting, because USA #1.
  14. proto-Shoba (1977) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q25nUY3iEE
  15. i got a terrible case of the hiccups whilst drinking tea and fidgeting about in the strawberry patch no kiddin
  16. if you can't decide, don't do it
  17. i got too stoned and forgot what day it was - now i'll either have to skip work or re-make plans to go to the museum of flight some other day. wat a fuckin world.
  18. that looks like a lot of fun!
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