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luke viia

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by luke viia

  1. just stop eating so much sugar then when you have a little bit, it'll feel like a lot, etc you save money, you're healthier, and your sweet tooth gets to indulge itself from time to time. or ice cream.
  2. SpaceChem (mobile version) wouldn't mind playing Earthbound again either! so many memories
  3. the fucking educational software package for my statistics course has erased my quiz answers three times in the last 2 days, even though i keep re-doing it and submitting it. the other assignments worked fine. now this shit says the assignment is overdue. this "software" (website) cost $100 to access, and i didn't even buy the textbook because I know how to do this shit already. modey, I am going to commit my life to destroying your profession, I swear
  4. Icarus! great name. what made you choose it? gf's choice (i dig the name as well, but she called it). we both like mythologies, and icarus' flight is one of her favorites she's told me the whole story now: when she got the cat from the shelter, he had a burnt whisker, and during the first night with her, he tried to jump out the window (3rd story). he's delightful now, but he's still really mouthy and doesn't listen when you tell him to stfu.
  5. Icarus! great name. what made you choose it? gf's choice (i dig the name as well, but she called it). we both like mythologies, and icarus' flight is one of her favorites
  6. dunno why i never posted in this thread before, but here's icarus and tuna, in order of appearance:
  7. watching season 2 as well...forget exactly what episode I was watching but it started off with him viewing porn (sound only obviously) with a completely unfazed look on his face lol exactly
  8. that didn't have anything to do with materials science, lol. it's the beginning of a really lame and simple physics problem. in material science we're just going over the basics atm, bravais lattice classes and stuff
  9. promise yourself something awesome for when it's over. there's a nug on the table with my name on it just as soon as this materials science homework is done. i haven't really started it, but that's because engineering physics is slowly solidifying my mind. "A bird is accelerating in the xy plane..." - yes, that sounds reasonable, $300 textbook. birds always do that.
  10. i keep trying to poke and caress the laptop screen in front of me. way too used to the ipad.
  11. Season 2 of the X-Files. As a kid I never noticed it, but Mulder is always incredibly bored, like he just wants to go to bed, look all emotionally distant and slowly spoon ice cream into his mouth. I don't get it. He's usually in immediate danger and kind of just mopes from place to place solving shit nonchalantly, again as if he's really just thinking about ice cream. It's no wonder nobody believes him.
  12. the office receptionist at my apartment complex is gone for tiny spurts of time that add up to almost half the fucking work day, i swear. and when he's there he has no idea wtf is going on and can't locate a package for my apt address out of a total of like 20 packages for the whole complex, and he's the dude that actually signed for it. last time he told me they straight up didn't have my package, so i asked if i could look, and i spotted it in about 3 seconds. this was after ten minutes of bickering with him and him telling me to call usps. when i found the package he said "oh, sorry, i have a cold." shut up. how do these people get jobs
  13. i've been using honey lately as an "alternative sweetener," thinking it was better for me than refined sugar and especially HFCS. but a few days ago i found out honey is almost 50% fructose, and most other sweeteners are similar! so i've decided to just stop sweetening things. tldr: i'm a credulous hippy and my coffee sucks today
  14. some depression feels like it's part vanity, but when you're really in the throes of the stuff, it's pretty hard to convince yourself to just get over it, lol. your mind actually changes and it is damn near impossible to gain the wherewithal to act right; in turn, it hurts knowing this and being unable to fix it yourself. negative feedback loops are pretty brutal. your dad might be a jackass (@encey) but plz don't generalize the condition too much. everyone that goes through it does so on their own terms, and if you think most of those people aren't fighting a constant battle in their heads (and losing), you probably haven't experienced quite the same thing yourself. you can see the tension in really depressed people's eyes, you can tell it's making them tired and that they want it to stop, and doesn't really work to shake it out of them; they've likely already mentally punished themselves over their inability to "get over it" the ladies above said it better than i
  15. it didn't, but then i did have a 3+ hr layover in st. paul's airport, which is basically a giant mall surrounded by flying machines, where everything is priced at 250% retail. they had bars, but i drank water from the drinking fountain because $9 beer is a whole nother fwp
  16. joke lost on me i meant this http://www.fireproofgames.com
  17. played through The Room (iOS) last night... beautiful, slightly creepy, fun puzzles... really looking forward to the next installment.
  18. Oh, cool, so you could get a real good deal and buy my physics book for $120. Still a giant ripoff, lol. And why are you writing textbooks from scratch again? You writing the first-ever book on arithmetic again this year? Writing a book and producing a book are two vastly different processes! The author isn't the designer, or even the editor. I'd try to explain the process but it's probably not worth the effort. If you want to explain it, I will legitimately attempt to understand the process without attacking it.* But as you may have noticed, I'm kinda hostile to publishers, especially when I've never seen anyone put forth a convincing argument for why the big couple educational publishers have such a monstrous stranglehold over taxpayers and students alike. You're welcome to lay it out for me though, I am genuinely interested... otherwise I'll just fuck off with my sustained hatred for your profession and put it to better use elsewhere *and then, if I understand it and still strongly disagree, I will attack it.
  19. Oh, cool, so you could get a real good deal and buy my physics book for $120. Still a giant ripoff, lol. And why are you writing textbooks from scratch again? You writing the first-ever book on arithmetic again this year?
  20. You work for Pearson? They're the cunts that made the physics book I have to use. Your company sucks and I truly hope your entire industry dies a painful death.
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