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luke viia

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by luke viia

  1. If you're actually producing books that cost nearly as much as mine do, then I have this to say: fuck your job and I hope your publishing house shuts down forever. Thanks for keeping schools poor and retarded.
  2. been drinking a few of these for the last few nights: if you like wit beer, it's pretty good. not my favorite or anything... besides wits and IPAs, most "posh" beers taste like spiced meaty garbage to me. *ducks*
  3. I'm almost afraid to ask what you have to pay in tuition. Seems like attending college/uni keeps getting more costly every year. My tuition is about $1700 this quarter, which is outrageous. I'm at a community college. Financial aid runs out after this quarter, if it even goes that far, and then two more quarters to go... possibly out of pocket. On the plus side, I found a copy of my $300 physics textbook, and now it's on my tablet for free, saving me from lugging 1500 pages around on my back every day. We're only going through 5 of the 33 chapters in the book this quarter, but for some reason I'm required to own the whole thing. The last five chapters are about cosmology, a subject my school doesn't even offer. The book looks like shit, BTW. My open source physics book is much more readable, and covers the same ground.. this fat tome just has about 2x the amount of homework problems, and worse explanations. College is a racket and I feel bad for anyone studying at a University in the US. I saw encey post a response to vamos here on watmm once. The context was that vamos wanted to learn outside of school, by reading various texts and using websites to further his knowledge. Encey came back with "Reading doesn't equal learning," and I'm going to have to chime in a bit further: Classrooms don't equal learning either. I know science students who have vowed to "never take a math class past pre-calculus," who "hate chemistry with all [their] heart," who "can't afford to stay in school and don't really care anyway, but need a job." And here I am, having worked for 8 years before coming back to school, knowing that people with Bachelors degrees work the same jobs - restaurants, call centers, manual labor - for the same money as the rest of us. They don't tell that to students in the advising centers though, that's for sure. I've been practically promised a job right out of the gate, and I'm still worried about it. /rant
  4. my textbooks this quarter are going to cost around $650 if i can't manage to pirate any of them, this is straight insanity. there are so many open source physics and stats textbooks out there and i'm using the ones that come with a fucking $100 "access card" to some shitty online homework program. fffffffffuuuuuuu
  5. i wanted to play myst 3, but you can't buy it online, only in physical copies, so i pirated it. it only runs in 640x480. i got drunk and now i can't solve any of the puzzles; too tiny
  6. dr who. never watched it before last week. i'm hooked, and i feel terrible about it
  7. i have to move this month and earlier today looked at a fantastic apartment for a great price, really i loved everything about this place and i would be a wonderful tenant for them, but i think the landlady chose someone else. =( meanwhile the chorus of lap pooches is still going in my courtyard, and i am thinking of killing them all.
  8. luke viia

    Now Reading

    finished Trickster Makes This World by Lewis Hyde yesterday. Not bad, glad I read it.
  9. these headsets look great. if everybody sticks to their schedules, december is gonna be a weird month... google specs, leap motion, rift...
  10. tried to make a Berry Smoothie, but ran out of juice and made something like a Fruit Roll-Up Chunky. Eating it with a spoon currently.
  11. luke viia

    Now Reading

    That does look like a pretty good story... and I can't fight with free. *puts it in the queue*
  12. luke viia

    Now Reading

    Lord Dunsany is a bad-ass -- thank you guys for bringing him to my attention. Downloaded a collection of 51 Dunsany stories for free on the kindle, read a handful of them this morning. Love it so far.
  13. re: fwp health insurance: yup same here, i was born with a heart condition and now that i'm over 26 no insurance companies will touch me. still waiting to see how this mandatory health insurance shit works out. gmanyo, at least your school offers insurance, mine doesnt even have a clinic, lol
  14. luke viia

    Now Reading

    Just started Bucky Fuller's short "Manual for Spaceship Earth" link if you want it: http://classes.dma.u...ting-manual.pdf Bucky was a smart guy, but holy hell does he ramble on incomprehensibly sometimes. ah yes. Now I understand.
  15. There is an orchestra of dogs that barks every day, all day, into the courtyard of my apartment complex. I should probably just get some chocolate to throw on their balconies. This shit goes on at midnight, at 6am, at noon, all day. The little dogs are the worst, it sounds like ewoks having domestic disputes.
  16. yeah, chess is my #1. My parents wanted to play board games last time I was home, and they busted out this game called Blokus. You try to take over as much of the board as possible, and block off other colors from being able to do the same. I wailed at this game, unstoppable, so naturally I am a fan. Come at me bro.
  17. I prefer the term "receptor slut" It certainly opens doors in your mind that you never asked to have opened. And doors you never even knew were in there. also the phrase 'inhibits inhibitory fibers' is really pretty terrible, is that something brain sciencers really say?
  18. that's not bad, as long as the animal actually did die while hanging out a car window
  19. lol, there is indeed a small amount of shame in using Figure and claiming the results as "a song I made" the app is fun but it's really gonna drive up the number of people who think they're electronic musicians because they can hold a button or wiggle their finger
  20. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, I like him just fine... but he's a mouth breather.

  21. chatmm used to give me the illusion of social antics even in my most incredible, last-minute failures of going out. it's so much nicer to pretend you have friends online than pay money to pretend you have friends in a bar.
  22. I think that's a pretty reasonable outlook; keep doing your thing man. I am not sure you are depressed, but the word has very wide meanings, and I am sure life is feeling frustrating beyond words at times. That's angst, and it cools off as the days go by...
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