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Everything posted by Atop

  1. hehehe, it's like your opinion man!
  2. Autopilot listens to and makes a shit ton of music.... If we made and listened to as much music as he does than we would know better than to listen to The Others.... Now you know Impotentwhitecapitalist! All kidding aside, I am not the biggest fan of The Others, but the fact that they have been around for a bit I give them props...... and to celebrate all of this I found an artsy video with two great producers within idm working together to make brutal dubtep>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVKBUV5S12A
  3. because why not? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  4. Atop

    LFO - Advance

    chills man, chills... Only fucking Bjork can set speakers on fire with her music.... thanks for that.... glad no one got hurt...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNd1Y4DcV3s
  6. La Roux being remixed by Last Japan, one of my favourite tracks ever as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj9kzSXEH2k
  7. and here is one of my favourite dubstep tracks ever, for my bros: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StBsXteaSnc
  8. It's like listening to Led Zeppelin (Coki is not as good though), they have a sound, each guitar line is similar but different and I could make out a Zeppelin track over any other rock bands with similar sounds... I can definitely pick out a Coki track over any other artists... yes I like what he does with filters and electronic music in general... all of your tracks sound like they were made by you....and this is what most musicians strive for, their own sound continue to have your own opinions AP...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGmjV9dnhuA
  10. Atop

    LFO - Advance

    Mark Bell is a bad ass.....!
  11. Nice track, dude needs to shut the fuck and this is how you show your love? by smearing mud and shit on things??? Nice....
  12. the other Gatekeeper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_4yU4mVz_M
  13. I wasn't on it quite that early....
  14. if you worked for them then you would have it all!!!
  15. indeed, you should be their pr guy Kaini...
  16. yes, that would be my favourite part about the film as well.... and the nudity, when I was 13.....witch sex
  17. Top Secret Willow Real Genius The Doors Heat something seems to be wrong with him these days that makes me feel uneasy watching him on screen....
  18. HAHAHA! If you are making fun, you did a great job of it because this track is fucking good!
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