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Everything posted by Atop

  1. Mannard. can't wait for the truth!!!! Come on Tool, BoC, and Aphex! This is the year. Let's do this! I was at the Dallas show in '94 when Maynard announced that his friend Bill Hicks had just passed away, and Maynard also mentioned he was sickened by this so much so that our gig wasn't going to be that great. It was great. The Flaming Lips and Failure opened for them. I nearly died in the mosh pit. Wayne Coyne was wrapped in christmas lights. #hardasstoolfannotassociatedwithtypicalidiotictoolfans Christians and Tool fans have a lot in common, most of them suck at being fans of what they love.
  2. Atop

    Now Reading

    I have 'Master of Space and Time' by Rucker and need to read it. Will do soon. I hear it is amazing. Yeah, check out 'Dr Adder' iep, ir anyone that loves cyberpunk/sci-fi. Was controversial at the time, published like seven years after it was written due to it being considered too violent, it is brilliant and extreme and has aged well/become relevant considering where we are now as a culture. The epilogue by PKD in it is awesome. He became friends with K W Jeter b/c of this novel being sent to him while Jeter had written while in college. 'Dr Adder' was his first novel and he wanted his literary hero to read it. K W Jeter is Kevin in 'VALIS'.
  3. Atop

    Now Reading

    zaphod, this book is mind bending: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr_Adder
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    truth! and welcome aboard
  5. Atop

    Now Reading

    thanks! Sounds like what I love in lit. Realism bores the shit out of me unless it has a slant on it, one in which I have never experienced first hand. I do not read or watch films to experience what I already do on a daily basis. It baffles me that people want more of this reality.
  6. Atop

    Now Reading

    sir yes sir! I have 'The Three Imposters' but have yet to read it, that story might be in this collection.
  7. Atop

    Now Reading

    I started this one after I read 'The Great God Pan', which I enjoyed a lot, but 'THOD' was such a different story I had to put it down. I will try again, was worried it would just meander the whole time. Thanks for the info.
  8. Yeah, I bet Cameron loves the Cocaine, not acid. Shit, he has definitely done acid at some point. He loves space way too much to not have. Most astronauts have partaken of acid. oh yeah and it looks like rubbish.
  9. one of the best shows ever...forever shows that I am wasting my life with: Community Fringe(if you love SCI-FI, watch this fucking show! It needs your support) The Office US Parks and Rec(Ron FUCKING Swanson) Workaholics Louie Star Wars The Clone Wars (fuck you! there are some great episodes) Tim and Eric New Girl Bob's Burgers Game of Thrones! Eastbound and Down(this season has been not so funny as much as completely fucked up) Homeland(can't wait for the new season) Dexter(6th season was not very good, this show should end this season and not in two seasons) Breaking Bad(new/last season is going to own your ass) Beavis and Butthead SNL It's Always Sunny Onion News Network(amazing!) Frontline BBC Arena BBC Storyville FUCK YOU TV! I HATE YOU! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ENTERTAINING NOW!!!?!!! I WANT MY LIFE BACK! *goes and reads words on a page of paper
  10. Atop

    Now Reading

    'The Magic Mountain' is supposedly amazing but long winded. I put it up their with 'Ulysses' as one of my old man books that I will read later in life.
  11. Atop

    Now Reading

    This just in: Philip Glass dislikes Borges! BURN HIM! HE'S A WITCH!
  12. I know, we're still months away. I've decided to make my own version by this Sunday. I think we have an android on our hands. Old Fred is back like a motherfudger. lol
  13. to counteract Fred's sound statements of fact (I am also getting 'Prometheus' anxiety) I am now completely expecting this film to suck ass butts. I would rather see 'Night of the Comets 2' directed by Tommy Wiseau. This movie will be terrible. I already feel better.
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