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EKT Plus
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Everything posted by Atop

  1. heheh you are nuts.....can't wait to see this in IMAX 36DD!
  2. agreed, very trippy and the most accurate/faithful PKD adaptation to date.
  3. Atop

    Now Reading

    I was thinking about reading this next, so I shall take this as a sign and do so..........I hear it is his most frightening novel. PKD felt that he shouldn't have written it, that is was some sort scourge he let loose on the world by writing it. All the more intriguing!
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    read this if you have not yet, nothing to do with Murakami, everything to do with Orwell and his influence for '1984', amazing book:
  5. LALOUX! Gandahar is one of the best films ever! Fantasic Planet is amazing as well........
  6. Heavy Metal 2000 was awful. There is a new one coming soon, supposed to be return to the original's feel. The Lord of the Rings Bakshi version, The Hobbit and The Return of the King Rankin/Bass version, Luke is dead on about Laloux, Time Masters is amazing as well....... most Miyazaki, cept for Kiki's Delivery service(very much for children), should count as shining examples of amazing animated psychadelic fantasy. some others: Atlantis, The Lost Empire. The Black Cauldron. Explorers. The Last Starfighter. Barbarella. David Lynch's Dune. Kenneth Anger's Inauguration into the Pleasure Dome and Lucifer Rising. Enter The Void. Performance. Behind the Green Door. The Visitor. Altered States. Pan's Labyrinth. The Secret of Nimh. Titan AE. Pink Floyd's The Wall. Fantasia. The Holy Mountain. The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen. Eraserhead. Wild At Heart. Lost Highway. Return to Oz. Akira. The Man Who Fell to Earth. Carnivale (TV series). Twin Peaks. and more that I cannot recall at the moment or has already been named in this thread.
  7. Atop

    Now Reading

    Welsh and Ballard are the same person?
  8. Atop

    Now Reading

    interesting thus far but a bit too tame for my tastes.....
  9. Atop

    Now Reading

    I wouldn't say offended, just repulsed at times. It is pretty gross. The art held within is worth the price of admission. I do not think the story is finished either, so I would not be surprised if we get some more. I guess the main disappointment is that he strays from Lovecraft in a sense that is very much uncalled for. I never have thought of Lovecraft as violent in the gory sense. Apparently Moore does. I would love to see more magick in Moore's work, and more cosmic materials in subsequent additions to 'Neonomicon'. Less nastiness, unless it involves the Old Ones destroying everything.
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