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Everything posted by Atop

  1. Atop

    Now Reading

    Yeah, he went to an extremely dark vista to write this one. I hope he makes it back. This is blowing my mind, as it should.
  2. Atop

    Now Reading

    thanks for letting me off easy LUDD.... anyhow, reading 'Neonomicon' by Moore and it is fucking disgusting, disturbing and not his best work by a mile, the art is quite awesome though if you are a Lovecraft fan.
  3. I agree with 'From Hell' being an amazing work, in all of literature, it being my favourite graphic next to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invisibles
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    A really great book, if you're into the dystopia thing you really should give it a shot. I lost my copy of it years ago which really sucks. i'll take your word for it.. Atop previously folowed up on my post and recommended the book but recently he inferred that I know nothing about "rock n roll" and tried to introduce me to Jimi Hendrix so when he recommended it I thought it must just be a good book for retards like him .... thanks Dan C. - i'll give it a look in I just figured you only listen to a 303 in your room while crying because of your shitty attitude. I didn't think you know nothing about rock'n'roll, I just figured you didn't know anything about fuck all. A tiny difference there TH'UDD, innit? I have impeccable tastes, never question my opinions.
  5. Yes indeed. This season so much more grit and survival and hectic human dilemmas. Exactly what a film or show about zombies should be. I think Darabont is still involved as a producer, just not writing. That one zombie was amazing though. You should stick to the Dexter thread, but good job with the spelling, You finally did it!
  6. thanks funkaholic, I love SBTRKT...his record is filled with high quality soul singing and amazing production. Check it!
  7. Atop

    Now Reading

    'We' is one of the greatest books I have ever read. Orwell read 'We' and then wrote '1984' as his response to the book. If you love '1984' then you need to read 'We'.
  8. Atop

    Now Reading

    nice, just ordered 'Lover Sex Fear Death', might have to get this if I still have a hankerin for some Process madness. The Heaven's Gate documentary was fun and I saw so many parallels between the cult in the film 'Martha Marcy May Marlene' and the Heaven's Gate Brigade. Yay CULTS! I would love a definitive book on the Heaven's Gate subject from Feral house or anywhere, what Applewhite was studying before he got serious and started infected people's minds with what I think he felt was the truth, the steps that led Peep to become so involved/faithful, perhaps there will be one someday, perhaps I need to write it. So many other duties first though. it was probably 'the Morning of the Magicians', of which I learned from 'Turn Off Your Mind'. It sparked so much paranoia. I just got that one in the mail. Have been skimming through it. The book that spawned Alex Jones and Art Bell. Crazy French people.
  9. Atop

    Now Reading

    amazing, thanks man. Even if it sucks I am sure there will some good visuals or possible sampling to be had.
  10. Atop

    Now Reading

    I have not, I will though. I did read the disinfo book "Turn Off Your Mind" and loved that. *orders iain and zeebeezee's recs* edit: here is my suggestion for you two, a broad spectrum of subjects discussed about the beginning of cult activities in America, an easy and entertaining, possibly enlightening read http://www.amazon.com/Madame-Blavatskys-Baboon-History-Spiritualism/dp/0805210245/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320095423&sr=8-1 anyone know of any good books on the Heaven's Gate cult?
  11. FLOL!!!! I agree, the show has diverted from the comics so much that it is a bit audacious, but I am liking the minimality of the show....fear, zombies, survival, run, quiet kill, paranoia, repeat SURVIVE DAMN YOU! the zombie dissection scene is gold, watch it again!
  12. Atop

    Now Reading

    oooh I am sold. You should see 'Martha Marcy May Marlene'. Best film about Cult activities that I have ever seen. Beautiful/frightening stuff. You should check 'Madame Blavatsky's Baboon' for further cult biographies. Fantastic book. to baph: Flatulence of the Dark about to read 'Dreams in the Witch House' by Lovecraft, and 'Neonomicon' by Alan Moore. Yay!
  13. Atop

    Now Reading

    I might have to order that book zeebeezee, I love cults. Scientology is especially fucked. Elrond Flubber looks like what I suppose Cthulhu's asshole would appear like. Operation Snow White should be known about by more persons. IRS infiltration scheme carried out by Scientologists in the 70's.
  14. the second episode scared the shit out of me....gave me a panicky feeling that almost led to a full blown panic attack, or maybe it is the fact that I just got dumped by my lady friend? Not sure but it fucked with me.
  15. Here ya go Will: http://percussionlab.com/sets/atop/dance_til_your_feet_become_your_legs_mix it's all in there.....
  16. very fucking satisfying, great record! µ
  17. Atop

    Now Reading

    'Thinking and Destiny' by Harold W. Percival http://www.thewordfoundation.org/PDF/T%26D_14th_ver01.pdf
  18. yay indeed, so looking forward to this!
  19. Atop

    Now Reading

    that book is unexplainable by conventional logic and I love it so much. I am reading Lovecraft and it is warping my mind. h e l p m e
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