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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Urgh,... I really cannot decide whether I like SIGN and PLUS, or not.... they don't set well with me yet.

    I find it hard to place them in the catalogue, they feel like bits of previous albums mashed together.  I have not felt that from previous autechre albums before.


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  2. 39 minutes ago, Braintree said:

    So I'm on season 2 of The Boys, and I'm enjoying it, but goddamn it makes me triggered-me-timbers. Antony Starr really does a great job of making me hate him.

    I finished season 2 last night, after Amazon gave me another month of prime for free.  End of episode 7 is a real head banger!

    Yeah, he is very hateable! Great series though.  Hope s3 arrives at some point, they seemed to wrap a lot of stuff up but there are plenty of obvious jumping points for the next iteration.


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  3. Tomorrow I am releasing a split C60 tape with my occasional collaborator and rave partner Plague Arish.



    We worked on this split over the last few months, inspired by trips to the ancient Wychwood Forest which included us busting out some live jams, one of which is included with the digital bonus content on the BC download.

    I approached my side of the split as a mixtape - its 10 sections all melded together and overlapped, rough beats, field recordings, poetry, noise, drone.. I had fun making this. 

    This is a totally DIY release.  We sourced blank tapes, dubbed them ourselves, made the O-cards and inserts.   Proper learning curve, looking forward to the next one already....


    Initial release of tapes are very limited as we have no idea how many will sell.  If they go, we will make up another batch.

    All proceeds going to SHELTER

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  4. Dunk Murphy of Sunken Foal fame has released a new album under the Supervene Minced Oath name.

    On first listen, its a very lush chilled / ambient / electronic affair, nice crispy percussion, layers and textures.... hence the album cover of rolling clouds and dawn light.



    One for my bandcamp Friday list next week.


    OMG favourite track is Prison Issue Pillow, so lush


    edit: Project is called Minced Oath! Found previous works by him under this moniker.



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  5. If this is billed as POP and kids use it as a gateway to other sounds, then that's cool by me.  I dig some of the production here, that Zora Jones track is listenable

    Without dubstep we wouldn't have Shackleton / Pearson Sound / Pinch / etc etc, so these new sub-genres need to come and go

  6. The Earthquaker Devices Afterneath v3 has finally hit UK shores and it flirts with my GAS very heavily.  Billed as an "otherworldly reverberation machine" this new version has a 9-mode toggle switch for selecting different reverb trail algorithms.   I also like the external voltage control they added.

    Whether this means I will be able to pick up a v1 or v2 cheaper on Reverb I dunno yet, I reckon they will hold their value pretty well but some existing owners may want to upgrade.  Looks lush imo.



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  7. The Astra Zeneca / Oxford vaccine can be stored in a normal fridge and is 70% effective from one does (which is still better than the normal flu jab) and over 90% after 1.5 doses.

    Game changer for rolling out across the world for developing countries - apparently it is already being manufactured in 10 places across the globe.  Science! Amazing.


    • Thanks 1
  8. So I was thinking / daydreaming about going to my first gig when they open up again properly....

    I could see myself standing front row in a dark nightclub, sweating and swaying to some phat techno beats from a DJ, and i'm crying tears of joy because the bass is so good and I haven't felt this free for what seems like ever.  I'm hugging my mate next to me, I've got a cold beer in hand and the strobe kicks in and I grin ear to ear and lose the plot.

    In reality, it probably won't be anything like that, but I hope to get to some small DIY shows in the spring.  There are a few decent venues in Oxford that I hope can open up with some live music.  Even if seated / distanced.  I really don't know how they are going to roll out nightclub openings again.  After mass vaccinations are in place I guess.

    Whatever happens, I cannot wait.  Live music is a part of what keeps my brain ticking and not experiencing it with other people has really got me down this year.

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