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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. On 2/20/2021 at 8:24 AM, Kid Lukie said:

    Been gettin' somewhat back into noise music this past little while. I always find I listen to it fairly religiously for a short while and then its off the radar for a few years. But always keep comin' back to it.

    This lil'doco I found is quite informative! Always like Hanatarash, and this guy's explorations into noise music are very quaint. The photography he uncovered from Hanatarash gigs is incredible!



    I was quite inspired for a short period of time by noise music. Was in a bad state at the time and noise music alleviated a lot of the pain.  I gave it a crack myself some years ago. Layered digitally mangled .jpgs in Audacity for this one: https://hansblixkrieg.bandcamp.com/album/journies-into-the-ultraviolent



    Haha, love the artist name! Yes, noise can offer a sort of cathartic release when used at the right time. 

  2. Just watched the Tom Hanks Netflix thing "News of the World" where he travels wild west Texas reading newspapers to racist policemen and outlaws, trying to get a young orphan native girl home, wherever that is. 

    Thought it was pretty good low brain energy food.

    Hanks / 10

  3. Great thread, and I suspect everyone will have their own wildly different top 10, such is the creative force of the mu. In no particular order;

    iTAL tEK - Cyclical

    Venetian Snares - Filth

    Eero Johannes - s/t

    Ceephax Acid Crew - United Acid Emirates

    iTAL - Dream On

    Last Step - Sleep (and the bonus tracks)

    The Gasman - The Grand Electric Palace of Variety

    Frog Pocket - Come on primates show your teeth!

    Boxcutter - Arecibo Message

    U-Ziq - Chewed Corners /xtlp

    Loads I've missed off and I could easily do a top 10 singles / ep list. Maybe later

  4. IMG20210206093326_00.thumb.jpg.bc01b46397d3ac5bfa3fcb2014e23f8b.jpg

    Recently moved to Devon and I'm loving seeing all the different types of birds that come to our new garden. We did the rspb birdwatch last weekend.

    All the usual for the UK;

    Pigeons, Blackbirds, robins, blue tit.

    Also had Jackdaw, Herring Gull, Magpie, Coal Tit, White Throat, Dunnock and my favourite spot in the photo above was a Goldfinch that didn't hang about for long 


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  5. On 2/6/2021 at 7:28 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Watmm Salvatorin tribute comp would be pretty awesome.  Just sayin'.


    I recorded a track over the weekend, inspired by personal feelings over Salvatorin's passing and drug / substance abuse in general.

    It is about 13 minutes long and is a strange interplay between ambience and noise - recorded live. I will stick it on soundcloud for all to hear unless a compilation is being considered and I can submit it there for consideration.  Love to all.



    Link is here if anybody wishes to listen.  I had strong feels making this track.



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  6. I made a new zine. 


    More noise / electronic / experimental sounds, with a nod to mental health and looking after yourself in these weird times.  Some great (imho) interviews that cover some intimate issues. Guest art, collage, diary pieces, ramblings from me.

    48 pages, black and white, printed on recycled paper... if you have any of my snarerush zines the format is very similar....

    Really enjoyed putting this one together.  Not sure if a one off or the start of something new.


    On 6/26/2020 at 10:05 PM, drillkicker said:

    Did you ever do that comp album ?

    Sorry, totally missed this reply.  No sorry, I still have the tracks sat on my hard drive.  I mothballed the snarerush project due to changes in job, plague / moving etc.... but back into the zine world now.  I might consider finishing that compilation off actually - I will email everyone who was involved and see what thoughts are on the submitted tracks....

  7. I'm shocked and saddened. Like many here, I found his comments and unique viewpoints a breath of fresh air and fun. A true counterpoint to my dry, dull posts.

    I feel truly sorry for his family who will be trying to deal with a terrible loss right now. 

    There is always help out there for you if you find yourself spiraling down a drug hole. If you feel you have nobody to talk to then message me, I'll see what I can do. 


    RIP Salvatorin I'm gonna make some music today












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  8. Woah, big move!

    I was not really a fan of the sound though, I sold my batch of CDs a few years back to pay for a drum machine.

    LP4-5 and 6-7 will be split tracks just like All End.


    but pretty cool, the original CDs were very nicely presented so I am sure this will be one for the collectors too.

  9. OK so not technically a new album... but it is kinda.

    Last Saturday of the month on Neon Hospice Radio, Ekoplekz presents Landfill Elektronikz... an hour of brand new tunes each month for the whole of 2021.

    Last nights inaugural episode can be found here:

    Some great tracks in here, a few droning longer pieces mixed up with weird dubby percussive stuff.... for fans of Ekoplekz (like me), this is a goldmine!

    Looking forward to seeing where the show goes throughout the year. 

    He mentioned on InstaG that he hopes one of the shows will be performed fully live, and that the tracks are being written as the year progresses not just archival stuff.  Also, he will not release any music anywhere else other than via this show.

    Will try and keep this thread updated as new shows become available.

    Also,,, loads of other good shows on Neon Hospice.  Bunnyhausen & Slav is a great show too.


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