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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. On 1/1/2021 at 1:40 PM, Amen Warrior said:

    I stayed in not drinking with my pregnant wife and watched alicia keys murder coldplay songs on bbc1. HNY


    God it was awful. She also slayed that Whitney Houston song too.

    • Haha 1
  2. Aspirations / resolutions for the year ahead?

    I just want to survive.

    But, personal goals:

    • Set up my home music / zine studio
    • Explore my new back garden which will be Dartmoor National Park (whoop)
    • Release more Soloman Tump music / refine my "sound" (I have some ideas on this)
    • Volunteer more often - which should be easier for me to achieve now....
    • Changing to an ethical bank - HSBC have really been the pits this year, im finally done with them.

    Big up watmm fam. Its been a tricky one. 

    • Like 8
  3. 35 minutes ago, TheBro said:

    Well I think my original point was a fair point. 228 plays on this girl's tune and over 28 comments in just a day!!! My tune by comparison has a mere 18 plays and has been up for 8 days and received no comments on Facebook. It may sound like I'm jealous but my only point was how unfair the bias is. I'm just asking for equal treatment - what's wrong with that?

    Maybe she has a big fanbase already? Maybe she posted it in loads of places other than on watmm? Maybe its a better track?

    Can you post both tracks in this thread, I need to form an unbiased opinion on which track is better.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, zero said:

    that's a good point. in the past 20 years or so, I can hardly think of anyone I've known who has gone to the UK on a vacation. the only people I can think of are people much older than me with pre-teen kids, who are at the age when they want to see all the London touristy stuff.

    I suppose it has a lot to do with the exchange rate. it's too expensive to go for the average American. and as mentioned, the Britannia thing wore off a long time ago.

    Oxford is full of tourists from all over the world.

    The colleges earn a mint from having ex-students visit and stay for a week, loads of Americans do it.

    1 hour ago, Enthusiast said:

    Possibly my last package from Amazon UK arrived today. It's been one hell of a ride.

    My last Amazon package arrived in November, and Im still living here ?

    I've binned them off now. Good luck Bezos.

  5. There is definitely a trend of female DJ's being in demand and this is a GOOD thing.  Most of them are deserve the attention and plaudits that they receive - but there are definitely a few showboaters who are just in it for the fame / instagram likes / sponsors.  The same can be said for the male DJ world though. 

    I guess what I am trying to say is: I'm all about equality.  If you are good at the job, then there should be no reason why you cannot succeed at it.



    Also, lol at "us guys" in the opening sentence, confirming that watmm is a male dominated landscape. Which is sad really, it would be great to see more diversity on this board from all persuasions.

    • Like 3
  6. 17 minutes ago, azatoth said:

    So will this deal allow me to keep ordering records from the UK without paying customs whatever other fees

    Yes, I believe so.  But don't quote me on it. I've not read the 2000 page draft deal which still needs to pass the house of commons and the house of lords before next Friday. 

  7. And in amongst the plague chaos, I am moving this weekend.  A chain of 5 properties all trying to move nontheless! Madness.  Been trying to do it all year.  Dang you Nurgle.

    All it will take is for one person to get covid / need to self isolate, including movers, solicitors, estate agents and our families... and the whole thing could fall apart.

    This has been the most stressful thing I have had to do in years, but the end result should be a better life and less work stress.

    Hold tight, see you on the flip side.

    Also: I realise there are shedloads of people in worse off situations than me.  Just needed to vent. Stay safe / strong.

    • Like 4
  8. Still holding out for the Qebrus & Tom Middleton collab stuff to maybe one day get released. Who knows.

    The lorn album the recent digital EPs have been teased from

    Andy Stott

    +1 for Demdike Stare

    Venetian Snares has been very quiet lately. I would eat up new sounds from him. 

    • Like 1
  9. It was inevitable that the negotiations would go down to the last minute.  Even without COVID this would have happened as the EU do not want us to leave with a favourable deal lest others wish to follow us.

    Sure our leadership hasn't helped - but I don't see how a different party or leadership would have been able to do any better tbh.




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