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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. 11 hours ago, kakapo said:

    Vlad's got a real talent, I thought the Lyra might have been a one off and that the pulsar23 would just be some mad slavic noise machine suitable only for awful 90s russian industrial bands but I've heard some good stuff from it.

    Pulsar23 is my ultimate GAS lust

  2. On 7/30/2020 at 7:36 PM, TubularCorporation said:

    The aluminum case is supposed to be connected to ground, that's what shields it from RF interference.  Maybe when you touch it you're LIFTING the ground in some way.


    So in the interest of science I took this pedal apart.

    On the PCB there was a 5-terminal block that had a 2 pronged wire "thing" in, and a 3 pronged wire "thing". I wiggled them and the 3 pronged thing was VERY loose, like, it fell out at the slighted touch.  I doubled over the wires and pushed it in tight.  I tightened up the 1/4" connectors, put it back together, and hey presto! Fully working DIY Valhalla Fuzz pedal.  Was chuffed at sorting that out.

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  3. Ive got a great fuzz pedal that someone hand built a few years back, but every time you touch the aluminium outer case it creates a deep HUMMMMM

    I have limited diagnostic skills, but i'm guessing that is a stray wire inside and it's earthing out when I touch it?

    Can anyone help? I can take the pedal apart and have a look.. if it is just a wire I can probably sort it out, but could it be something else?

  4. 7 minutes ago, BCM said:

    we know these figures aren't accurate and include anyone who ever had covid-19, even if they then recovered and were hit by a bus - still counted as a covid death.

    as soloman said, lol statistics.

    Agreed, and we know Covid has pillaged its way through the country's care homes, where most people would have underlying health conditions to start with (that's the reason they need caring for)

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, bendish said:




    Lol @ statistics.

    Yes it looks shit for us, with 300000 confirmed cases and 45000 dead, but relatively under control.

    But Brazil have over 2000000 confirmed cases, 82000 dead and rising fast.

    Which country would you prefer to be in?



    But lets be honest, its still shit.

  6. On 7/15/2020 at 7:47 PM, markedone said:

    for those not familiar, huntington beach is (relative to the rest of CA and LA metro) a white, wealthy, politically conservative enclave.  just to explain how they were able to find so many stupid fucks.  that said... still :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

    Dude wearing the MULCH T-shirt has his fucking nose poking out from the top of the mask :facepalm:

    Therefore, not sure if this video is a double-bluff irony test

  7. I pop in semi regularly, leave a message for myself, then check back a day or so later and see that either

    a) nobody has replied, or

    b) nobody has even been in to the room

    I guess with more people using a dedicated client / app these days (such as discord) the requirement for a web-based chatmm has dwindled.

  8. 15 hours ago, Gocab said:

    I've been thinking about going back and watching some early 2000s Asian horror films lately, so the timing of Ju-On: Origins on Netflix was optimal. Only three episodes deep, but it's sufficiently creepy if you're drawn to this sort of thing. Pacing is pretty tight so far, episodes are only 30 minutes long and pack in a lot of stuff. The ghost/spirit looks kind of silly (standard pale long haired woman) but screen time is minimal, and her toes are decent.  

    End credit clip and song is excellent.

    Sweet, was not aware of this. 

  9. Slowly working through season 3 of Dark.  Slightly frustrating yes, but I prefer to spread episodes out a few days at a time even though its all there waiting for me to binge.

    Overall has been a GREAT series though.  The music / sound and lack of obvious plot holes alone is well worth the watch!  SO glad they planned for 3 series, filmed 3, and called it a day.  I can imagine execs clambering for them to make more but it would completely fuck with the story that they have so far told extremely well.

  10. Alan pls


    Preview track is heavy. One minute its dark and brooding, then the next some beautiful icicle melodies shimmer in and the balance is restored.  Powerful use of pauses contrasted with pressured bass.  It hurts so much I feel like I am in a boomkat bio.  Thanks.

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