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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I would also add:

    Noise Receptor - fantastic journal (definitely not a zine!) full of interviews and reviews surrounding industrial / noise / ambient / drone / electronics.  Really worth a read if you are into any of that.  Also check out the mammoth Spectrum Compendium that was released last year, cataloguing all of the 90s Spectrum zines by the same author.

    Dialtone Aggressor - Noise based zine from Florida USA, interviews, gig reviews, photos, gear chats.


    Since working on SnareRush, I have collated quite a network of contacts who make zines, it is a really interesting underground culture.

    • Like 3
  2. 26 minutes ago, no part of it said:



    Live recording of a 6-channel loudspeaker concert of improvised electronic music, November 14th 2010 at Äänen Lumo - Festival for New Sounds at Myllysali, Suomenlinna Island, Helsinki. No editing, no mixing has been applied to this recording. All spatialization was part of the live performance.

    Niiiice, I only have a stereo speaker setup at present though.... is the DVD version recorded in 5.1?

  3. Well it happened, and the lights are still on.


    Can't wait for the first anti-Brexit headlines to appear!

    Brexit causes cancer!

    Brexit leads to accelerated erosion of Dover cliffs!

    Brexit gives you Coronavirus!


  4. CoronaVirus confirmed in the UK, 2 cases (people in the same family)

    Flight from China due to arrive here in about 4 hours.  My office is literally 20m from the perimeter fence of RAF Brize Norton, so I intend to self isolate and make IDM for the next fortnight.

  5. Quote

    Two flights to Japan have already landed in Tokyo. Three passengers have so far tested positive for the virus, Japanese media report

    How many people on board these 2  flights? Maybe 400 max? I would say 3 (so far) is quite a high % and very worrying to show how far this thing is spreading!


    Also... does this now mean that everyone else on those flights could potentially test positive in 2 weeks time?

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