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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Just started watching "The Return" again, binged episodes 1-4 the other night and I REALLY loved it.  The awkward bits felt even more awkward, the funny bits made me LOL IRL and the freaky bits still made me feel uneasy.  The call back to the first 2 series also hit home in a harder way.  Great tv.  Cannot wait to carry on watching it. 

    Oscar for Michael Cera


  2. So the secondary school a few miles from us was shut down today with a suspected CV case. Deep clean and re-open Monday is current plan. A kid came back from family skiing trip in Italy at the weekend....

     I used to go to that school when I was a young un.

    Its here! 

  3. Kinda related but;

    A friend of mine flew from UK to Seattle earlier this month for a Microsoft conference.  He basically sat in on a bunch of powerpoint presentations and nailed loads of food / drinks on company expenses.  I said to him, "couldn't it just be done via webinars, like most other people?" and his reply was yes of course, but Microsoft paid for it. 

    Pretty sure conferences like this will become a thing of the past if Coronavirus takes hold globally.  "Essential travel only" should help curb disease spread, and also really make a difference on CO2 emissions, as pointed out above.  Didn't Microsoft declare they would become Carbon Neutral / Negative? Cancelling stuff like this will go a long way to helping.

    • Like 1
  4. Oblibion with Bells is a subtle and glorious album.  I consider "Beautiful burnout" as one of the standouts on there, and the weird "Ring Road" superbly catchy and could have been a solo track by Karl Hyde to be honest...

    ...which brings me to solo Edgeland project which I adore.  Very catchy poetic work, and underrated for sure.

    Wasn't too keen on the Iggy Pop collaboration. 

    • Like 1
  5. So very sad ?

    His ear for melding genres was impeccable, Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport for example. Amazing sounds. 

    Primal Scream, Loaded. Christ, such a tune that propelled indie into thr eorld of acid house. 

    The sabres of paradise remix of Chemical Brothers, Leave Home... Such an inspiring mix.

    And then the mix CD he did for fabric, number 19. Seminal. Probably one of the ones I've listened to the most. 

    DJ set I've seen of his over the years.... Fabric room 3 for 3 hours, immense evening. Houghton 2018 he played a 4 hour set and i was there for it all. I never caught any of the A Love From Outer Space gigs with Sean Johnson and I wish i had. The events at Corsica Studios were hailed as fairly legendary.


    Gutted this evening.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

    Didn't snarerush feature that Qebrus interview? Good read as far as I 'member. Somehow I cannot find it anymore, though

    Yes, it was a weird and beautiful thing.

    I e-mailed Sam Fez (Love Love) trying to see if I could contact qebrus after the release of the awesome ᐔ ᐌ ᐂ ᐍ ᐚ

    Eventually got an email address for him, and it was really cool that he replied and was keen on answering my questions and supporting my little project. I just did a reprint of that issue of the zine a couple of months ago, and its sold out again already.

    Really honoured to have swapped 1's and 0's across the internet with him.

    Ref:- Stickers.  New Snare/Rush stickers coming soon!


    Another one to recommend, Special Interests from Finland is all about the experimental, noise, power electronics, drone and doom.  Great black and white zine, was an A5 style book but in the last issue they have switched it up to an A4 size.  Full of what you would expect - collage artwork, interviews, reviews, gig photos, dread and damnation.


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  7. On 2/8/2020 at 2:25 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Wyrd Daze is a good one, and available as a free PDF:


    Nice, will look into that.

    Are you aware of Northern Earth?

    Archaeology / folklore / environmental history... ignores religion and political agendas.  Quite refreshing to read! Mainly UK based findings but there are field reports from across the globe. I took a subscription out, £9 for 4 issues (1 year).  Good reading, really interesting. 

    • Thanks 1
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