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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. drone.thumb.jpg.494d74d712945f9f9a160a383392e174.jpg


    I have been making drones.  It is fun and productive.

    From right to left:

    Modified Electro Faustus Blackfly with plates and wire for creating sounds

    Valeton Distortion for amplification and crunch

    Electro Harmonix Freeze for holding specific sounds to add a drone layer

    Pladask Elektrisk Fabrikat for feedback / looping / EQ /. granulation

    DOD Stereo Flanger to give me stereo output and control

    • Like 5
  2. On 11/4/2019 at 7:40 PM, rhmilo said:

    So what are we looking at? I recognize a Neutron, a Volca kick and a mixer, but the rest? The pic is a bit blurry.


    Ahh sorry I only just saw this.

    Yeah I was purposefully trying to get everything in synch, which I managed to do with the Hosa Knucklebone, so very useful.

    In the photo you have:


    Kick going into the Neutron with a generative "Krell" patch feeding into the Boss Super Octave then the Pladask Eletrisk Fabrikat (algorithmic granuliser)


    Bottom left chain is a weird spring machine I made, with a pickup attached to a piece of slate that I can scrape with a nail.  Into a distortion, fuzz and a obne black fountain delay pedal chain.  Sounds hideous right? Can make some pretty wicked drones with this. 


    Right of the mixer is a clarinot clone pedal (lo-fi loop / scrapes / weird percussion) going into the Moody Sounds baby box which is a weird delay / feedback / noise / dunno unit that I love / loathe in equal measures.  Fairly unpredictable and HOT but a fun hands on box of tricks to play with.


    Finally, top left box is a Blackstar Tube Reverb - nice warm reverb sounds.  I have this going through the aux loop of the mixer


    Basically, a big fucking noise.  Sometimes it sounds great, sometimes its all too chaotic but I have a good time trying to keep control of it all.

  3. Dug up this old thread as it seemed apt to my current situation.

    Been suffering with depression and such over the past few years, have sought help and am making changes to my lifestyle as well as my work... so I've handed my notice in and looking to move in 2020.

    New job, new location, new whatever comes my way.  Not sure if totally a midlife crisis but seems that way - although I appear to be digging my way out of the mire.

    Currently looking at buying some woodland where I can build a log cabin, set up some solar panels and use it as a recording studio / makeshift home.  Hahahahaaaaa

    • Like 2
  4. My GAS has given way, and I am purchasing an RMA Mudlark

    It is essentially a 2 stage gain unit fuzz with EQ control plus feedback / gating effects.  I think.  Plus you can choose whether you get the gain or EQ before it reaches the fuzz, and if it feedsback or not. 

    Basically its a hot noisy box of destruction and I can't wait to fire my Volca Kick or BlackFly through it ?

    I am hoping it can replace the distortion and fuzz units I have, minimising my kit


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