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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. ^ don't remember seeing that on the blu ray box. But they've mentioned Jeffries plenty so far this series I'm sure he has to feature.
  2. Lynch on how to watch new TP: I've not been doing headphones, and if I get too close to the telly I get headaches. Usually dim the lights anyway. Might try headphones though.
  3. Overheard someone saying how the heat was unbearable in their office after the air con unit broke down. Fuck you office worker.
  4. Well it kinda makes sense. If all the other brothers are gone then he had to take over. He makes a point of saying it's been in the family for 50 odd years. My favourite new character is still the 119 junkie mom. I keep hearing her sqwarky voice in my head... One one niiiinneeee
  5. Ok can't edit the above post, so here's another one. Who is the tramp like guy dressed in black who appeared at the mortuary? We last saw him sat in a cell next to the school teacher who got framed for the murder.
  6. The lore goes that the log lady had a run in with the "owls" 25 years before the events of Series 1, her fella ended up in the spirit world. Its all in the recent book by Mark Frost and I guess Hawk has something big to do with all this - "his people" have been dealing with the spirit world for hundreds of years and this was the clue that the Log Lady gave him.
  7. It's showed a red traffic light and a crackle of electricity could be heard.... right before he ran the kid over.
  8. Fuck, the car crash scene made my wife cry. (post baby hormones, not ideal tv viewing!) The thing with TP is that it is so unpredictable. You see the kid playing in the park with his mum and you just think well NO they won't go there will they? And the old trailer park guy boasting how he's smoked for 75 years and he's still alive... and you think yeah maybe its your turn now... then bop
  9. Wonder if its anything to do with the evolution of the arm, which cackles with electricity. Also the police officers flashlight was not working properly when they found a bit of manflesh in the boot of the car - which was possibly the work of evil coop?
  10. If I got the key, and I got the secret, if the key is to another place, then the secret is another place?

  11. I can confirm that BookaShade are in indeed a class act
  12. https://soundcloud.com/feltch/rushey-lock A new noisy bleepy thing, taking inspiration from Ekoplekz, wAgAwAgA and Seefeel. This is a "straight from jam" recording, no editing / tweaking / etc. I like to keep it RAW. Quite enjoying getting back into this music making malarky.
  13. Yep, used in Alien3. Perhaps it was a nod to that? I dunno. I feel like I'm not missing anything by not seeing this, so I'll wait until it turns up on my Now.tv box
  14. Exactly this.When I first clocked it was Cera I thought "oh no this is gonna be terrible". Then as I realised the T&E-esque scene that was unfolding I was irl lol-ing until I was crying, I had to pause it at the end to regain my composure. my god that scene was incredible. His pseudo-impediment, his dialogue, his delivery, their reactions ... If I die immediately after this series has finished, that scene will definitely ensure my life was worth living I love the way Andy and Lucy just stare adoringly at him
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