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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. haha yes, or Gordon rolls into Twin Peaks in the last episode and just gets his car filled up, pays Ed, then leaves
  2. omg this makes it even more funny ! have to watch these scene again that guy was hilarious every time he put his glasses back like wait a second... Also the fact that his desk is right in front of a door. And neither of them move during the entire scene. All points towards a dream state / alternative place. Is Audrey trapped in a lodge / still in a coma?
  3. The Notorious B.L.T Breadman Ferrero Monch Rootbeer Manuva
  4. I enjoyed how frustrating this episode was. The Sarah Palmer scenes were great - the fan, the shop meltdown, probably having the delivery boy tied up in the house (is Mr C there?) And Audrey getting frustrated with her freaky husband was probably a dig towards the fans for getting frustrated at her not being in the show until episode 12. Loads of cool little bits - Dougie getting a ball chucked at him was ace. If he has a relationship with his son now then I guess when he turns back to being Cooper he will keep this family? Will be get Dougie vs. Mr C in the final episode? Also saw a rumour that David Bowie recorded a track for the final episode credits from the club. Probably wild speculation - but that would be amazing and sad.
  5. *buys 4 copies of the same Aphex twin cassette tape at a festival* *Heads out Monday morning to buy a Walkman"
  6. Lana Del Rabies is a noise artist from Arizona. I'm thinking of compiling the best "real" bad artist names for a future issue of snare/rush zine.
  7. Listening to the field day LP for the first time was a rather great experience, especially hearing the tracks that were part of the live stream.
  8. Great EP, don't really need to buy it again though (already got the compilation track). Lol at his comment about inventing bronies.
  9. Snoop hot Dogg Can of drink Lamar M&Ms
  10. Best theory I've seen:- Candie is to Laura what Dougie is to Cooper, staring into space and being guided by the white lodge.
  11. Yeah, he was great. He helped contribute to the soap opera parody and surreal reality of the original series. Plus the scene with Major Briggs describing his vision to Bobby was one of the best scenes of the entire series. I wonder if that was the turning point in his life, as soon after his dad went awol. Went on the straight and narrow, joined the police, searched for his dad, probably went digging into project bluebook, proposed to Shelly etc.
  12. Another actual band playing in town soon: Semi-urban Fox
  13. New 4-part "EP" vomited up onto soundcloud in the last hour or so. Slightly more "techno" in terms of structure but still very much experimental noise. Have been tinkering with my setup to get best results as I now have the turntables in use so i'm sampling records on the fly and looping them into the mess. This probably still needs mastering as its very much RAW live from the jam so I will get round to doing that at a later date. Also I think a video of my process would be helpful so I may record one of those soon too. https://soundcloud.com/soloman-tump/sets/the-litigation-extension-ep
  14. Wonder if the webstore is different everytime you log in. Maybe it's run off an algorithm like the countdown clock. Certain tracks come and go at different times. Just a thought?
  15. And the 119 lady, love her. Also, I can't wait for Hawk to start making phonecalls to get the bookhouse boys back together. This show needs Big Ed back in town.
  16. Bleeps customer services email account will have some sweet numbers in it the next days
  17. About to embark on a 2 hour drive, armed with the field day and Tuss WAVs. Glorious.
  18. Was waiting for this day so I could hear the Field Day LP. I don't do bootlegs so this is basically awesome.
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