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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Would be fun if "Shit Smothered" was a wink toward WATMM ^^
  2. Nice ! And I really hope he'll unleash 2015 tracks as you mention it on your cover
  3. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/9-leeds-orbit
  4. It seems like RDJ is playing some kind of Minecraft with his track collections : "oh, diamonds ! And there, other diamonds ! I need to go deeper !".
  5. Yeah sounds a lot like the 54 Cymru Beats voice :)
  6. 2 tracks uploaded with a one minute gap... It's getting hard (and Fork Rave is amazon !)
  7. when he tagged the diskhat ALL mix as '1/483', i have a feeling he wasn't lying What you're implying there is complete insanity i want you to know that heheuhueuehe also: notice 'bellbrk' is tagged as #aphex instead of the usual #afx ! Would be awesome if the hashtags really coincided with the monikers he chose at the time of making these tracks to potentially release them...I mean, it would be like : "OK, done with the crappy AFX stuff. LET'S HAVE SOME APHEX ACID" Edit : and by "crappy" I mean "amazing"
  8. Oh and about that chronological-releasing theory : have you noticed that the last 3 or so tracks were all made from 89 to 91 :D ? Nice change of mood after the ICBYD/RDJ fest we had previously !
  9. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/bellbrk EDIT : link fail Re-EDIT : the causticwindow guy manage to comment the tracks almost on the second they're out - that's kind of creepy/interesting !
  10. 2tone is amazing indeed... And I'm intrigued by that caustic window account commenting ":]" on almost every track !
  11. The 70's tune is a banger. If this is what Richard talked about when he mentioned a dancey album, I'm totally in !!!
  12. Well, since he's not releasing this under the Aphex Twin moniker...
  13. The P-String chord progression is awesome ! Would have been the real perfect closer to ICBYD imho
  14. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/11-slo-bird-whistlepeel-sesh ^ that one is amazing. Never listened to the AFX Peel Session (or just one time in a very poor quality).
  15. ofcourse. I can't tell if it's yelling or something being dragged in the vault throughout the track. thought he mentioned something about dragging a chair & recording it...or was that clark? Yeah that was Clark - a website made a whole interview of him about that chair sound iirc. But that could be a chair as well !
  16. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/11-early-morning-clissold Oh dear God And yeah I guess that's the 36 Clithole Crescent thing !
  17. I feel like I can't go further in KSP anymore (speaking about the career mode here) : missions are not that hard but I don't have the appropriate material to finish them, thus I don't earn science points and I can't get the appropriate material. I guess I'm gonna build ridiculous spacecrafts in the sandbox mode from now on.
  18. I really hope he didn't stop posting tracks only because Pitchfork, The Wired etc. started spreading the word about it
  19. In which track was that "All humanoids must die" sample ? 54 cymru beats Ah thanks mate ! Wouldn't have guess it myself
  20. In which track was that "All humanoids must die" sample ?
  21. 4hrs 38mn EDIT : btw I think/hope it's not over, but Richard has the right to rest a bit too lol
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