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Everything posted by Stock

  1. I woke up sick as hell that morning, but it's the first time I'm happy about it. Probably gonna lurk WATMM and Soundcloud all day long
  2. LP around march/april. source: booth. If it's not delayed, of course. If it stays on track for then, we should get some kind of announcement pretty damned soon... Meanwhile, in Warp HQ... "sup steve we have new LP ready when can you release it m8 ?" "hem guys the problem is...Richard just sent me 24 EPs to release so our schedule is filled up till 2017" *sound of a man laughing in a tank*
  3. Hey guys I just remembered that January 28th was the "Stay-In-Bed-Listening-To-Unreleased-AFX-Day" !!! I'm sure my boss will understand.
  4. Yeah exactly ! Let's just hope he won't give up on releasing stuff for the next 10+ years after that. I want to believe that it's just the beginning of something !
  5. I guess so yeah. And I'm even more impatient to figure what the "imminent shit" will be !
  6. Almost as mesmerizing as Acrid Avid Jam Shread to me
  7. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/3-gerald-remix hell yeah ! is it a gerald donald remix ?
  8. I'm getting Second Bad Vilbel vibes from the "Dance2thebeat" track. It's like an awesome Ae vs Afx track. I'll never go to sleep tonight.
  9. entirely possibleish If THAT was what the chinese programmer was working on...
  10. The account that posted all these tracks posted to the Aphex official soundcloud with a weird comment saying they would be releasing tracks and then the aphex official count replied to it. People checked it out, and it turned out to most likely be aphex dumping a bunch of tracks. Thanks for the explanations mate ! My brain's melting.
  11. The Donkey Rhubarb remix is bringing me on my knees...I feel like I'm rediscovering RDJ all over again.
  12. And just to satisfy my curiosity : could somebody explain very quickly to me how this SC profile was found and how you knew it was AFX pls ?
  13. aye, could be anything Sounds like the perfect transition between ICBYD and RDJ Album to my ears !
  14. exactly what I did...Now it's 1AM and I don't think I'll go to bed soon... Sam's car is blowing my mind. No doubt on whether it's RDJ or not
  15. Done ! But my previous, hard earned points won't count in the WATMM team...I guess I'll have to fold harder ! (and yeah the page don't seem to be active as of right now)
  16. I installed F@H on my laptop. Used to fold proteins on an old PC and when I created my profile I used the same nickname as before and just found out that I already had 21k points Shall we found a WATMM team ?
  17. A friend of mine offered me the "enhanced edition" of The Witcher 2 like two years ago but I never found the will to start it - maybe that's because I never played the first episode...I shall try it tho, I've been a huge RPG fan for years but now the genre mostly bores me...
  18. I pissed my gf off mostly because i've been drinking and playing video games all the week-end without her. I feel kind of stupid now and don't really know how to properly apologize
  19. A record store in my town has a vinyl copy of Exai, they're solding it for almost 60€ but it's really tempting...Maybe I could finally spin this album a little more - I never really listened to it intensively like I did with other Ae albums
  20. Been playing Hammerwatch all night long with friends, really cool game, if you like the old-school action-RPG kind of thing. Very pretty, kind of hard to go through : a nice challenge and a good game overall !
  21. Does your turntable have an anti-skate adjustment on it? Yes. But maybe I should have a look at it and see how I can configurate it better. I guess I'll have to take my turntable with me on my next bus ride to my record store !
  22. I guess a mastoidectomy is just about the bone whereas your sternocleidomastoid is a muscle and is most likely to hurt you mostly because of its inner muscles than because of the bones it connects. Don't know if you'll understand me, I suck at explaining things in English lol. FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM but I'd like to hear ending tracks TO THE END FFS). If anybody has an idea of what might cause me all that trouble ...(the needle perhaps ?)
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